Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 447

The man's kiss falls on the baby's forehead, then on the face, and finally on the hair

Li qianluo looked at the father and son who loved each other, stupidly in situ. Miss a month of people suddenly appear in front of their own, too unreal

Look at stilly, who has put herself into the arms of sijinheng. She must be dreaming. At the moment of his birth, sijinheng wanted to hold siding ceremony, but he refused with tears.

At this moment, he took the initiative to plunge into the arms of sijinheng. It was not a dream. What was it?

She rubbed the red rim of her eyes, and a tear came down. Open your eyes again, all the people are still in front of her.

Si Jinheng held her son in one hand and held her in his arms with the other hand, blocking her tiny red lips!

Helian Yutuo looked at this scene with a pale face, and his eyes were full of envy. No one knew that he didn't admire the money and power of srinheng. What he envied was Li qianluo's love for him

Now, not only did he not have the love of Li qianluo, but also whether he could keep his own life or not, he still said

The gunshot wound in his leg made him unable to hold on. Should have knelt on the ground, he just let himself sit on the side of the sofa.

Vertigo feeling more and more thick, finally looked at a smile happy little woman, fainted in the past.

Si Jinheng put his son to allow up, he picked up Li qianluo himself and went out of the villa.

Allow up to look at the arms of Meng Meng Meng looking at their own little doll, a little hand no foot measures.

Helian Yutuo on the sofa was taken away by the people of srinheng and sent to a small clinic for treatment. And find a few people to watch him, wake up and report immediately.

In the car, yunqi sat on the co driver with Stan Li in his arms. Li qianluo was held by Si Jinheng and sat in the rear seat.

When the car was ready to start, Li qianluo took Si Jinheng's hand and said, "a bodyguard of Helian Yutuo, call Qu Yuan, save him!"

"Who is he? What's the matter with you?" A name is a man.

How can Li qianluo explain to him now? "When I asked him to bring you the pendant you sent me, he lianyutuo found it!"

Si Jinheng watched her take out her mobile phone and dial a number to ask them to find a man named Qu Yuan and the pendant he sent her.

The car slowly leaves the suburban villa, Jiao Qingwan pours empty, she is to see Li qianluo. But see the outside of the villa bodyguards with injuries, leaning against the wall, villa living room, is also a mess.

There is a bad feeling in my heart.

There's blood on the ground! She looked around again in the living room and found Zhang Ma shivering in the kitchen.

She anxiously went over and asked Zhang Ma what the situation was!

Mother Zhang trembled to see their own scene, told her, sure enough! Si Jinheng is here! It's just, where did he take Helian Yutuo?

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Jiao Qingwan immediately contacted her mother-in-law and told her father-in-law.

Helian Yutuo's mother's blood pressure went up, and murmured, "is he a child? Do this kind of thing that breaks one's own way! I told him not to be entangled with that Li qianluo, but not listen! This villain


Si Jinheng's plane flew back to country C that night.

After getting off the plane in the manor, Li qianluo looked at the familiar castle, and his mood was really exciting at the moment!

Permit to carefully hold the arms of the baby has not been sleeping, "boss, your son also do not want me to carry away."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li qianluo immediately pulled back his thoughts and came to hold his son.

However, stilly's small face was choked, his face was red, and then he smelled a strange smell.

Know what's wrong with his son, Li qianluo covers his mouth and smiles and looks around for a peculiar smell.

When he knew that stigli had smelled, he immediately screamed and pinched his armpit, and gave it to Li qianluo in front of him. "Quick, quick, take him away!"

Si Jinheng was not happy. "Yes, your bonus this month will be halved." Who let him dislike his son so much, pull stink also can't dislike.

"Si Jin Heng, how can I meet your boss who is so inhumane! I want to seek power and usurp the throne! "

"A month's bonus!" With his wife and son in his arms, he walked into the castle.

On the second floor, Si Jiaxian, who had received a short message from Si Jinheng, came out after hearing the news! Come back See grandson and daughter-in-law really come back, Si Jiaxian smile ha ha.

And then, we're going to the Baptistery.

"Well, Dad, Dingli has been pulled. I'll clean it for him, and then I'll take it to you." She can't wait to see her other two babies.

"All right, all right. Just come back. You can get in there." Si Jiaxian pinched the small face of Ding Li and went back to the room first.

In the baby room, Li qianluo saw two cute figures, one big and one small, on the bed. His heart was about to melt. He quickly handed his son to Si Jinheng and said, "go, clean up your son."Si Jin Heng took his son speechless and looked at his wife who couldn't wait to rush to his two daughters.

He hasn't settled with her yet! How dare she call him!

Si Jinheng or holding his son into the bathroom, put the son on the temporary bed, around him.

Although he changed his diaper for Xi Xi, he was still a little reluctant to face his son.

Stilly couldn't wait for him to make any movement, and immediately began to cry.

Si Jinheng had to change his diapers and take off his little trousers first. Then there is the dirty diaper, which is thrown into the dustbin by sriheng holding his nose.

How can this smelly boy smell more than Xi Xi Xi's!

Take one side of the wipes, give his son the stink on the butt, seriously wipe all.

Stanley was much more comfortable, so he didn't cry.

Li qianluo gently opened the bathroom door, looked at the serious Si Jin Heng, secretly smile, and went back to hold two daughters.

Si Jinheng put warm water in the small bathroom, put the stemming ceremony in, and washed him skillfully.

And all this was learned while taking care of Xi Xi Xi.

Just, this stinky boy is too uncooperative with him, won't be as good as Xixi. This is not, his hands in the water to beat, legs also keep pedaling, made his whole body of water.

Gently patted on his little ass, people still cried loudly, just like he abused him!

For the bustle in the bathroom, Li qianluo is holding two daughters tightly. She finally came back and saw her other two children! It's a great feeling!

Si Jinheng took a sterilized bath towel, wrapped his son, and went out of the bathroom.

His body is wet, Li qianluo hastily took over his son and put on his ready crawling clothes.

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