Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 811

Forget it, Shixiao is right. There are Godfather and mother behind her. She dare not cheat her!

Take the pen and sign your name.

Shixiao eyes across a smug, go back can apply for leave.

Just when Shixiao wanted to say something else, Shao Jiayi's mobile phone rang, "Hello, ruiruirui."

"Ah, you are going to get married! When? "

"The day after tomorrow? In my hometown? Go, go, go! "

"And the address? What County Xiaxi town Xiaxi village? You'd better send me wechat, and I'll drive there by navigation. "

"Mm-hmm, OK, take good care of the baby in the stomach, Momo Da!"

After Shao Jiayi hung up the phone, he found that Shixiao had not left yet, "is there anything else?"

"Well, yes, Mr. Si said that there is still a contract, that is, the contract for the thousand cup mousse cup that you mentioned last time. Please sign it."

Shi Xiao put two pieces of A4 paper in front of Shao Jiayi.

Why is it so troublesome to sign a contract!

There is still a dessert in the operation room, which is half done. Shao Jiayi has no time to tell Shi Xiaoduo and signs his name directly on the A4 paper.

I put the contract in my bag and went on working.

The president's office of SL group

looking at the two contracts, stigli's face was obviously smiling, "well done!"

Shixiao made a little noise, but he didn't dare to be complacent. Because Shao Jiayi was simple, he would be so smooth.

"Thank you, President, for two days off..."

"Yes, I will pay for the cost of going out." Stigli looked at Shao Jiayi, the dragon and Phoenix dancing, as if to see that she was eaten clean by him, or protected by law.

"Wow! Thank you, president! " Shixiao ready to go, think of Shao Jiayi's phone, do not know whether to say.

However, it seems that the president likes Shao Jiayi so much that he still talks a lot!

"President, the day after tomorrow, Miss Shao is going to Xiaxi village, Xiaxi Town, Ranqing county. It seems that one of her classmates is going to get married or something."

"Well, I see." Stanley lit his cigarette and didn't take it to heart.

Because Shao Jiayi will go wherever she wants to go. As long as she comes back, what's more, she is just a friend getting married.

a red Mercedes Benz is followed by a BMW business car. Shao Jiayi looks at the navigation carefully. Why is there no road ahead?

All right! ok Two or three bodyguards at the back came in handy.

Stepping on the five centimeter high-heeled shoes, I got out of the car and knocked on the windows of the BMW business car.

"Miss Shao."

"Hello, there seems to be something wrong with my navigation. I'm going to Xiaxi village, I don't know how to get there! " She has been driving for four or five hours. It seems to be a suburb of the county, and there is no one to ask for directions.

"Miss Shao, let me navigate. You can go with our car!"

"OK, thank you. You can lead the way." Shao Jiayi happily returned to the car, three minutes later, slowly followed the BMW business car.

When it was dark, she arrived at the entrance of Xiaxi village. Zheng Shurui and her mother were waiting for her.

"Rui, I miss you so much!" Shao Jiayi and Zheng Shurui hold each other tightly.

"Me too. I haven't seen you for a few days. Jiayi is beautiful again!" Zheng Shurui took Shao Jiayi's hand and looked up and down.

"Oh, what's beautiful? I'm so busy every day that I don't even have time to make a face. Are you and the baby OK?" Shao Jiayi carefully touches Zheng Shurui's abdomen. The woman is so great that she can grow a baby in her stomach.

Zheng Shurui looked at her cautious expression and snickered, "we are fine. Let me introduce you. This is my mother. Mom, this is Shao Jiayi, a big girl I often mention to you

Zheng Shurui's mother, a typical rural woman with dark skin, wore a green coat, simple black trousers and black cloth shoes below.

At the moment, she is looking at Shao Jiayi kindly.

"Hello, aunt, I'm Shao Jiayi, ruiruirui's good friend!"

Shao Jiayi hung up a sweet smile and said hello to Zheng's mother.

Zheng Mu Mu Mu Yan Fen saw Shao Jiayi with water and temperament. She was so happy that she didn't know what to do. She took Shao Jiayi's hand and said, "my son, my aunt is very happy to see you. Let's go home quickly! The family is ready to eat! "

"Well, good aunt."

Shao Jiayi let a bodyguard behind him drive his car, and he was walking on the uneven road with Mu Yanfen's mother and daughter.

Towards evening, it was dinner time, and there were almost no people on the village path.

In the remote village, there is no street lamp.

Occasionally passers-by, see Shao Jiayi, are with curious eyes to look at her incompatible with this village.

"Jiayi, is that the bodyguard your father sent you?" Zheng Shurui took a look at the two cars behind him and probably guessed it.Shao Jiayi has a distinguished life experience, and has a super rich father and brother at home. In the United States, in order to protect Shao Jiayi, you can often see Shao Jiayi surrounded by bodyguards.

"Yes, you said I was so old, my father still didn't trust me, you said I followed several big men every day, alas!" Shao Jiayi murmured.

Zheng Shurui laughed and patted her hand. "Your family is so rich, your father is also for your good. If there is something wrong with you one day, someone will take care of you and protect you. Don't complain."

Shao Jiayi also knew, but it was no use complaining, so she nodded, "but will they bring you trouble? Like eating and sleeping at night. If you look at my memory, I forgot to tell you in advance

"It's OK. Next door is my third uncle's house. My uncle and aunt are not usually at home. My grandfather has the key. If they don't like it, let them live there." In fact, Zheng Shurui envies Shao Jiayi very much. Although his grades are not good, he is still favored by many people.

It's not like her. If she doesn't study well, her family will not be happy.

In order to let her go to school abroad, my grandparents and my parents lost everything.

"If you have a place to live, you can do it!" Shao Jiayi waved her hand. The road was a little bad. She almost twisted her ankle by accident.

Zheng Shurui quickly helped her, "OK, Jiayi."

"It's OK, it's OK. It doesn't hurt at all." Shao Jiayi giggled. She grew up practicing taekwondo. How could she be so delicate.

Mu Yanfen likes this rich lady who doesn't have any airs. As soon as she gets home, she shouts, "my father, come out, Xiao Rui is here!"

Shao Jiayi's hand is pulled by Mu Yanfen, but he can't spare his hand, so he orders the bodyguards to send in all the things in the trunk.

Then several people came out of the room. Except for Zheng's father, Zheng Chang, and Zheng Shurui's three aunts and four aunts, they all heard that Shao Jiayi was coming to watch the fun.

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