Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 1675

Looking at her daughter was too thin, anyway, it was the last time, Yan ruoya finally nodded and agreed

When she left, Yan ruoya left some money for Geng Chengjun, "at least it's your daughter. Take good care of her. Don't be ashamed of her. I'll take her away soon!"

Geng Chengjun looked at a stack of money, did not nod and did not go to get the money, "if anything happens to you and Gu Yi, I will certainly kill you!"


After dinner, Mei Xiangwei called sixiaobao into her room again, "Xiaobao girl, come to grandma and give you a pulse." The last time he said that he gave Xiaobao a pulse, dongguorou had an accident, so he was delayed. Now he has a chance.

Si Xiaobao had agreed, but when he thought that he had already known that he was pregnant, "grandma, I'm ok. I just had an examination in the hospital, so I won't bother you first."

Pregnant thing, she wants to let Gu Yi know first, then tell everybody by Gu Yi!

Mei Xiangwei heard her say that she had already done the examination, but she didn't insist, "how about it? Are they all normal? "

Si Xiaobao nodded, "well, it's normal. Thank you for your concern!"

"Good, normal is good, then give grandma a great grandson hug, you know?" Mei Xiangwei knows that Xue Yanting left Gu Yi in the morning, and immediately goes to Gu Yi's room. After searching in his room for a long time, she can't find what the second one said.

For this reason, she also went to Shengfeng mansion and oujing apartment, neither of them. Therefore, it can be seen that the second one is cheating everyone!

Xue Yanting also called Gu Jian to scold him for this, and finally warned him, "I've already made an appointment with Ji's family. Tomorrow I'll go to the Ji's with your father to propose marriage! Don't give me any more moths

Gu Jian

At more than 10 o'clock, Gu Yi just finished a meeting, Jiang Yan came over with his mobile phone, "Dean Gu, just now the Yan family called, Miss Yin has relapsed from her old illness, and now she is lying in bed suffering..."

The ancient wing hears speech, brow is tight frown, eyeground delimits a silk to be impatient, "is not just discharged from hospital?"

"It's like eating something wrong." Jiang Yanzheng said, Gu Yi's mobile phone rang again, it was Ye Xifeng.

Jiang Yan handed the mobile phone to Gu Yi, who connected the phone, "Auntie, it's me."

Ye Xifeng couldn't help sobbing, "Gu Yi, I really can't help it. I have to trouble you again. Xiaoya doesn't see a doctor and just wants to wait for you to come over. Alas Gu Yi, please come and see her

Gu Yi's face was cold. It seems that Yin ruoya didn't take what he said into consideration. It's OK to go there and tell Yin ruoya what he said.

At the end of the call, Gu Yi asked Jiang Yan, "where is Xiaobao?"

Jiang Yan contacted the bodyguard and confirmed that Si Xiaobao had returned to the ancient home early.

Back home? It's not like Xiaobao's character. Although the ancient wing doubts, but thought, she just went home.

When Yan ruoya has finished the examination, he will go back to make a good apology for her

The Yin family

Jiang Yan put away the instruments and equipment and sent them back to the car first.

Gu Yi explained Yan ruoya's words that had been stabilized, "don't eat indiscriminately in the future, and don't be so wayward. Today I'm in the hospital for a meeting. What if I go on a business trip next time? You are not responsible for yourself

Yan ruoya might know that he was wrong, and weakly picked up the juice beside him, "Gu Yi, I know I'm wrong. This is the juice I fried just now, and I haven't had time to drink Now it's time to make amends. "

"No more." Gu Yi resolutely determined, he now a heart has floated back to the ancient home.

"Don't worry, I know you have a habit of cleanliness. This cup just happened to be bought by me today, and no one has used it!"

"I said no!" The ancient wing is no longer resistant.

Yan ruoya looked at his cold eyes, and his face immediately turned white, "Gu Yi, I know it's my fault..." Today, even if you ask for this juice, let Gu Yi drink it!

Without waiting for Yan ruoya to finish speaking, Gu Yi took the juice in her hand and poured it all into her abdomen, "OK, have a rest early."

In order to not listen to her more, Gu Yi has to solve all the juice.

Out of Yin ruoya's bedroom, there was no one in the corridor. Gu Yi was a little strange. But the dizziness in his head made him hold on to the wall nearby.

He shook his dizzy head hard, not only did not get better, but also heavier.


At 12 o'clock in the evening, Gu Jia, Si Xiaobao looked at his mobile phone over and over. Why hasn't Gu Yi come back?

Finally, she decided to give Gu Yi a call to ask, the phone quickly connected, but

Yan ruoya's soft and weak voice came over, "the ancient wing is asleep, what do you want? If you have, tell me, I'll bring it for you tomorrow morning! "

…… Si Xiaobao's head, coax to blow up.

Did Gu Yi sleep in the Yin family?

She doesn't believe it! Confirm to Yin ruoya again, "where is the ancient wing Sleeping? ""Well, I'm not feeling well tonight. Gu Yi came to give me an examination. Maybe he was too tired. He was just I sleep here... "

Yan ruoya is still there to explain flustered, let Si Xiaobao have a feeling that there is no silver 300 here.

The more she explains, the more problems there are!

Regardless of everything, she got up from the bed and rushed out of the ancient home.

When I went out, I just met Gu Jian who came back from overtime. "Hello, sister-in-law, it's so late. Where are you going?"

Si Xiaobao heard Gu Jian's voice, looked back at him confused, and then went to the garage without saying a word.

Eh? Why is this si Xiaobao so strange?

At ordinary times, Si Xiaobao is very polite. She can't do this kind of indifference, and her mood is a little abnormal.

Gu Jian immediately took out his mobile phone and called Gu Yi, but Gu Yi's mobile phone prompted him to turn off the phone.

Now Si Xiaobao is a member of the Gu family, but he has to go back to the garage and try to contact Gu Yi while following Si Xiaobao.

By dialing Jiang Yan's phone, Gu Jian knew that he had just left the Yan family. When he left, Gu Yi was still in the Yin family to give Yan ruoya medical advice.

The third in the Yin family? This time? Sister in law should not be Go and catch the traitor!

Thinking of this possibility, Gu Jian stepped on the accelerator and followed Si Xiaobao's car in front of him.

As expected, Si Xiaobao went in the direction of the Yin family, followed by a van. Gu Jian knew that her bodyguard was sitting in it.

They soon arrived at the Yin family. After getting out of the car, Si Xiaobao asked the bodyguard to ring the door bell of the Yin family.

It was a servant who opened the door. Seeing Si Xiaobao with several bodyguards, she immediately recognized that she was the one who had made trouble last time. She wanted to close the door first. However, Si Xiaobao's bodyguard didn't give her a chance to close the door. They pushed open the door of the Yan family, and the party stormed into the Yan family.

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