Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 75 - Different Views

Chapter 75 – Different Views

Moments passed like a blur. 

The organizers of the tournament wanted to make more delays for the time of the championship match but because the participants were eager to show off their skill, almost all of the matches ended in the early game.

Some won because of their aggressiveness while others were defeated because of their lack of patience.

Then the golden hour finally arrived and the discussion about the championship match began to circulate. All other previous topics were buried and shifted down to two squads.

The Chronos Squad vs The Lee Gaming Squad

The internet dubbed their battle as the famous premium players vs the monster newbies.

On top of all the online discussions, the official page of the Lee Gaming squad published a post that hyped all spectators.


"We will crush the Chronos squad!"


Comments from their fans and anti-fans rolled crazily like a gigantic waved from the ocean that reached the seashore.

Kiethh2: Defeat the newbies with your money!

Lily_Goddess: Your squad can only show off your character's skins but there are no skills.

Geo: Crush the Chronos squad!

MidlanerPro: Good luck. I hope your wealth can help on the battlefield!

The comments were mostly about money as the Lee Gaming squad was reasonably the richest group in the District 7. They were known for their money and gallant in-game skins. 

Yes, not skills but skins!

These were the attire of the characters in the game done by modifications and upgrades to beautify animation effects inside the battlefield.

Every time the game updates with a new skin, the Lee Gaming squad players were the first to buy and use them.

They are just rich by default as these members were not simple figures of their society. They were heirs of successful corporations.

Since the tournament was still on a snack break to give players and staff some time to rest for the finale, the audience online and on the venue could only wait.

Few moments after the official post of the Lee Gaming squad was published, a short video clip of Jing Jing and Sofia was also posted for the public.

But unlike the domineering post of the Lee Gaming squad crushing them, this video clip expressed a more friendly vibe.

In the video, Jing Jing only asked one question…

"The Chronos squad finally reached the championship match, as the tank user, uhmm, CEO UNRIVALED, how do you feel about your final opponent, the Lee Gaming squad?"

The camera then showed a young lady with short hair and simple clothes. Her appearance resembled that of an ordinary teenager. Such appearance was too plain like a commoner.

But the moment her lips curled, and her eyes locked at the camera, one could see the mature confidence and calmness in her expression. The aura was too strong and visible as if it was demanding all the viewers to stare at her.

Sofia gave the camera an elegant and relaxed smile. She clasped her fingers before she responded…

"Their founder is a friend."

The video clip ended just after she slightly nodded her head.

  And what's even more interesting was that the caption of this video expressed a more subtle message that invites the netizen to follow the Chronos squad page…

"Follow the official site of The Chronos Squad to see more updates!"

It was obviously just a bait, but the viewers were willing to take it!

This official site was not run by Sofia nor any members of her squad. It was administered by Jing Jing's company as it was stipulated in their exclusive contract that the company would be responsible for all their publicity across all platforms. 

Such a contract gave the Chronos squad convenience. 

As for the 25% share profit for their income, in their current situation, it was a fair amount.  Sofia was aware of how much the press company would work and labor cost, hence, she deliberately gave 75% to them.

Boss Wang, the boss of the press company, also did not give too much thought to this arrangement for he had slightly estimated that the squad had an existing five members. And perhaps, the 25% would be shared to 5% in every member.

It did not occur to their mind that this arrangement would give them both the leverage to get sufficient funding and be recognized in the long run.

"Sof, do you really know Brent Lee? I mean, this rich kid is aloof and cold. Plus, he had taken over his family's business! He is famous!" the members inquired and glanced at the other booth where the Lee Gaming squad was occupying.

"We are friends online. Some games in the past years," Sofia casually replied.

In the interview, she was not aware of the published post from the Lee Gaming squad. Her response was her sincerity and it was an acknowledgment of the friendship bond that she once shared with the man.

But because the video clip was too short, the netizens were frantic!

One squad claiming to crush their opponent, while the other squad was expressing a connection of friendship! 

Everyone was conflicted of the different views!

Not long after, the official site of the Chronos squad was flocked with subscribers and followers. It even surpassed the official site of Jing Jing's company!

"Wow, this is crazy! Boss Wang, this new site that you requested to create is blowing at the top! We don't even need to contact our connections to give some fans accounts for this!" a man in his mid-twenties called. He was assigned to facilitate the site but he never expected to see such insane progress of fans in less than an hour of its creation.

"That's good! Hehehe The 1st Online Tournament became the center of attention of the online discussion and 75% of the profit in this site will be ours. Maybe we can use the money to expand our company!" Boss Wang became delighted and started to imagine the sponsorship and other deals that they could get. It was like an instant money for him! Then he suddenly became quiet… 'Ahh, I should not give that ultimatum!'

Somehow he felt regretful giving a condition to the squad. Based on the numbers of their fans, even if the Chronos squad would be defeated, they have gained a solid count to make a profit.

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