Chapter 415: Mission: Extraction Part II

Chapter 415: Mission: Extraction Part II

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 5:58

Location- Way Beyond, Madame Web’s Unknown underground safe house.

“What’s your ETA to the safe house?” Sansa enquired Gray wolf without exchanging any pleasantries.

“21 mins. We are almost there, your highness.” Gray wolf and his team were cramped up in the stomach space of Flower Thief’s Ocean mask.

The South Way Beyond is right now under high alert, and many southern watch soldiers are searching for intruders that ambushed their general. Therefore to be safe, the team decided to travel the Way Beyond crawling with Southern Watch soldiers in the ocean mask’s stomach.

“Do you remember the contents of your mission?” Sansa asked Gray Fur if they remembered the contents of the mission as assigned by her.

“Yes, your highness. First, I have to use the Diablo Olfactory card you provided to check all surviving members and whether they are marked by the Supreme beings or the Heatsend Royal family. If they are marked, then we have to dispose of them.” Gray Fur narrated the contents of his team’s mission.

“By now, it’s clear that the Royal family did not mark the surviving members. If they did, they would have already found and raided the safe house. Therefore the possibility of the royal family marking them can be ruled out.

But the same cannot be said on the Supreme Being’s side. Did you guys get any information from that side of Way beyond?” Sansa, after carefully thinking, concluded that the royal family did not mark her slaves. Now the question remains about the Supreme beings, did they mark slaves? That is what Gray Fur and the team have to find out.

“There is chatter that the Army of a specific supreme being is assembling at the other side of the Way Beyond. It seems they want to breach the treaty and invade.

Considering the situation, I think we can conclude that that specific Supreme being has marked one of our surviving comrades or all of them.” While on their journey to the safe house, Gray Fur and his team spied on the Southern West Soldiers to check how much and what information they had. Except for the information about the Supreme being who is planning to breach the treaty by invading, they found nothing worth mentioning.

“You guys should hurry. I think by now, higher-ups at the south Way Beyond will be trying to reason with the supreme being. And if the Supreme being reveals everything it knows to the people of the royal family, then your team’s mission will be in jeopardy. For your own sake, hurry to the safe house and complete the mission.” There is no way that the Heatsend Royal family would watch as a Supreme being tries to invade their territory. And they are not foolish enough to go to war every time a Supreme being is acting out. That would be too stupid and wasteful of human life.

Therefore the Royal family would try to reason with the Supreme being and come to a compromise that suits both parties involved. The Royal family is not the babysitters of the Supreme Being. Since the Supreme being is the first to show signs of breaking the treaty, it must pay a reasonable price or be punished. And also an extra to help it solve its grievance.

If the Supreme Being is calmed down and hands over the tracker of the mark it left on Madame Web’s slaves to the Royal family, then they would find the safe house and arrest all the surviving members. This meant that Gray Fur and his team can no longer complete the special mission assigned to them by Madame Web.

Therefore Gray Fur and the team had to hurry up and reach the Safehouse before the Supreme being came to its senses and recruited the help of the Royal family. But the problem was the speed of the Ocean mask. It’s fast but not fast enough for their current situation. Besides instant teleportation, any different speed would not feel enough for Gray wolf and his team.

Thankfully, facing an attack at its home turf had pissed off the Supreme being, and it was too angry to calm down or listen to reasoning. So they had time but weren’t sure if it was enough.

“Codeman Shota, the reinforcement has arrived. They are at the fake gate of the safe house. Receive them.” Sansa called Shota and informed him of their arrival.

“Reinforcements are here. Great, finally, we can’t get out of this hell hole.” Hearing that the reinforcements had arrived, Shota exclaimed with joy. Hearing Shota’s examination, other card apprentices in the safe house sighed, thinking that they could finally go home far from this hell hole.

The safe house they were currently hiding in is a tiny Underground safehouse and is not meant for 100 people. Yet, due to their situation, all the card apprentices had no choice but to adjust and cram into the safehouse unless they preferred to be caught by the Southern Watch.

“Fools, stop celebrating and hurry. Leave that place before the Royal family finds you.” Hearing Shota and others celebrate the arrival of the reinforcement, Sansa asked them to hurry and leave the godforsaken place.

“Yea, your highness. Right away.” Saying that, Shota went to invite in the reinforcement. At the same time, Sansa hung up the call.

“You guys are the reinforcement? Just you two?” Asked Shota in disappointment, seeing that the reinforcement promised by Madame were just two card emperors.

“No, he is the reinforcement. I just tagged along to keep him company.” Gray Fur replied, pointing at Flower Thief.

“I do not get it?” Shota thought Gray Fur was joking with him.

“You will get it once he summons his nightmare beast using his origin card.” Since Shota had already skipped the pleasantries, Gray fur directly skipped the introduction and decided to get down to finishing the mission.

“Oh, now I get it. You must be the guy with the unique nightmare beast. The one that Madame Web talked about. Since it is you, I guess just the two of you are enough as reinforcement for our extraction.” Saying that, Shota led Gray fur and Flower Thief into the Safehouse.

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