Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 494 - Juyoung Hong (21)

Chapter 494 – Juyoung Hong (21)

At that moment, Director Anderson said, “Cooperate with America. If you cooperate with the United States, we will grant whatever you want. We can do it!”

“Yeah, you can do it, but do you really think you can trap me in this wall?”

As soon as I said that, I drew something out.

It was none other than the +15 Enhancement Ice Emperor’s guardian sword that was emitting a red haze.


Anderson seemed startled when I suddenly pulled out a sword.

But I ignored him, and turned to the wall again to strike it with my sword.

Then it penetrated into the wall, making a noise.


At the same time, it froze part of the wall.

Not caring about that, I swung the sword again to form a large square.

When I kicked that square, an entrance to the outside was made right away.

At the same time, I turned around again and opened my mouth with wide-open eyes, as if to make fun of him.

“The wall has been opened!”

I didn’t go to the trouble of getting out through the underground bunker whose wall was broken open because I followed him here to say something, and I had yet to say it.

So I said, “Don’t worry. I have a lot of patience. In fact, I’ve gone through many ups and downs until now anyway.”

He was still trembling before my eyes.

I made those remarks to relieve Director Anderson’s anxiety, or more precisely, the guy who disguised himself as Director Anderson, but my efforts seemed to have failed because he still looked scared and trembled wildly.

But I continued without caring about him.

“By the way, I guess your boss in the White House or the Pentagon must be watching us closely. I mean President William or the other top officials in the White House.”


He neither confirmed nor denied what I said, but I didn’t press him to reply because it was too obvious.

So I continued casually, “First of all, I understand your feelings. People feel lots of fear toward things they do not understand. So let me show you something. The fear you feel when you realize something is much greater than the fear you felt at the start when you didn’t understand it.”

I gave a warning to this guy disguised as Director Anderson, but those in power in the White House would know that my warning was directed at them.

I said, “I’m going to head to the Arctic right now. So take a good look. If you make the wrong choice again and mess with me, the United States might no longer exist on Earth. I’m sure it won’t exist any longer. I will make it happen.”


Having said that, I exuted the underground bunker.

I was aware that instead of dragging my feet while talking with him here, it would be much more beneficial for me to show them who had the upper hand in this situation.

Of course, it’s me who is in a more favorable position at the moment.

In the bunker in the basement of the White House at that time.

President William said, “Gosh, as you know, the underground bunker wall was made with new material that would emerge intact even if it was hit by a nuclear bomb, or an asteroid that could destroy Earth, but it was torn apart like a piece of paper when he wielded his sword!”




When the President said that, nobody in the basement bunker of the White House responded. In particular, the real National Intelligence Service Director Anderson, who took the initiative in planning and implementing this plan, was dumbfounded.

When they remained silent, President William opened his mouth again.

“Have you checked the satellites monitoring the Arctic?”

“Pardon? Oh, yes! The moment Juyoung Hong mentioned the North Pole, we dispatched 27 satellites all over the Arctic. Whatever he does there, we will know immediately.”

“Good. Then let’s watch whether he can really wipe out the United States from Earth as he warned.”

After he finished talking, the entire North Pole was displayed on the screen that occupied the entire wall on one side of the bunker, and everyone there stared at the screen.

Given that Juyoung Hong could cross the huge Atlantic Ocean that stretches from Brazil to Sierra Leone in less than 30 seconds, it would take him only dozens of seconds to reach the Arctic from Seoul, South Korea.

The Arctic, which was not any definitive geographical name, was called so because it was near the north pole of the Earth. Depending on the time period, and the individual, its specific area was defined differently, but today, it covers quite a large area encompassing the Arctic Ocean, parts of Russia, Siberia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, and the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the Arctic is a glacier the size of a continent. But the glacier is shrinking day by day.

Today, the Arctic has changed so much that people can visit there at any time even though it was not summer or even if there were no more icebreakers.

Among those glaciers was one called the Victoria Glacier, which was once the largest glacier in the Arctic, but was now almost completely melted.

But the Victoria Glacier began to shake gradually.

Then an enormous amount of glaciers began to form around the Victoria Glacier.

Some lifted the Victoria Glacier, and a huge glacier began to appear beneath it.

“Right now, I am seeing a new glacier the size of California forming. Am I the only one seeing this?” President William said in awe.




Another heavy silence fell on the underground bunker when the President said that.

They also were witness to something amazing as if God was trying to create a new ice age on Earth.

At that moment, one official shouted, “At first, we estimated that the thickness of the glacier that suddenly formed around the Victoria Glacier was around 100 meters. metres. But it’s getting thicker and thicker, and its thickness is now over 150 meters.”

He was referring to its thickness, not width. In terms of width, it was wider than the whole state of California.

So everyone there had no choice but to tremble uncontrollably because they knew well that if that happened in Washington DC, New York, Chicago, or Texas, not in the Arctic, it would literally be a disaster for the American people. It would be neither a typhoon nor an earthquake, nor a tsunami or a tornado, but a completely new disaster that they have never experienced before.

Those in the White House bunker quickly fell silent because they witnessed his mighty power with their own eyes. They had to move quickly and change their strategy accordiingly. .


My house in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul.

“Man, I think I didn’t have to go through all that hardship.”

I gave back huge glaciers to the Arctic.

To be honest, I could do that by moving my fingers instead of flying there in person.

I really went through lots of hardship this time.

It would have been much easier if I had used Ice Field or Blizzard openly, but the moment I used it, everything in the Arctic would be frozen, including Polar bears, arctic foxes, reindeer, and even the people stationed at some arctic science bases.

Since I had no intention of turning the Arctic into a place where all living things would disappear in order to make it more beautiful, I really had to refrain from using my powerful skills, which was really tough.

“Well, I think I may have to give them 24 hours…”

The American leadership must be agonizing over my ultimatum very hard.

They would know what that huge amount of glaciers means for America and its people.

Anyway, I hit the sack after making up my mind because there were still many hours left till the sun would rise in the morning..

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