Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 59 - The Chronos Squad Vs Vultramites Squad (4)

Chapter 59 – The Chronos Squad Vs Vultramites Squad (4)

"Tsk! I see… I see. This assassin is shamelessly boosting her movement speed! What a noob!" the fighter user gritted his teeth as soon as his line of sight went towards the inventory of the assassin's character.

He immediately noticed the two boots on the inventory of the assassin were both for the movement speed.

There were several boots that made available for them to purchase depending on what role they are playing in the match. The benefits of the boots differs greatly. Whilst some can give movement speed, other would focus on cool down effect and there is also for attack speed, MP regeneration, and many more.

These varieties existed because all characters had different dynamics and skills.

As for this fighter user, the item that Claire had pick to place in her inventory was obviously not appropriate for her role… or so he thought?

"It's just a movement speed. Bah! I might not be able to dodge the attack skills that this assassin is throwing at me, but, hehehe… there is really no need for me to be too concerned because of the small damage it caused for my HP to decrease!" the fighter user scowled deeper.

At first, he slightly panicked as the assassin arrived on the top lane but after knowing that her damage was not sufficient to kill him in one combo, he felt relaxed.

He even made his character abruptly turned around in a swirling motion to emphasize that he could not care less about the attack he was taking!

The swirling movement of the character did not miss Claire's sight or to the spectators point of view. They all witnessed this provocative action.

"Ohhh my, hehehe… Okay, since you want to die badly, thank you for the kill!" Claire who was directly challenged by the action pouted and made a meaningful comment.

Thank you for the kill!

She knew that there was an ugly meaning behind the movement of her opponent… and she was determined to prove that she was not someone that he could easily provoke!

Although some audience laughed at this action as they could easily see this movement as a casual or playful provocation, in Claire's eyes, it was only a poor display of a fake sense of ability. A great opportunity to get her first kill!

Undeniably, countless players, ordinary or pro had used this action at some point in their usual games.

It was the kind of movement purposely done to piss off the enemy. To prove a point that the opponent was not something to be afraid of.

But in fact, it would also hinder the escape… which was not ideal in their current situation.

Based on the top lane progress, the fighter user had not only ridiculed his opponent's items openly, but he also called her a newbie… and he was flaunting loftily that he could totally withstand its attack!

Such considerations cannot be guaranteed!

As for Claire, a flash of heat rose in her face and she continued attacking the opponent alternating her passive skill and the first skill. Even if her damage was not great, she managed to take the half HP of the fighter.

After few more seconds, the fighter user decided to proceed to retreat. He just wanted to taunt the assassin user, or perhaps, mock Claire's choice of items! To let her know that the items in her inventory were totally useless against him!

"What can these two boots do to me? Hehe, the small damage from this noob player cannot drain my HP for sure!" he continued to mutter.

At this point, the fighter user of the Vultramites squads was still certain that he can escape from the assassins' pursuit. He was confident that the opponent would not be able to make a kill.

As the sounds of clashing became louder, the fighter user intentionally stood for a few seconds in front of Claire. As if telling the character to 'come and catch me!'

The sound of in-game weapon background effects could be heard all over the gym giving all their spectators the vibe of suspense…

Then, the four characters were directly zoomed in on the large screen.

The side of the Chronos squad playing aggressively, chasing their retreating opponents!

Then, the perspective was switched to the Vultramites side, taunting as they were escaping from their advancing enemies!

"A taunting has been made by the fighter of Vultramites squad towards the assassin of the Chronos squad! Hmmn, what would be the result? And just a few distance of this two players, the Chronos fighter is also chasing the mage opponent!" one commentator spoke while everybody silently observed the confrontation.

Some skeptical audience could not help but also noticed the lack of damage by both Chronos squad players.

It was given that the fighter never got a chance to build his item as he was harassed by the two opponents.

But for some watchers, the assassin's lack of damage was not reasonable at all! While others appreciate her boosting of movement speed, some did not approve of it!

"The assassin's damage is not enough! She should have just picked a fragment item than another boots to boost her speed."

"That's what I also felt. But, we can never know what these players are thinking. I think this assassin user knows what she is doing!"

"Yes, I've seen her first blood on the first elimination round. I could tell that she is an expert assassin user, but for this match, I'm starting to doubt my early judgment! Who would get two boots? Really?"

"It's her gameplay. Don't question what item she is picking for her character!"

On the middle side of the bleachers, two audiences started to have an argument.

These two were strangers, yet, could be seen as assassin users. One was holding a phone in his right hand and the back cover of this phone displayed a different assassin character.

The other person arguing was not holding anything. Yet, the hoddie that he was wearing showed a line of status statements from another assassin character!

Despite being strangers, they have the common knowledge of the dynamics when picking the assassin role. Thus, they could not help but voiced their opinions.

However, both these assassin users could not come into terms of whether the two boots in Claire's inventory were beneficial or not.

"Shhh!" the audience sitting in front of them hastily reprimanded the two and gestured to be quiet, and stop their noises.

Their face looked unwilling to drop their little debate, nonetheless, they have no choice. The audience area had become quiet and only their voices could be heard if they continue arguing.

As the tension of the audience quickly disappeared, the tension inside the game, particularly on the top lane had immediately surged up. And it was felt by everyone watching the clash.

It was more than just the suspense of witnessing the First Blood. There was something more…

Even though these audiences were just watching, they had felt a sudden sense of relief for Joey's character to be aided by Claire's assassin. They also felt that the fighter user of the Vultramites squad was too arrogant!

In the early game or even during the late game, the display of arrogance could be destructive. Most gamers had experienced getting embarrassment and shame for being arrogant in the game.

May it be an arrogant action or just a bragging statement, none of it would give good benefits for their character. But it could produce a unique trademark that only they could make and let their audience remember their name because of such behavior.

Those who felt overjoyed by the development in the top lane were the audience that had been paying attention specifically to Joey. Most of them were using a fighter role. Hence, they can instantly relate to how troublesome it would be to be targeted by the enemy.

They have been watching how Joey was being harassed by the two opponents since the start of the match. Now that the table was turned, they could not help but clap in contentment.

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