Bro, I’m not an Undead!

778 Herald

Guissepo cackled.

He had not been back in this place in a long time. In fact, he hadn’t been anywhere but on the white platform used for the Preliminaries in the Premium Age Royale for a while, and his arrival here a little more than four minutes ago, was his first taste of a different air in months.

As for where HERE was…

It was an enclosed space. Cavernous, was apt term for it, but the walls and floor were too smooth to disdain it with such a description.

This place had been reworked by Guissepo’s company to look a little more elegant.

The whole place was expansive, and it was here where a massive seal was engraved in deep groves over the ground.

The Extreme Formula.

Since he joined the Evenfall, when it was still under the previous leader whom he replaced more than two and a half months ago, Guissepo had been made known that this large brand, was the thing that kept the Deity Boron, hailed as the Traitor, bound below Aigas.

Not a soul who was part of the same cult could describe to him what the place known as the Under was like. Did Boron live there? Was he the one who made it? Were there other living creatures there?

Well, the last question, Guissepo could probably answer.

In his hand, the extravagant cultist was holding a dark sack that kept pouring out multi-coloured lights in the thousands every second, into the centre of the large seal.

The dormant blessings.

With each batch of flooding blessings, a pulse of light thrummed through the seal, urging it to light up consistently. No soul was as extravagantly elated, patiently awaiting the moment the seal was rejuvenated, as Guissepo. He thirsted for this eagerly.

As far as he knew, this seal had been set up by the Deities, and only the essence closest in relation to them could even dream of activating the seal; these blessings he had collected were such an essence.

Led by the visions he saw on that day in Inhone, Guissepo had set to achieve what he had been proposing long before he was the leader of the Evenfall. Instead of hunting down Paladin Champions for their Divine Blessings – which were more potent than others individually – he insisted that all that was needed was a large amount of dormant blessings, which were easier to acquire.

One of his visions had shown him Actuass, and urged him to stick with him.

That had proven to be the correct stance.

And the most vivid vision Guissepo remembered, was about to come to pass at any moment.

Behind him, a large group of people could be seen. Some wore dark hooded robes, while others did not, choosing simpler, freer clothing.

The latter, were the group Guissepo had allied with before fulfilling his agreement with Actuass.


Summoners were outlawed in Pelian by the Royal Family; the Royan Family.

Unlike Tamers who brought under control beasts from Clusters and forests to fight for them, Summoners were different.

Even they did not know what realm it was from where they called forth the odd creatures they could. It was because of this that, rather frantically, the King had ordered all Summoners to be killed on sight.

Most Summoners, rather fewer in number from the rest, lived in seclusion.

They could not masquerade as Tamers, since, unlike Tamers who had varying means to expose the beasts they summoned, which could conveniently be stored within their bodies, Summoners had to be conjure portals to draw the creatures they made contracts with; and such a deed was no easy feat.

The old man who had transported Guissepo out of the Cluster led the group of around a hundred Summoners, with the several dozens more Evenfall cultists.

There was an express silence as they all watched and waited.

The results of this would determine how valuable Guissepo would be to them, and how valuable they would be to him in turn.


Finally, it began.

When three-fifths of the sack of blessings had been emptied, the seal turned bright with anxiety-inducing hum coming from it. It lit up, exposing a bright glow onto Guissepo whose eyes shone, as well as everyone a distance away from him.

Yet Guissepo didn’t stop.

Vigour consolidated, he continued to expel the blessings, and when the last finally slid out, the Extreme Formula… continued with its hum.

Then… a violent quake ensued.

Guissepo backed away from the seal.

It shone brighter and brighter until it was difficult to look at. The shaking caused by it grew worse, turning to rumbling, as if several giants were stampeding below them.

It grew worse still until everyone, at Guissepo’s instruction knelt down and waited.

It didn’t seem like only this odd chunk of land that hid the Extreme Formula was quaking at this point. Guissepo was sure the whole of Pelian was, if not more.I think you should take a look at

He wouldn’t be as helpless as he was now, that was for sure.

The Extreme Formula seemed become a torchlight in a spherical outline that illuminated the ceiling, and melted it off slowly. Several colours danced at its end, giving a picturesque, beautiful look to the dangerous beam.

One by one, large and long, meaningfully carved stone stilts rose from around the circular borders of the Extreme Formula – even though it had turned to a boundless light.

Numbering seven in total, the stilts floated in the air and started turning in place. There a loud kathunk, and the ground stopped shaking suddenly.

It felt like some door had been opened with difficulty.

Guissepo beamed.

It seemed so simple. As if the seal was meant to be opened!

The beam of light pouring in a column from the seal, suddenly broadened, and then…

Everyone forgot to breath.


The air vanished.

The mana was subdued, as if it too was made to prostrate or disappear.

The ceiling of the cavern was vaporised – hundreds of meters of it to the surface – allowing the sunlight to pour into the cavern.

Still, the air refused to fill everyone’s lungs.

The light flooding from above made the stage even more appealing for what rose from the circular bounds of the Extreme Formula.

Perhaps it was a statue, or a living rock… even Guissepo couldn’t tell, but he celebrated it.

It was enormous.

As its head alone appeared, slowly rising, Guissepo hadn’t known what he was looking at. But then its torso rose, and then its slender legs, to fly above the seal.

Made of what looked like black amethyst sculpted into the fine figure of a pulchritudinous woman, the being halted its ascent and floated in place.

It stood at more than twenty five meters in height, radiating a thick pressure so outlandish, it couldn’t be ascertained casually.

It had still, wavy hair that reached its neck, and unlike the rest of its body, its upturned, heavily lashed eyes had a bright ruby glow to them.

Its face was perfection, and over its torso, a heavy, seductive armour, also in the same black, could be seen reaching to end at its thighs where it sat with an alluring V.

From there, heavy, high greaves with a stunning design were settled over its legs, bypassing the intricately carved thighs which remained ‘exposed’.

A terrifying, long lance was in the being’s hands, extremely sharp at both ends, but what humbled the spectators more, was the most unique feature about this creature.

Two pairs of massive wings were folded over its chest, and above its head.

They whipped out to spread wide at that moment, and everything Guissepo and the others had been seeing from peripheral sight vanished, leaving the surroundings open. Some force had exempted them from destruction, they all could tell.

If not, that simple unfurling of the wings would have decimated them all without compromise.

Guissepo gulped, and then laughed.

He raised his hands and called out even though he couldn’t take in breath.

“Herald! Oh Herald of Lord Boron! I’m right here!”

The winged stone being set its eyes on him without a shift in its visage. A look of recognition somehow showed with the blinking of the ruby glow in its rough eyes.


The rumbling of the world continued again.

In Pelian.

In Maqi.

In Emeradis.

Great structures that looked to be as old as Aigas itself rose, bringing about a new order to the world.

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