Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 176 - Dinner And Friendly Teasing

Chapter 176 – Dinner And Friendly Teasing

"By the way, Sof, we are done with the things that you asked us to research, — Wow! AH! So spicy!" Clark mentioned while they started eating. He hissed and fanned his lips instantly the moment he tasted the spiciness of the food.

The group was having a proper meal of baby back ribs and steak with vegetable salad on the side. Sofia included a bucket of spicy chicken and there were two bowls of beef stew that they shared.

Claire quickly grabbed a glass and passed it to Clark. "Here, drink water!" 

"AHHH- thanks!" Clark mumbled.

"Do you have allergies to spicy foods?" Sofia instantly asked. 

"No, I have no allergies. Just that my tolerance of spicy food is not that strong today," Clark admitted after drinking the entire glass of water.

Sofia heaved a sigh of relief. "What do you mean today? Do tolerance that involves sense of taste have a schedule? Like you can eat spicy today, tomorrow, you can't?"

"AHAHA, don't worry, Sof, I'm fine now," Clark stated.

"That's great! That's great!" Sofia repeated. The time she ordered their food, she did not put into consideration any allergies. Thus, when Clark reacted to the spicy chicken, she slightly panicked.

"It's not that spicy," Claire muttered after taking a bite of the chicken.

"It is spicy!" Clark insisted.

"Try the ribs, its sauce is sweet," Sofia suggested.

"Yeah, it's delicious! Anyway, as I was saying, we have finished checking all designs. What do we do next?" Clark repeated.

"Oh, that's perfect! Well done, guys! On Saturday, let's start remodeling the building. I've asked Grace to help us with the processing of our legal documents and taxes," Sofia stated. In fact, it was part of their arrangement before she agreed to introduce Grace to Brent.

Even though no one except Jing Jing really understood what she meant to say, they still nodded in agreement while chewing their food.

"I will help you remodel," Jing Jing offered.

"AH! Sister Jing, we cannot afford to pay you for Saturdays. We are fine," Sofia quickly said.

"Silly, I am not asking for any payment. Just consider me as hanging around. I might bring my two friends too," Jing Jing said.

"Oh, then, they say to refuse is an insult. So, I will not refuse your offer if it's free," Sofia chuckled.

"HAHAHA, I've never heard of that principle before," Jing Jing laughed loudly.

"Eh, by the way, I have an important question for you Sof," Clark suddenly said. His expression suddenly turned serious.

"Important question? Go ahead!" Sofia curiously responded.

"Ehem! Are you—" Clark made a dramatic pause and glanced at Stephen before he continued, "—and Stephen a couple?"

"Oh! I also want to know!" Joey exclaimed.

"Hehe, I'm just curious. And don't deny it. The internet has a lot of pictures of you together. And it's a great picture that some netizens formed a fans club with the two of you. Claire and I had not even got that kind of fans club!" Clark stated. His last statement was just a playful remark as he pretended to be upset.

However, Claire, who was about to take another bite of the chicken, was instantly frozen. Then, she carefully place the spoon on her plate and stared at Clark for a long time. Everyone also snapped in Clark's direction.

"You what?" Claire looked at Clark in wide eyes. Her expression conveyed a deep surprise.

"Hahaha, Ehem!" Clark gently patted Claire's shoulder. "D-don't be surprised. I am just saying it," Clark stammered.

"I did not know that you pay much attention to fans club matter, Clark! The only time that I followed the activities in the social media was with that streamer who challenged me for one on one!" Sofia also exclaimed to tease Clark.

"Okay, I can sense that you guys will make fun of me. Let's just eat. I am starting to feel so embarrassed right now," Clark expressed while shaking his head. Somehow, he slightly regretted opening the topic about them.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting a fans club, bro! Don't worry! I will make a fans club page for the two of you! Hehehe, I will make sure to post sweet pictures of you and Claire," Joey grinned and winked at him.

"Oh my gosh! Don't tease him like that, Joey!" Claire said with a pleading tone. But she also burst with giggles after speaking. She noticed the change of complexion in Clark's face and ears and could not help but feel sympathetic.

"Oh, what tease? I am not playing here. I'm serious! And I will really be creating your fans club after I finished my food. Since I'm the only single here, I might as well be the supporter! What name do you want?" Joey presented.

On the side, Jing Jing silently observed the teens. Their expression really conveyed the liveliness of the youth. In moments like this, if anyone would see them, no one could tell that these teens had already set their goals in business. They just looked so innocent!

"Ms. Jing Jing, why don't you give us the suggestion of their fans club name? I know that this is your expertise because you are in the press business!" Joey stated while looking at Jing Jing.

"No, don't listen to Joey, Ms. Jing Jing! He is just making fun of us!" Claire followed and blocked Joey's line of sight using her hand.

"Haha, I am not making fun of you! Come, get off your hands, Claire. I wanna know Ms. Jing Jing's idea about the appropriate name of your fans club," Joey refuted and smacked Claire's hand in the process.

"Guys, you are so lively. I wish you continue to be like this as you grow up. As for their couple name, let's just ask Clark for it," Jing Jing said. Since Clark was the one who expressed his interest, then, he must have picked a name for a fan club.

This time, Clark felt like he was in the hot seat. His ears turned into a full shade of red. He could also feel the burning sensation on his cheeks.

"Claire has not agreed to be officially my girlfriend. And it's just been a few days since I asked her," he softly muttered.

"Not all fans club are real couples!" Sofia responded.

"What are you two prolonging the start of your relationship? Could it be that you doubt Clark's intention to you, Claire?" Joey teased while looking at Claire.

"Joey, why are you pressuring them? Why don't you get your own girlfriend instead? This time, a serious relationship!" Stephen commented while raising his eyebrows several times.

"Eh? And how about you and Sofia? Let's go back to your status? Are you two together?" Joey retorted taunting Stephen to speak more.

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