Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 497

Shao Mian had better be nice to Yiyue. As long as he has any chance to fit in, he will not miss it.

After saying goodbye to Su Ming, Bo Yiyue naturally sat on Shao Mian's Porsche.

"Yiyue, go back to wechat and contact me. I won't leave again this time. If you have any help, please contact me!" Su Ming looks at the woman in the back seat and says something with a deep meaning.

Shao mian "pa!" With a sound, the door was closed, isolating the two people's sight.

A contemptuous look at Su Ming, when he does not exist? Is it a decoration when he is a husband?

"If my wife has something to do with my husband, don't bother Mr. Su." Is Bo Yiyue blind? This man is obviously interested in her. Can't she see it? And have dinner with him.

Su Ming, on the other hand, completely lost his smiling face and sarcastically satirized Shao Mian, "what happiness can a husband who has a tangled relationship with other women give his wife?" Shao Mian is not worthy of Yiyue!

Shao Mian knew that he was talking about Gu Yu and clenched his fists.

"As a man, if you can't give her happiness, let go as soon as possible. Don't let each other suffer." Su Ming's eyes fall on the window, if she is not happy, he will not let go!

"Mr. Su, thinking too much, my wife and I are very happy!" Shao Mian said that, without looking back, he sat in the driver's seat and drove by.

Su Ming stands in the same place and looks at the disappearing Porsche. He really regrets leaving country C for so many years.

Bo Yiyue looks at Shao Mian and doesn't dare to speak. What did the two of them say just now? She began to gently coax Shao Jiakang to sleep in her arms.

To the apartment downstairs, get off the car, Shao Mian abnormal directly closed the door to the apartment.

Leaving Bo Yiyue alone in the car doubt, think for a long time, or open the door, holding the child out of the car.

In the apartment

in fact, Bo Yiyue wants to ask Shao Mian what's wrong? However, the door of his room was closed, and she had to carry the child back to the room.

After putting the baby away, Bo Yiyue went into the bathroom. She didn't take a good bath this month. She has to have a good bath today.

Put the water, and then came out to see the child, worried him from the big bed on his crib.

So even if he wakes up, she doesn't know, and she doesn't have to worry about falling or something.

Rest assured into the bathroom, because the wound has not fully healed, she did not dare to soak too long, 20 minutes out of the bathroom, standing under the shower shampoo.

Maybe the sound of the shower was too loud. Shao Jiakang cried outside for a long time, but she didn't hear it.

Shao Mian, who just took a bath, listened to his son crying in the next room and frowned. He went to see what was going on.

Politely knocked on the bedroom door, no one responded, he directly pushed in.

The child was crying in the cot, but Bo Yiyue was not seen. The sound of clattering came from the bathroom. She was supposed to be taking a bath.

Shao Mian hurried to the bedside and picked up his son, but after coaxing for a long time, he still cried.

When he was at a loss, Bo Yiyue came out of the bathroom in sleepy clothes.

"How can you come out? The child has been crying for a long time!" Shao Mian has no patience.

Bo Yiyue felt a little uncomfortable when he heard his reproach. But still quickly wet long contract up, from Shao Mian's arms to take over the son.

Shao Mian looked at Bo Yiyue's slightly uncomfortable face and felt that he was a little too much. Bo Yiyue put her son on the big bed and took out a clean diaper.

The original Shao Jiakang pull Baba, will have been noisy. Looking at Bo Yiyue, she cleans her son's butt and changes into diapers.

Gently coax two times, fell asleep again.

Shao Mian stood in the same place, watching her every move and her future long hair, began to reflect. She's very good. Why do you do this to her?

He took the son from her arms. "Go and dry your hair."

"No, I'm already asleep. Go to sleep, too." She turned him down and put her son on the big bed.

It's just that he's a little sick of herself

The room was quiet and Shao Mian was a little embarrassed.

I watched her cover her son's quilt and went to blow his hair.

Shao Mian sat by the bed, looking at his sleeping son and his wife blowing his hair.

He seems to be an outsider. As a father, he can't even change his baby's diaper.

Until Bo Yiyue dried her long hair, she saw Shao Mian still sitting by the bed.

"Don't you go to bed?" Isn't he usually very busy? He was always in the middle of the night, and he was busy working in his study.

Shao Mian looked back at Bo Yiyue and made a decision.

Gently put the son back on the small bed, and then on his own big bed.

Looking at Bo Yiyue, she stood still and did not dare to move.

"Don't go out with Su Ming in the future." He leaned half against the head of the bed, looking at her, warning of discontent.She is silent, he just does not want her to contact with outsiders more, or is he jealous?

Jealous Forget it. Shao Mian doesn't like her at all. How can he be jealous?

She still nodded, but how could she sleep when he sat on her bed?

He had to sit by his son's cot to see what Shao Mian left and when he was sleeping.

After waiting for a long time, she didn't mean to go to bed.

"You don't sleep?"

"Won't you go?" She blurted out.

Shao Mian's face turned black, and he thought that his meaning of sitting on the bed was clear.

Then he got out of bed, turned off the headlight, left only the bedside lamp, and lay down directly.

After a long time, Bo Yiyue carefully climbed into bed and lay down far away from him.

Just cover the quilt, the next man turned over, facing her.

Big palm on her waist, scared her body stiff, even dare not move.

In the dim light, Shao Mian looks at the little woman with her eyes closed.

Just after giving birth to the child, the body has not been fully recovered, there are soft meat on the waist. Round face, red mouth.

Bo Yiyue knew that he was looking at himself and could feel his hot breath.

She suddenly turned over and gave him a kiss on his thin lips, and she pulled the quilt over her face.

The instant softness of his lips disappointed Shao Mian. He wants more!

She opened the quilt that covered her face, and Bo Yiyue immediately turned her back to him.

It's so shy. I dare not look at Brother Shao Mian. Will he feel very active?

Shao Mian stopped her waist from behind and let her face himself.

Even if the light is dim, it is not difficult to see her red face, particularly attractive.

At the moment, she was so beautiful that Shao Mian began to feel confused.

Unable to control himself, he slowly lowered his head and kissed her lips.

At the last moment, he asked, "is that ok?" She nodded

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