Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 62 - The Chronos Squad Vs Vultramites Squad (7)

Chapter 62 – The Chronos Squad Vs Vultramites Squad (7)

"Sorry," the mage user of Vultramites squad muttered softly as her head hung down. Her shoulder was slumped directly on the chair. Her face had also turned red in embarrassment.

When this mage user heard the "tsk" sound from her teammates, she knew that she screwed up badly.

Nothing was more hurtful than seeing that her teammates were dissatisfied with her performance in the game. It was like a stab in her chest.

The air on their lounge became uncomfortable. It became suffocating for her to breathe.

"Sorry guys," she muttered once more with a voice that crumbled and her eyes were on a verge of tears. The girl could only swallow her emotions down her throat bitterly.

"Don't mind it," James tried to lighten up the mood as their team was still struggling to secure the safety of their base.

All her other companions exhaled loudly expressing their frustration.

Their final defense tower was destroyed while their team kept on retreating. If they continued to retreat, their base would get invaded by the Chronos squad in no time!

The tank user finally made a risky decision. There was nowhere to retreat!

His finger pressed a skill on his screen and his character leaped forward to the area of the map where Stephen's marksman was standing.



The impact of the tank's foot stomping on the ground broke out on the speakers around the gym. The chains tied on his foot clanged and swayed in the air for a few seconds.

However, no matter how loud the sound of the character's arrival, the audience knew that it was already a desperate move from their squad. There was no air of charm nor appeal of its action. The Vultramites squad was clearly pushed towards the edge of the losing end!

As the chain continued to sway, Stephen's marksman moved sideward to dodge the attack. Clark's mage made a follow-up attack and stunned the Vultramites tank character.

The full clash broke out and the scene becomes chaotic as the various animation of skills followed one after another.

As the tank of the Vutramites squad initiated the clash, his companions immediately dashed forward in an attempt to push away the Chronos squad out from their base!

But with their desperate action came a dire consequence. The notification of double kills followed to appear on the large screen. Whilst the Chronos squad players were all alive.

And not long after, another character was slain until all the players of the Vultramites squad were wiped out!

Without any delay, Sofia's nimble thumb pressed repeatedly to the passive attack button on the bottom side of her mobile screen.

CEO UNRIVALED hacked the base of the Vultramites squad together with the members of the Chronos squad.

While the base was almost destroyed, the Vultramites players placed their phones on the desk without waiting for the defeat notification to show. They have lost the guts to watch their base being attacked.

The players could not contain their emotions and their tank user broke into tears. They have great players on their team. How could a mere newly formed squad defeat them in such an early match?! The result was unacceptable!

When the large screen on the stage displayed the victory banner, the audience clapped softly.

None of them burst into an uproar.

Perhaps it was because they felt that the game was quickly finished. There were only a few highlights centered on the match.

Nevertheless, Claire's double boots items in her inventory significantly imprinted the depth of their memories.

The commentator was quick to announce and congratulate the winning team as well while the audience continued to cheer calmly.

"GG!" Sofia smiled at her team as they stood from their seat. Such term could also be use to congratulate a teammate.

On the other side, the Vultramites squad had long exited on the lounge.

"Yes! We won!" Clark produced a goofy smile. "This round is actually easy!"

"Yeah, you have defeated your brother. It was easy indeed. The time is just 4mins and 39seconds!" Joey placed a hand on Clark's shoulder and slightly patted the boy. He emphasized that one of their opponents was Clark's siblings.

"And you also defeated your ex," Clark playfully retorted reminding Joey that his ex was one of their enemies on the match.

The mage user of the Vulramites squad was indeed Joey's ex-girlfriend that they encountered on Clark's mansion before!

"Ugh! I'm so over with her. She cheated on me and acted like she is the victim!" Joey's face turned sour as he shook his head. He was hoping that Clark would not give a big deal about his past.

"Hehe, you started it! If you did not brought up my brother, I will not brought up your ex!" Clark sheepishly smiled.

"Yeah, yeah," Joey trailed and did not argue anymore.

As the Chronos squad returned to their booth, an organizer immediately approached them politely.

"Hello, I am AN. I am one of the organizers of the tournament. Right now, we have arranged a press for your team to get exposure on the interview." the lady named AN offered the best smile that the staff could wear. She even gestured a customary bow to the group before waiting for their response.

"We will have an interview? But the tournament is not yet done!" Claire interrupted before any of her fellow members could speak a response.

"Yes, there is an initial interview. And there is also a championship interview later. Right now, the press is interviewing all the squads about their experience in the tournament and mostly about the new map," AN immediately explained to them.

"Sister AN, may I know who is the press that will be conducting the interview for us? Also, the interviewers that will talk to us, may I have their names?" Sofia asked calmly.

Her companions stared at her in confusion. The staff was also taken aback by Sofia's inquiry.

Most gamers that she had approached earlier only asked for a tip on how they would answer the interview questions. Some even ask if there is a scrip of what they would answer!

But the lady was actually asking about the company name of the press that will handle their publicity! For her, it was definitely a strange and unusual question.

'Why does she want to know? Since when did the gamers mind about these kind details? I have never seen anyone who are interested to know the press! They just agreed to be interviewed!' the staff could not help but secretly thought. She raised the small notebook in her palm and tried to look for the details that Sofia was asking.

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