Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 492

Maybe he was too serious. Bo Yiyue called softly. He didn't respond.

The ward is very quiet, even Shao Mian mobile phone vibration sound is so clear.

The mobile phone vibrated several times in a row. Shao miancai took the mobile phone from the table and saw the caller ID, his eyes were deep.

Just ready to go out to answer the phone, a soft voice stopped him, "Shao Mian..." The voice is really very light, because Bo Yiyue's hungry words can hardly be said.

It may be because her son can eat too much. She has been hungry since she finished feeding.

Shao Mian took another look at the caller ID of the mobile phone, hesitated for a moment, or hung up.

"Awake?" He went to the hospital bed, sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the little woman whose face was much better.

Bo Yiyue nods gently, Shao Mian's mobile phone begins to shake again. "You answer the phone first." She said.

Shao Mian looked at the weak Bo Yiyue with complicated eyes. This time, he hung up the phone decisively and shut down the phone.

She looks at Shao Mian who has hung up her mobile phone. For a moment, Bo Yiyue thinks it should be Gu Yu

The ward is very quiet, Shao Mian raised the bed for her, let her half lean on the pillow, adjust the position, "OK?"

She nodded and looked up at the man close to her. "I'm hungry."

Hearing these three words, he went to one side and took out the nutritious porridge from the incubator. Pour it into a bowl and bring it to her.

Bo Yiyue tried to move. The wound on her lower abdomen hurt instantly. Everything else was OK.

Looking at her in a twinkling of pain closed eyes, Shao Mian seriously across a touch of heartache, sat down on the edge of the bed.

She scooped some porridge with a spoon, blew it, and put it to her lips.

Bo Yiyue is excited to watch this scene. Her brother shaomian wants to feed her to eat. It feels like a dream.

She cleverly opened her mouth and wrapped the porridge into her mouth. The warm porridge slipped into her stomach. Her hungry and painful stomach was much better.

In this way, she drank a bowl of porridge clean, now has eight full. When Shao Mian asked her if she still needed it, she was still greedy for his intimacy and nodded.

Shao Mian also filled her with a small bowl and carefully fed it into her mouth.

Bo Yiyue enjoys the happiness of this moment. Shao Mian also doesn't think about it too much and feeds her attentively.

Therefore, they did not notice the woman outside the ward who was looking through the glass.

Gu Yu looks at this scene in a daze. It belongs to her man. At the moment is carefully feeding other women to drink porridge, heart good pain good pain.

When she saw a picture of the baby sent by his private wechat circle of friends, she called him. It's just that after several phone calls, no one answered. Would he not want her?

I don't know when, already full of tears, Bo Yiyue finished her second porridge and inadvertently saw the figure outside the ward.

The smile on her face disappeared. Shao Mian looked at her strange face and followed her eyes. There were tears on her face Gu Yu.

Almost conditionally emissive, Shao Mian stepped forward to the ward door.

Gu Yu saw that they found themselves, and their pride and self-esteem made her quickly run outside the hospital.

Shao Mian or a few strides to catch up with her, at the moment, the whole hospital has been very quiet.

Two people into the emergency exit stairs, opposite to each other.

"Gu Yu, go back to the United States, we don't want to see you again." Shao Mian took the lead in saying that they were both in the past. Also, he was married and had a family.

He can't delay Gu Yu and fail Bo Yiyue.

Gu Yu's tears were more fierce. He looked at Shao Mian, who had no expression, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Shao Mian, have you considered my feelings? I don't want to let go, you know? "

When Shao Mian looked at her like this, he felt uncomfortable. He held her in his arms and said, "Gu Yu, go back to the United States and forget me."

Gu Yu burst into tears and pulled Shao Mian's clothes tightly. "Shao Mian, I love you, I love you..."

He used to love her very much, but now he has Bo Yiyue after a long separation. He dare not in her body, pay a little affection, regardless of her cry sad, push her away.

"Gu Yu, forget me, you are suitable for a better man." Shao Mian finished and left the safe passage without looking back.

Gu Yu looked at the closed door and wiped away his tears. Half of his grief had disappeared.

The mobile phone in the bag rang, she looked at the caller ID, impatiently connected the phone, "can you not always rush!"

The woman on the other side of the phone immediately screamed, "Gu Yu, I'm your mother! Now those who are being chased are fleeing everywhere. Can I not be in a hurry? "

Gu Yu closed her eyes in pain and knew that Shao Mian was the only straw to save her life. She couldn't give up!

"I'm trying. I'll call you one hundred thousand dollars tomorrow. You don't have to rush me any more." One is her mother, the other is the man she loves. However, she can't ignore her mother, so she can't let go of Shao Mian.Hang up the phone, wipe the wet tears, restore to a capable, leave the hospital.

Shao Mian, I won't let you go!

After Shao Mian and Gu Yu separated, they adjusted their emotions and opened the door of the ward.

The scene in the ward accelerated his pace and walked in.

Shao Jiakang is crying, Bo Yiyue is struggling to get out of bed and try to hold her son not far away. But move, the wound is very painful, she bit teeth, finally walked to the son's small bed.

Shao Mian also stood in front of them, without saying a word, took Bo Yiyue back to bed, and then put Shao Jiakang beside her.

Bo Yiyue calms down her rapid breathing for a while, and then, regardless of Shao Mian's eyes, begins to feed his son to eat.

Shao Jiakang stopped crying and the whole room was quiet. The man stood by the bed and looked at his greedy son.

Bo Yiyue closed her eyes tightly and didn't mean to speak.

The atmosphere was a little weird.

"I have something to call me!" Drawing back his eyes, Shao Mian returned to the sofa and began to work.

Also did not see thin Yiyue gently nodded.

In the morning, Si Chengyang had just checked Bo Yiyue's condition and returned to the office after confirming that it was OK.

Push open the door of the office, accompanied by a figure, quickly kick over a leg in jeans, the target is the face of Si Chengyang!

This is the drama that has been performed many times. Summing up the experience again and again, Si Chengyang firmly holds the leg.

Then did not let go, two people stand in a strange posture confrontation.

Tang Dantong several efforts, just escaped his big palm control.

Si Chengyang didn't even look at him. He took a medical record and went to his desk.

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