Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 107 - Victory Party Invitation

Chapter 107 – Victory Party Invitation

"There is no doubt with that girl's gaze that I have seen earlier. It's really the same as that man! Her clear eyes have a sense of authority and conviction. I can sense that she possessed a pearl of deep wisdom," Greg mumbled to himself as his mind replayed his initial encounter with Sofia. A dry laugh escaped from his lips before he dialed the number of his secretary.

"Sir Washington, your plane is ready to take you back tonight! If you are ready, the run way is available anytime," the secretary prompted upon the second ring of his call. It was a soft sound of a woman from the other side of the call.

"I won't be flying back. Arrange my schedule until tomorrow. I will be back on the 16th," Greg's professional voice commanded over the phone.

"16th? But sir, how about this date tonight that I have booked from the most exclusive restaurant?" the woman instantly asked feeling that her boss may have forgotten that it was Valentine's Day!

"Just tell her that something had come up and I had to stay longer here in this district 7," Greg responded. There was a sense of firmness in his voice that made the secretary sounded a bit disappointed.

"Very well, I will reschedule everything and tell your date that there is an emergency meeting that you need to oversee out of town. Do you have other instructions, sir?" the secretary asked.

"Yes, booked me a hotel in district 7. I'll stay here for a while," Greg stated.

"Okay sir, the hotel, do you have a preference? and for how many people should I book, sir?" the secretary verified.

"Just me," the man answered.

"Right away sir! I'll send you the details once I confirmed the hotel booking!" the secretary responded.

"Alright. That's all," Greg said and disconnected the call. 

"It is rare to see the world outside my office. This time, I will have a tour in this small district," the man vowed for himself. He then made his way to the area where he could see the stage. Then he spotted an empty seat of the front area beside the FAB_Gamers side. 

"Boss WINS, this ban feature is really interesting! I can't wait to register for the next tournament!" one member of the FAB_Gamers squad excitedly chirped wearing a comical expression on his face.

"Yes, we will register for that tournament" WINS nodded his head in agreement. He was also excited about the news that the game had an additional ban mode.

As Greg moved his feet and occupied the empty seat, he overheard the conversation of WINS and his two companions. 

"May I sit here?" Greg interrupted making the three figures looked up on his face.

"Yes, the place is empty," WINS quickly answered after recognized that the man was the one who had announced the ban feature of the game.

"So, how's it going here? This tournament seemed to have so many people or tourists. They are not good!" Greg asked the three players. Even WINS took a liberty to gazed boldly at the man.

WINS smiled and thought about the question.

"I have been here before the start of the tournaments. The entire event is nice and there was nothing bad that I have encountered." WINS answered while his companions nodded to support his claims.

"The tournament is hyped then! Glad to know your experience. Are you from around here?" Greg asked the group.


The man glanced at the three FAB_Gamers players and gave them a faint smile.

"Mister, you are the one who announced about the ban feature, right?" one of WINS companions easily asked after noticing the degree of formality that the man was wearing.

"Yes, it was me. I am working in the game at the technology department," Greg responded before his eyes landed to the center stage.

"Cool!" the three stated in chorus.

On the stage, the host was already done presenting all the championship awards of the Chronos squad. 

"Please give our champion for the first-ever online game tournament in this district. A round of applause!" the host finished and the people around the gym quickly clapped their hands.

"Hehe, I know that the five of you are students. Am I right?" the host inwuired.

"Yes, we are students. I am in third year," Sofia answered right away.

"So, how does it feel that you are number one trending in social medeia!?" the host continued.

"There are emotions of gratitude for the support!" Clark interjected.

  "Awe, that's nice! Anyway, what do you plan for this prize that you have won from this tournament? This is if you do not mind me asking publicly about this matter, I'm quite curious really," the host casually mumbled. Then, he gave the microphone to Sofia.

Their plans? Most of the members of the group have gone silent.

"This prize of this tournament will be divided equally for the five of us. We are students and we are still thinking of where can we invest the money. Right now, we have not decided yet." Sofia said.

This direct answer from her made the host stared at her for a few more seconds before he pretended to cough to cover his surprised expression.

'Here I thought that these teenagers would want to buy a new gadget or something!' the host secretly thought.

Considering the age of the five members of the Chronos squad, he instantly assumed that the group may be planning to get an upgrade to their gadget. Or perhaps buy a gaming tool. Who would have thought that Sofia directly told him that the group was looking forward to investing their prize money? This response had really caught him off guard.

"Hehe, that's a great decision! Good luck on your investments!" the host forced a laugh.

"Thank you!" Sofia smiled. 

The audience was then given a chance to take a photo with them. Without hesitation, people flocked on the stage to get a groufie or selfie from each player. From left to right, all of them gave a friendly smile.

Not long after, the Chronos squad returned to their boot where Jing Jing was waiting for them.

"Guys! I am already on a live video and the fans on our official page are congratulating you guys!" Jing Jing beamed at the five teenagers before she maneuvered the camera and focused the lens on them.

The five members waved and smiled at the camera holding the prizes they had won.

"Okay, so we will let some of our fans ask questions. We will pick random questions!" Jing Jing initiated.

"Sure! Feel free to ask questions, guys!" Sofia enthusiastically stated. She then made a quick look at her members and noticed that exhaustion was evident in their expressions. 

"Yey! Q & A!" Joey and Clark said with a smile. Despite their eyes looked tired, they still managed to give a genuine and joyous smile.

Stephen and Claire also grinned at the camera, waiting for the question to come on the comment side.

Minutes quickly turned an hour while the group was happily entertaining the questions from their online fans. 

At this point, all of them were totally tired. They just wanted to take a quick nap. Jing Jing was also sensible and initiated to end their live.

"Thank you everyone for joining this live! Viewers, stay tuned for the updates of the Chronos squad! Be sure to like our official page to see our future games! Bye Bye!" Jing Jing said and then ended the live.

"Okay," Jing Jing sighed and gave Sofia an apologetic smile. "Sorry if it took so long. But this video is really worthy of your time."

"Sis Jing Jing, it's okay. Now, let's find a place to get dinner." Sofia stated.

"I think that the tournament organizers have arranged a victory party!" Jing Jing said.

"Oh, but, I have no more energy left in my body!" Claire groaned.

Out of a sudden, a young man went to their booth and handed them the victory party. The hotel is one of the most well-known establishments in the place.

"Ma'am we have organized a small gathering, we will provide the transportation," the young man stated.

"No need, we can go to this place with our own transportation," Sofia rejected the young man's offer.

"Okay, noted! Anyway, ma'am, it is a victory party at that venue. See you there," the young man made a quick intro before he left.

After the young man left the group ran towards the sofa and slumped their backs.

" I know that you are tired but we cannot reject this championship party. This is done for us," Sofia told her team. However, she knew that it was extended publicity for the tournament organizer to gain more money from their viewers.

"Okay, we can go back to our place and get dressed for the party!" Clark suggested.

"Yes. Let's go now. This party will start at 8:30 pm," Sofia said as she finished seeing the information on the invitation.

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