Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 436

Si Jin Heng rubbed his tired eyebrows. "My grandfather wants to have a baby, so I'll send it to you for two days."

Personally heard him say this, Li qianluo's doubts were eliminated, "do you have any milk powder?" Her breast milk is not enough for two children to eat, basically rely on milk powder.

"Yes, you can take Xixi well at home. If you can't come out, don't come." He has already sent more people to warm kindergarten, hoping to be warm and safe.

In fact, he also thought about inviting professors to come home to give warm lessons. However, closed education is not suitable for children's growth. He didn't want to be warm and have no childhood, so he gave up the idea.

"Well, what's going on with you? You're leaving all of a sudden." It's not because Mo Yawei is reluctant to give up. It's a deliberate excuse

"It's OK. It has been solved. Don't think about it. Mo Yawei and Shu Nan are all thrown into prison." They will be tortured.

In jail? Li qianluo just breathed a sigh of relief, no longer need to worry about security issues. She thought very simple, relative pay their own only Mo Yawei, now Mo Yawei can't come out, she can be happy.

Just, she didn't know that her son had been taken away by another group of people

After hanging up Li qianluo's telephone, Si Jinheng leaned on the seat of the car, thinking about something.

Before long, I arrived at the manor. Outside the manor, I took detectives and criminal police to investigate the accident.

The monitoring system in the castle has been hacked in. Within half an hour, the screen is black.

Si Jin Heng looks gloomy at the broken safety net, and the other side is not small. As soon as he and Li qianluo left, they sneaked into the manor. It seems that they stayed here for a day or two.

It will not be related to Mo Yawei, her later life, because there is no money, any spray can not be turned up.

Also, his advanced monitoring system can be hacked, there must be professional hackers.

He didn't know the purpose of the other party's holding the child, but he didn't rule out that this incident had something to do with the last shooting incident.

"What's Jamie doing recently?" He looked at him.

Yun recalled the news sent over two days ago, "Jamie fled to manto Bay. When our men went to catch him, he escaped. Now it seems that he has fled to the United States and is still looking for it."

America? He frowned tightly and excluded one character after another in his heart. In the end, there was only one left, but he was less than 20 years old, and he didn't think he could do so many things alone.

However, he never looked down on anyone and said to Yun Qi, "go to the United States to investigate Wu Zun's movements."

Yun Qi is puzzled for a moment. It seems that I have heard the name.

"Wu Chunxian's son, Wu Yun's younger brother." Students who are still studying in the United States.

Oh! Remember, Yun Qi exclaimed, "no! He's only 20 years old. If you don't say, the Wu family and the Mo family are in decline. Can it be him? " It's impossible to think!

"Now I'd rather kill a hundred by mistake than miss one, let alone investigate his movements." If he is honest in school, he will let the innocent him, if not, it is difficult to say.

Allow the beginning of the nod, yes, this kind of thing should rather be wrong to kill 100, can not let go of a!

After allowing him to leave, he contacted the people in the United States personally and asked them to help investigate Jamie who had escaped.

Before he went up the stairs, sriheng gathered the nannies together.

Listening to two of them say, "the man is black, I only looked at him He fainted. "

"He shot me I'm dizzy, please don't blame me

He asked again about the characteristics of the man in black. According to one of the descriptions, he looks like Jamie

In the evening, Li qianluo fell asleep with his two daughters in his arms. Looking at the sleeping faces of his mother and daughter, Si Jinheng couldn't sleep.

His son's whereabouts are still unknown, and they have not been contacted.

Looking at the moonlight outside the window, Si Jinheng thought in his heart: sidingli, you are the son of Si Jinheng, and also the only heir of me. You will be saved from danger, waiting for my father to rescue you!

However, after a long time, when stigli was 15 years old, Si Jinheng only gave him 100000 yuan to fight for himself

The night was deep

a plane slowly drove into the United States and finally landed in front of a humble villa.

The leader of the man holding a child, quickly into the villa.

Opening the dark door of the villa, the man in charge entered a room alone.

Go to the bedside, press a mechanism, a wall was opened, he went in, the wall returned to normal.

After a passage, there is another house. After opening the door, there are several men and women sitting in it.

Seeing his appearance, one of the men put his eyes on the child in his arms.

"This is Li qianluo's child?" The man pure text, light asks a way.

Next to a slightly older African man, frowned, "Mr. wuzun, do you really think that our g special attack team can do better than Schlumberger?"Wu Zun smiles faintly, the smile on his face does not match his age.

He stood up, went up to Jamie and took over the sleeping boy in his arms.

"Don't they all say that fathers like daughters and mothers like sons?" It's said that Si wennuan was spoiled by Si wennuan as the Pearl of his eye before. Li qianluonian must care about this boy most!

He held the child with a gloomy smile, "my parents, my sister, all because of Li qianluo Let my family die He also wanted to let Li qianluo taste the taste of losing relatives!

Several others shivered because of his smile. Although Wu Zun was just 20 years old, his mind was more than theirs.

Jamie said irritably, "Mr. wuzun, what should I do now?" He has been chased by the people of srinheng! Last time I was nearly killed in mantuo bay!

Wu Zun took his eyes away from stirley's white face and put him on the table. Then, when Jamie was unprepared, he took out the silencing gun that had been loaded and fired a shot at his temple, which was accurate.

Kill a Li qianluo, such a small matter can not be done well, what's the use of it?

Jamie looked at the gun pointing at him in disbelief. It was the deputy chief of the secret service who had been working hard for three years.

The body was weak and boneless, lying on the ground, and his eyes were not closed.

African men see this scene has been no wonder, agent G has died under countless people. It is because of this that they are forced to hide underground all year round.

Then Wu Zun threw the gun into the drawer and said to his assistant, "where's the nanny? Send the child over and, if necessary, give the child some sleeping pills to keep him quiet

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