Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 194 - [Bonus ] Clark's Worries

Chapter 194 – [Bonus ] Clark’s Worries

"How can you be so sure? Sofia told me about the possible reaction that I get once we are in a relationship, Clark… It's—" Claire paused. A glint of shyness sparked on her expression for just a brief of seconds before she gathered her composure.

"Huh? Reactions? What did Sofia say?" Clark directly asked and looked at her in the eyes.

"Hmmn, Sofia reminded me that— ehem! Your family is rich, Clark,  And I am just a commoner. So, I have to be cautious about money," Claire anxiously answered. Her eyes moved to look on the floor before she released a long sigh.

"Money is not an issue to my family, Claire. If you agree to make our relationship official, you don't need to be cautious about money. We have more than enough," Clark assured her.. 

Joey and Stephen sat still and secretly listened to the two. Jing Jing was also observing Clark's confession.

"That's easy for you to say that! But, what if your parents does not like me?" Claire pouted.

"Is that why you are reluctant to make our relationship official, Claire? Because you are afraid that my parents won't accept you in my family?" Clark interrogated. He suddenly had a realization 

Claire was silent and could not help but remember her conversation with Sofia before. She knew that it was out of the concern and this made her felt wary.

Sofia did give her a warning before about the possibility if she would agree to be with Clark. Because the boy was rich, it was fine if they are friends. But once their relationship will progress to a much serious level, his parents would see her as a threat.

Yes, Sofia knew that in the eyes of most rich parents, their children must always be matched to the same level as them. A commoner girl matching with their perfect son will be seen as a gold digger or opportunist.

"My parents are not like those old people who judge and criticize others easily. They will accept you, Claire," Clark emphasized.

Claire stared at Clark with a conflicted expression on her face. She appeared to have lost in words and was in a momentary daze.

Just then, Sofia had returned outside the unit from the front desk. She was holding five folders in her hand and halted her steps at the doorway.

For some unknown reason, her timing was perfect that she overheard everything in their conversation right after she was about to go inside.

Sofia stood straight. She then adjusted her grip from the files in her hand and gazed at Claire. 

A thought suddenly came in her mind, 'It's only natural that Clark had this kind of mindset. His parents treat him well and always supported his decision. They even let him join our group. But as for picking their daughter-in-law, that's a totally different story.'

She slowly shook her head and could only pray that Claire would not be naïve as she grow older.

"I have the printed agreement with me, guys! Let's have the documents finalized!" Sofia announced moved closer to them. She quickly distributed the folders to all of her members and they were also obliged to get their pens.

Clark looked up and did not pursue the conversation with Claire. He started reading the content of the file inside the folder right away. The agreement was only one page but Sofia clipped two copies.

"Man, let me borrow your pen?" Joey secretly leaned closer and whispered to Stephen. The latter just signed the contract without even reading the title of the agreement.

"Where's your pen?" Stephen asked with one of his eyebrows arched upwards after his signature was placed on the two copies of his folder. He then tossed his pen to Joey.

"I forgot where I placed it," Joey answered and also signed the agreement in the same manner as how Stephen did.

Sofia gave them a look. "That contract indicates that you will donate your kidney," she said.

"AHH! WHAT?" Joey was completely stunned and started to find the stipulation about kidney donations. But even so, he had already placed his signature.

"Sofia is joking," Stephen nudged his friend.

"AHH… Sof, you — don't scare me! I almost panicked!" Joey complained with a deep frown on his face. 

"Hah! You should be! Why are you signing the papers without reading what's written on it?" Sofia mumbled, ready to scold at the two.

"Ahaha… it's because the documents come from you, Sof," Joey awkwardly replied.

Sofia placed both of her hands on her waist and looked domineering.

"The two of you, remember this always. Don't sign documents without reading it first. It's not important who gave the documents. What's important is your signatures and what you had agreed on the writing," she shook her head in disappointment..

"Yes, we will! It won't happen again," Joey said and Stephen nodded.

"Good! Well, back to the agreement. Notice that there are two copies of the agreement in your folders. One is for you to keep that copy. The other file will be kept in our office once we have a place. Since we have no office yet, I will keep the documents," Sofia stated.

Her members immediately complied. They took one of the two files out from their folders and handed it to her. Sofia quickly collected the documents and checked their signature, one after another. 

"It's all good. Nice!" Sofia offered a small smile as she looked at them in the eye.

"You may continue playing, guys, I will go back to my unit so I can prepare for the wedding rehearsal now. Enjoy the rest of your day!" Sofia added while glancing at the wall clock. 

The time had already reached 4:06 PM and based on Grace, the rehearsal would supposedly start at 5:00 PM. She had less than an hour to change his clothes and commute towards the venue.

"I'll send you out," Stephen quickly presented. Because of his issues with the mayor's daughter, it was already given that he won't accompany her.

"Oh, I'll take you there, Sof. I'll drive you," Jing Jing also offered.

"Ahh… thank you Steph. Thank you, sister Jing. There is no need to send me. I need to be alone too so that I can think clearly about the operation of our business. You guys just take a rest. Bye!" Sofia smiled at the two and continued to walk out.

"Take care, Sof!" Claire and the rest waved back at her.

"Wait, I have a concern to speak to  you, Sof!" Clark called. Then he glance at Claire and said, "I'll be back."

Sofia waited for Clark until he reached her side. "What is it, Clark?"

"Sof, it's about what you have said to Claire. I am hesitant to speak to you, but, I think it is better to be straightforward," Clark answered.

"I don't get what you mean?" Sofia responded.

"You basically made her hesitate to have an official relationship with me! My parents are not the kind of people that you think they are," Clark said. There was a grain of anger in his tone as he confronted Sofia.

"Ohh… sorry. It's not my intention to influence Claire so she would hesitate to make your relationship official. I support the two of you," Sofia simply replied. Her tone was full of sincerity.

"I just don't appreciate that you are making up stories about my parents. And then making Claire fear to be in a relationship with me. My parents will accept Claire," Clark expressed with full of certainty.

"Clark, you have misunderstood. Claire is my friend. I was simply giving her an idea of a possibility. She deserves to be aware of the world that you live," Sofia replied. If only Stephen was calmer, he would probably caught Sofia's odd response. However, because he was too anxious to defend his parents, he totally did not mind much of Sofia's words.

"I get that you are protecting her. But, I won't allow anyone to hurt Claire too. I won't harm her or put her in danger. I love her, Sof!" Clark confessed.

"I know. But don't rush that sensation of love, Clark. Admiration and affection are two different thing. It's better if you build a solid foundation of this feeling so that no one would be able to compete you in Claire's heart," Sofia said. She had finally arrived at the door of her unit. She fished out the key and offered for Clark to get inside.

"No need. I am finished telling you about what I felt," Clark said and slowly stepped back.

"Okay. I'm glad that you talked to me about what you felt, Clark. Anyway, Claire is not afraid to make your relationship official. But, she cares for her family. And the attitude of her parents is rather complicated. It may cause to strain your relationship," Sofia stated. 

She had seen at the memories of the original Sofia how Claire's parents trait her friend. The mother was the definition of a bad opportunist. Those kinds of people who had no qualms to use other people's resources for their own benefit. And if a person is no longer useful to her, she would abandon the person and find another one.

"Anyway, I will meet Claire's parents later, Sof. I will be the judge to that," Clark firmly said.

Sofia nodded her head and replied, "Mmn. Just take it easy and don't rush things."

"Okay," Clark agreed. "I'll go back to Claire now. Enjoy the rest of your day at the wedding rehearsal, Sof!" he added and walked away.

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