Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 828

Shao Jiayi felt guilty in an instant. She held back the strange voice in her throat and cleared her throat, "Mom, I'm in a meeting Ah! I'll have a meeting again, mom... "

Shao Jiayi's voice suddenly broke because she was trying to bite her teeth.

Damn Stanley!

"Mianmian, will you have another meeting? When will you get home? Do you want your father to pick you up Bo Yiyue curiously looked at the mobile phone, still talking!

Shao Jiayi quickly shakes her head. Thinking that her mother can't see her, she pinches her nails into the man's arm and takes a deep breath.

"No, mom. I'm busy. I'll be finished in a minute."

After finishing all the words in one breath, she hung up the phone in a hurry, and Shao Jiayi gasped heavily.

"Stanley, you son of a bitch!" Shao Jiayi put his arm around the man's neck and bit him hard.


Shao Jiayi has long hair and puts on clothes at random. Having a look at the coat without buttons on the ground, Shao Jiayi still took it up and wrapped it on her body.

Then he left Stilley's bedroom with his mobile phone ringing all the time and holding his soft legs.

All the way to her car, Shao Jiayi dare to connect her father's phone, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Mianmian, what's the matter with you? I haven't answered the phone for so long. " Shao Mian has put on his clothes and is ready to find his daughter.

"Just in the meeting, my mobile phone was turned to mute. I didn't hear it. I'm almost home now." Shao Jiayi holds the steering wheel tightly, and her heart is beating faster because of lying.

She looked up at the second floor of villa No. 9. The light in the guest room turned on for a while after she left and turned it off again.

I think of what Stanley said just now.

So, is it stigli who went to song Zhiqing's room

Shao Jiayi's imagination is really rich, but song Zhiqing went to a bathroom and went back to the bedroom.

"Well, slow down and call Dad if you have something to do." Shao Mian also explained a few words to his daughter before hanging up the phone.

No way! Mianmian left work so late. He wanted to talk to his daughter. In fact, she didn't have to spell that.

Shao Jiayi drove the car and slowly swayed back to his villa at home.

I stopped in the garage for a while and then slipped to the second floor.

As soon as I opened the door of my own room, the door of my parents' room was opened.

Shao Jiayi is guilty of being a thief and quickly takes off her coat and throws it on the bed.

"Oh, Ma, why are you still up?" Shao Jia stroked her long hair, bad! I don't know where the rubber band is!

Bo Yiyue looked at her daughter with long hair and asked, "why didn't you tie up your hair?"

"That Rubber band It's broken, and then it can't be found. " Shao Jiayi laughs and conceals her own guilty mind.

How can she get a big wave tomorrow

Bo Yiyue always feels that her daughter is a little strange tonight, but she can't see what it is.

"You go to bed early and don't come back so late. Your father hasn't found a suitable bodyguard for you." Last time I found a lot of them, they were not stable, so they were replaced.

"No, ma..."

"Well, mianmianmian, you don't have to refuse. Every time you come back so late, how can your parents rest assured?" Shao Mian also came out of the bedroom and stopped his daughter's refusal.

Shao Jiayi was hairy when her parents saw her. She nodded quickly, "OK, OK, I know. Good night, mom and Dad!"

Shao Jiayi slammed the door of the room.

The couple outside the door looked at each other and thought that the daughter was not ordinary this evening!

"You have to find a bodyguard for her!" Shao Mian confirmed and affirmed!

"Yes Bo Yiyue and her husband stand on the same front this time!

Shao Jiayi in the room, soaking himself in the bathtub, looking at the traces on her body, her face turned red instantly.

Oh! What is she going to do?

Why do you like a scum man?

Shao Jiayi, what should you do?

Let go? She seems a little reluctant.

Don't let go? Knowing clearly that he was on both sides of the boat, Shao Jiayi felt that she couldn't do it again

After thinking over and over for a night, Shao Jiayi still didn't think of a clue.

The next morning, I put the broken coat in a handbag and prepared to throw it away quietly.

When he went downstairs, Shao Mian still made breakfast. This time there is Bo Yiyue. The couple bring all breakfast to the table.

"Mianmianmian, come and have breakfast quickly!" Bo Yiyue put the fried eggs on the table and called her daughter.

Because one night did not sleep well, Shao Jiayi looked wilting, "Mom, you are very early today."

"Well, I'll go to the old house to meet Chen Chen with your father later." Bo Yiyue opens the chair for her daughter and Shao Jiayi puts the paper bag aside."Mianmian, didn't you buy a dress for grandma last time? Give it to me. I'll take it for you Shao Mian's words remind Shao Jiayi.

She nodded and went upstairs.

Bo Yiyue accidentally goes to the paper bag that Shao Jiayi carried down and asks Shao Mian curiously, "what do you do with your clothes?"

Shao Mian sat down and shook his head.

It's dirty. Do you want it dry cleaned? Bo Yiyue opens Shao Jiayi's paper bag curiously.

Take out the clothes she wore yesterday.

"Ah? Why does the clothes seem to be broken? It's just broken. Where are the buttons... " Bo Yiyue shows Shao Mian her daughter's clothes and asks him to find out what the situation is.

Shao Mian, who is having porridge, looks at his daughter's coat and puts down the porcelain bowl in his hand.

He bought this dress for his daughter in the United States. There were buttons at that time.

Thinking of his daughter's appearance last night, Shao Mian frowned tightly.

The couple looked at each other as if they understood something.

Shao Jiayi has already appeared on the second floor of the stairs. Shao Mian winks at his wife. Bo Yiyue quickly puts his coat back.

A family of three had breakfast with their own minds. Shao Jiayi said goodbye to her parents and left the villa with her broken coat.

This dress was bought for her by her father and she was reluctant to throw it away. After thinking about it, I took the clothes to the mall, put on some buttons and went to the store again.

When I went out, I just met a familiar Rolls Royce, and the person sitting on the front passenger was song Zhiqing.

Shao Jiayi just took a look and got into her car.

I've known that for a long time, haven't you? Why can oneself return heartache?

Who's to blame for the way you choose?

Mercedes Benz followed Rolls Royce, left the community, each running.

In villa No. 8,

Bo Yiyue took her mobile phone from the upstairs and called Shao Jiayi's store.

"Ah, Xiaozhang, I'm Jiayi's mother Hello, Hello, I want to ask you something Well, what time did you leave work last night Bo Yiyue then calls and sits next to Shao Mian.

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