Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 831: Whoops, Sorry To Disturb You

Chapter 831: Whoops, Sorry To Disturb You

Heaven and earth were a dusky amalgamation of misfortune and amnesia. Mutagen flourished, causing the surroundings to blur. Anyone who saw it would wonder if they were seeing things, and would be struck to the core with shock. Howls of grief drifted about everywhere. Amnesia was like the wind, blowing here and there, dispersing the past yet not bringing the future.

This was Xu Qing’s battlefield. D-132 had covered all 27 of the forbidden mountains, and as the godly authority and will domain spread, about sixty percent of the remaining several hundred cultivators perished immediately.

As they died, they appeared in the cells of D-132. They had clearly perished, yet they’d forgotten everything that happened, and were just confused. Now they were inmates of D-132, neither alive nor dead. The only thing they had to look forward to now was an eternal nightmare.

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The roughly one hundred who were still airborne were still holding strong. But as they were increasingly tormented by amnesia, they had to keep shouting loudly just to keep themselves lucid.

At the same time, misfortune continued to swirl. Whether it was magical techniques or treasures, whenever they were unleashed, unexpected things would happen. The result was that for them to release even thirty or forty percent of their battle prowess would have been shocking. It was now possible to see exactly how terrifying D-132 was now that it was complete.

The cries from the stone lion, the head, and the others were gruishly fanatical as Xu Qing passed them with his black spear. It was time to quell the chaos. He appeared in front of a Whitemarsh cultivator, and without the slightest pause, slammed into him. Rumbling echoed out as the confused Whitemarsh instinctively unleashed some magical techniques and treasures to fight back. Unexpectedly, the techniques went wild, and the magical treasures exploded.

As amnesia and misfortune combined, Xu Qing swept past him. His body exploded. Blood splattered onto Xu Qing’s silky hair. Bone fragments rained down. Xu Qing’s expression was the same as ever as he continued to the next cultivator. Sweeping his spear through the air, he sent a head flying.

Booms rang out as some of the new prisoners tried to fight back. Others just shivered in terror, but in moments when the amnesia wore off, they tried to use various means to escape.

One of them teleported away, and it worked! Except that when he materialized, he was still in D-132, right in front of the finger. The finger was waiting with an open mouth to devour him in a single bite. Teleportations were allowed in D-132. But the destination would be affected by the misfortune.

Other cultivators used different trump cards to slam against the cell doors and walls. But given their battle prowess, there was no chance of them succeeding. D-132 was whole, and thus, breaking out of it would require destroying the entire thing.

As of now, they were part of D-132. It was an endless cycle.

Wherever Xu Qing went, screams rang out, blood rained down, and corpses fell. Heads tumbled through the air.

The Captain was fighting too, and was clearly identifying specific targets. He wasn’t interested in the nonhumans in general, but rather, the Firemoon Darkheaven cultivators. As of now, there were only a few dozen of them left.

However, the Captain seemed excited. He obviously had a keen interest in Firemoon Darkheaven cultivators. His methods all revolved around fruits. It was as if he were storing up rations. He used different methods to different degrees, but the result was that, one after another, the Firemoon cultivators were transformed into apples, grapes, pears, and the like….

In the past, the Captain had sealed people with blue ice. This… was much more gruish. It was clear that as the Captain undid more seals within him, he was slowly inching back to the cultivation base he’d had in previous lives.

That sight, plus the strange circumstances in D-132, and Xu Qing’s cold demeanor, created a huge impact on Master Gravesparrow. He had previously believed that he was adept at slaughter. But seeing Xu Qing and the Captain in action made him realize that everything from before was like child’s play. Furthermore, his impression of humans had already changed completely.

Who said humans are weak…? Who said humans are inherently timid and unbefitting of Revered Ancient…? Who said humans are only good at crafty plots and machinations…? This is weak? This is timid?

Master Gravesparrow thought back to all the stories he’d grown up on, and it caused him to inhale sharply. People were dropping dead like flies in front of his own eyes in this huge cell block. Then he thought back to what the human called ‘the Captain’ had just said, and he suddenly started feeling a bit anxious. Without any hesitation, he flew out and joined in the slaughter. Of course, given how this slaughter was playing out, it couldn’t possibly last for long.

Finally, the Captain slapped two fleeing Firemoon cultivators into tangerines, and D-132 went quiet. Blood continued to rain down onto the lands, only to be sucked back up into the air to fall again. Not one corpse or bit of flesh was visible on the ground.

All of the hundreds of cultivators were now in their cells looking confused.

The cheers of the head, Sir Inkwell, and the others echoed about.

Xu Qing took a deep breath and thought back to his experiences when he was younger. At the same time, he could sense that the addition of hundreds of cultivators made D-132 even more impressive than before. He looked down at the cell block.

D-132 now had over a thousand cells, and more than thirty percent were occupied.

“Whatcha thinking about?” the Captain asked, taking a bite from an apple. He tossed an apple to both Xu Qing and Master Gravesparrow.

Xu Qing caught the apple. “I’m just thinking about the day when this cell block… will have a god as an inmate!”

The Captain looked stunned, but then he started laughing.

Master Gravesparrow took the Captain’s apple and hesitated. He looked at these two terrifying humans, then looked down at the cell block. Then he unhesitatingly took a bite. It was unexpectedly sweet.

Xu Qing put the apple away without taking a bite, then waved his hand, causing all of the new prisoners’ forbidden mountains to fly over to him. Before long, they were orbiting over his head.

Master Gravesparrow couldn’t help but look over, and his vision swam. Despite having been prepared for the sight, it was just too shocking. There were too many mountains! There were close to 300 of them, all connected by lightning as they slowly orbited and emanated astonishing pressure.

Things weren’t over yet. Xu Qing’s gaze swept over the 27 forbidden mountains in the area. When he reached out with a grasping motion, the ground shook as 26 of them flew over to him, pushing his total mountain count past 300.

There was one mountain left. Xu Qing looked at Master Gravesparrow.

“You can have it.”

Master Gravesparrow felt immense gratitude. Normally speaking, he wouldn’t have felt excited about getting one single mountain. But given the circumstances, things were different….

Having done all that, Xu Qing exercised a thought, and D-132 shivered and faded from view along with everyone in it. D-132 didn’t take the blood with it when it went away. As a result, blood from hundreds of people splashed onto the ground below, filling the area with the stench of gore.

As Xu Qing hovered there in the forbidden region surrounded by blood, he looked up at the golden palace and bowed.

The Firemoon noble in the palace looked down at him with even more admiration than before.

In the Great Hunt Banquet to come, everybody’s going to be talking about the fiendish killer that appeared in my forbidden region.

The noble smiled and said, “Human child, allow me to share some information with you. At the moment… there are a few dozen participants who have more forbidden mountains than you. Given your performance, I’m guessing you want to take first place in the first round. If so, you need to keep working hard.”

Xu Qing’s pupils constricted, but he nodded and bowed again. “Many thanks for your advice, Senior.”

Laughter drifted out from the golden palace. Then the palace faded from view until it disappeared. The excitement was over, and thus, the Firemoon noble had chosen to leave.

Xu Qing watched the palace fade away. Then he turned to the Captain and prepared to leave. But then he and the Captain suddenly looked off into the distance.

A bright beam of light could be seen there, speeding into the forbidden region and racing aggressively toward them.

This person qualified to be aggressive. From a distance, it was possible to see eight forbidden mountains shrinking down above him. This newcomer was the true self of the Firemoon Darkheaven cultivator Xu Qing had taken his first forbidden mountain from. Xu Qing had killed his clone and prevented it from teleporting away, but he hadn’t prevented it from transmitting information about itself. This cultivator received that information and was able to determine a general direction to travel in.

In the past, Master Gravesparrow would have taken this situation very seriously. But now… he just shook his head.

As he did, the arrogant and domineering figure in the beam of light seemed to notice them. He lurched to a halt in midair. The light around him trembled as if the cultivator were shaking. The mist in the area also moved in his direction, as if he had suddenly gasped.

Clearly… he had burst into this forbidden region feeling very lofty. But then he realized that the forbidden mountains were gone, and in their place was the strong aroma of blood.

Then he saw Xu Qing with over 300 forbidden mountains orbiting overhead…. He wasn’t an idiot, so he quickly came to a conclusion about what was going on.

“He killed all of them? Th-that… that….”

As this realization struck the Firemoon cultivator, his heart started pounding uncontrollably in his chest. He shivered from head to toe a few times, and then, without the slightest hesitation, turned and fled.

He already felt regret…. When he thought about how aggressively he had rushed over here, only to slam head first into an iron slab, he couldn’t help but tremble inwardly. And now he just wished he could move faster….

Xu Qing looked on indifferently while the Captain’s eyes lit up. Grinning, the Captain said, “An old friend!”

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