Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 661: Xu Qing’s Amnesia Domain

Chapter 661: Xu Qing’s Amnesia Domain

In the Moonrebel Congregations Paramount Temple, the Captain sounded puzzled, and more than that, anxious.

How could this be happening? My past life body is incomplete! Little Ah Qing, do you know how important kidneys are to a man? My kidney! Without it, I cant be considered a complete man! Whats even more important is that the missing kidney was one I focused a lot of attention on improving in my past life. Its incredibly important! Incredibly valuable!

The Captain in the totem seemed furious, and was gnashing his teeth as if he had lost the dearest of friends.

It was definitely some narrow-minded degenerate who was jealous of my precious kidney and used it to power up! Dammity damn damnation! If I cant fix this situation, then on a personal level, Im fine with it. But its going to affect our big job! My past life body is missing a part of itself….

The Captain was clearly very anxious.

Meanwhile, a strange expression had appeared on Xu Qings face as he thought back to that time he was in a valley in the west of Moonrite, and ran into a clay fox. That clay fox had offered to give him a kidney…. [1]

With that thought in mind, Xu Qing hesitated for a moment, then said, Eldest Brother, how many kidneys did your past life body have?

Two, of course! Im human, and my past life body is human. Dont all humans have two kidneys? What, do you have three or something? The Captain looked more closely at Xu Qing.

Ignoring the look in the Captains eyes, Xu Qing asked another question. Can you sense the other one?

Yeah! The other kidney is in the east in a godchild chasm. It got turned into fertilizer, but I can still sense it. The Captain suddenly realized something was going on. Eyes glittering brightly, he looked at Xu Qing with anticipation in his eyes. Whyd you ask me that, little Ah Qing? Dont tell me youve actually seen my missing kidney!

Xu Qing didnt respond at first. He took time to think back to the kidney the clay fox had shown him. Finally, he looked at the Captain, who was stewing in his anxiety and getting more and more nervous.

Eldest Brother, is the kidney you lost the color gold, crescent-shaped, and covered with magical symbols? Xu Qing looked at the Captain.

The Captain got so excited the totem started vibrating. Yeah, thats the one! Its golden! You saw it, little Ah Qing?

After some more thought, Xu Qing explained what happened with the clay fox.

The Captain was surprised by the story, to the point where he inhaled sharply. Youre telling me that some clay fox wanted you to eat my kidney to replenish yourself?

I didnt eat it, Xu Qing said calmly.

Why not? If youd eaten it, then I could extract it. But now…. The Captain clearly had some very mixed feelings. Eventually, he sighed. Besides, little Ah Qing, that clay fox is nothing to take lightly. She has my kidney, yet I cant sense it at all. That indicates shes extremely extraordinary. I dont have any memory of someone like that in my past life. Based on what youre describing, she was sitting in a shrine. Thats how gods operate! [2]

Xu Qings gaze hardened. He had been able to tell from the beginning that there was something very mysterious about that clay fox.

She pulled out a lot of valuable things, and also mentioned that someone gave her that kidney, the Captain continued. If thats true, it just goes to show that shes definitely not an ordinary person. Is it really possible that clay fox is a god? As the words came out of the Captains mouth, he shivered and seemed to get even more angry than before. If shs a god, then where did sh come from? And why take my kidney, huh? Ai…. I suppose its really my fault. I guess I refined my kidney into something that was just too amazing. It even caught the attention of a god!

The Captain was feeling a mix of emotions that ranged from helplessness to anger to pride. Finally, he looked at Xu Qing with wide eyes. Xu Qing, what if you

Eldest Brother, Xu Qing interrupted, if youre missing something, then youre missing something. You still have one left, right? It seems to me that youre just as complete as youve always been.

Xu Qing turned to leave. He knew exactly what the Captain had been about to ask him.

Wait, little Junior Brother! the Captain blurted anxiously. Little Junior Brother, this relates directly to our big job! Cant you make a bit of a sacrifice? If that clay fox is really a god, youll probably benefit a lot by doing this!

Xu Qing ignored him and kept walking away.

Little Ah Qing, this relates to all the living beings in the Moonrite Region! Of even greater significance, it relates to my future! Leaving my kidney in the hands of someone who doesnt understand its history is a potential calamity waiting to happen! Whats more, if Im missing a kidney, Im not complete, and it means I cant summon my body back into one place!

It was very unusual to see the Captain acting so openly anxious.

Xu Qing could tell that the Captain really was getting flustered. He stopped walking. Thinking back to what happened with the clay fox, he got the impression that the clay fox had brought that kidney out with the express purpose of making sure he saw it.

Little Ah Qing, that clay fox probably showed you that kidney on purpose. And the fact that the fox wasnt hostile at all makes it seem like sh wants you to go find hr…. You know what? Forget it. If you dont want to help, then your Eldest Brother will just deal with the pain and suffering. Except this way, I might not be able to live up to my promise to travel the world with you…. The Captain let loose a long sigh, and his expression was one of deep loneliness.

Xu Qing nodded. Good. Thanks, Eldest Brother.

He started walking again.

The Captain was initially stunned, then quickly gave a sarcastic laugh.

Xu Qing stopped walking and looked back at the Captain. Ill see what I can do.

Now thats my little Junior Brother! the Captain said excitedly. Now that Xu Qing had agreed to help, he felt a lot better. In fact, he believed that as long as Xu Qing was willing to help, it was a guarantee that he would get his kidney back.

Xu Qing sighed and left. When he reappeared in the back room of the Green Spirit Pharmacy, he was already mulling over ways to deal with the situation with the clay fox. Eventually, a blank expression appeared in his eyes. Frowning, he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

So, how am I supposed to trigger a will domain of amnesia?

He closed his eyes and thought about it for a time, then sent himself back into D-132. His nascent soul was no longer touching the gods finger; instead, there was some distance between them. Eventually, he did some more tests by having his nascent soul go and touch the finger. Soon, his expression went blank again.

Time passed as Xu Qing continued to study amnesia and memories. Every time his nascent soul touched the finger, the combination of destiny aura and misfortune would cause him to go blank. Only after the two separated would he eventually go back to normal.

As for everyone else in the medicine shop, things seemed completely ordinary.

The only difference was the Heir Apparent, whose facial expression seemed to become more and more odd as the days went by. At the moment, he was just sitting there holding his cup of tea and looking at Nethersprite.

Ning Yan was scrubbing the floor, while Linger worked on the accounts and Wu Jianwu spouted poetry. Li Youfei gripped a sword as he kept an eye on everyone coming and going. Nethersprite tended the boiling water.

However, while Ning Yan usually scrubbed the floor seven or eight times, today he had already mopped more than fifty times, yet didnt seem to realize it. Linger seemed to be calculating the same part of the accounting book over and over again…. Wu Jianwu was repeating the same lines of poetry. Li Youfei just stood there in place, apparently completely unaware that anything unusual was going on. Nethersprite had a blank look on her face. She had just realized that the water was already boiling. Meanwhile, the Heir Apparents tea cup was full, leaving nothing for her to do.

Unlike everyone else, she could sense something unusual. Struggle appeared in her eyes, and then she started breathing heavily as she looked around the medicine shop at everyone else.

Whats going on? she murmured, looking suspiciously at the Heir Apparent, and then the back room, where Xu Qing was working on his cultivation. Theres a strange power coming from where that little punk is working on cultivation. Is it making me lose my memories? Nethersprite felt shaken to the core.

This is the ninety-fifth time youve woken up in the past few days, the Heir Apparent said coolly. But the time between wake ups is increasing. No one else has woken up at all, other than Linger. That girl is unique. Shes woken up fifteen times so far.

Nethersprite inhaled sharply. The gruish situation was shocking to say the least. And when everyone else heard what the Heir Apparent just said, they all looked around, stunned.

Ning Yans eyes went wide as he looked at the floor, and then his rag. How… how many times have I scrubbed the floor today?

Wu Jianwu was bewildered, and could hardly believe that he had been repeating the same poetry. Linger was shaken, and Li Youfei seemed taken aback.

Senior, Nethersprite said, unable to hold back from asking, is this happening because of Xu Qings cultivation?

Yes, the Heir Apparent said, taking a sip of tea. Its the first sign of a will domain of amnesia. Hes on his way down the path, and as he furthers his study, the surroundings are affected. Just like him, everyone loses their memory. In short order, Xu Qings session of cultivation will end, and hell forget everything hes learned. At the same time, you will all forget everything thats happening right now.

Everyone gasped.

Knees trembling, Li Youfei said, Senior, I-I… I often feel like Im missing parts of myself. Has the young lord been doing any pill concocting lately?

The Heir Apparent looked at Li Youfei and nodded. He keeps forgetting and thinking its his first time. But the reality is… hes already concocted pills with you about a hundred times.

When Li Youfei heard that, he sagged in place, his heart filling with terror. At the same time, the Heir Apparent looked at the front door.

We have guests.

At the door, Wu Jianwu cleared his head and looked down the street.

An old man was quietly approaching. He had a very serious facial expression, and seemed both old-fashioned and solemn. He approached the Green Spirit Pharmacy, stopped outside, and clasped hands and bowed as if he had reached the end of pilgrimage.

Sir Skysouth from the Moonrebel Congregation, here to seek an audience with His Majesty the Heir Apparent!

Sir Skysouth was none other than Fourth Vice-Bishop! This was his first formal visit after arriving in the Bitter Life Mountains. He had planned to come pay respects to the Heir Apparent even earlier, but for the past week had been wrapped up in preparing his camp, plus another unexpected situation.

Specifically, that situation related to Grandmaster Pill Nine. Seven days ago, Fourth Vice-Bishop had taken a trip to the Moonrebel Congregation, and had waited outside Grandmaster Pill Nines temple hoping to get an audience. In the end, he did run into Pill Nine in his statue. Fourth Vice-Bishop had made a polite request to be able to purchase more cursequelling lozenges. He even gave Pill Nine his personal contact information within the Moonrebel Congregation. Grandmaster Pill Nine had agreed to his request.

For the following days, Grandmaster Pill Nine would frequently send messages asking for specific medicinal ingredients. On slow days, he would only send seven or eight messages like that. But sometimes, he would send dozens….

Although Fourth Vice-Bishop wasnt sure what that meant, he was very happy every time he got a new cursequelling lozenge. His subordinates were all dealing with the curse, and were in great danger because of it. But thanks to him personally taking action, most of them had been stabilized.

Because of all that, it took him a few extra days before he finally arranged to come see the Heir Apparent.

1. The clay fox offered him the kidney in chapter 591.

2. This specific word for shrine has the character for god in it.

Deathblade’s Thoughts

Thank you to Kenshi420 and metasinz for the reviews!

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