Come And Hug Me

Chapter 67 - All For Love.

Chapter 67 – All For Love.

"Never boss, why does boss ask that?". Jason answered honestly.

Michael smiled. "I just sympathize with you, because you don't know what it's like to fall in love with the same person over and over again."

It turned out that it was true that his boss only intended to mock him by asking such a question. 

After that, Michael looked at the window with a smile.

"The weather today is very beautiful". Said Michael.

Just then the sound of thunder boomed over the overcast sky, instantly Jason was even more confused by his boss's behavior. He peeked out and saw the bad weather which meant it was going to rain soon. But, his boss thinks that the weather is very beautiful, is it because of love?

"Yes, very beautiful boss". Jason said forcefully because he didn't want to get angry.

"Gosh… The boss is very strange, the weather as bad as this is beautiful. Love can indeed make normal people become abnormal". Jason thought.

What Jason didn't know was that the bad weather turned beautiful in Michael's eyes because he brought back his memories of when he was caught in the rain with Sophia. 

There is a longing that lies behind the rain, that's why Michael really likes the rain. 

Just then, Michael was startled by the sound of his cell phone, he immediately picked it up.

"Hello". Michael said after sliding the green icon on his cellphone.

From the other side of the phone came a voice of panic and noise, instantly Michael's expression turned ugly.

"Who's this?". Asked Michael. 

"I borrowed your woman for a while, if you want to pick her up, then come to the address I sent". After saying that, the person on the other end of the phone immediately ended the conversation.

Michael's cell phone fell out of surprise, after that he immediately ran outside without paying attention to his cellphone.

Jason and all his employees were bewildered to see their boss running fast without care.

Not long after that, Michael started his car at a crazy speed.

A few minutes later.

It didn't take long, Michael finally arrived at a place surrounded by old buildings. Instantly Michael looked left and right with worry.

He got out of the car warily, even though the place was very quiet, but he could feel someone was watching him.

"Where did they keep Sophia?". Michael asked himself.

After that, Michael looked for his cell phone. But, he just realized that he didn't bring it. 

"Gosh… I forgot to pick up my cell phone". Michael said annoyed that he couldn't reach the person.

A few seconds later, a helicopter landed, a charismatic man, with a sharp gaze, his aura was like a god, although his skin was not as white as Michael's. But, he was very charming.

A moment later he got off the helicopter and walked arrogantly toward Michael.

Seeing the man Michael narrowed his eyes.

The man stopped in front of Michael with a smile. 

"Hello … Michael Walton, long time no see!". Said Jhon after opening his glasses.

The man is Jhon Fahri, Michael's old enemy when he was in London.

In addition to competing academically, they are also involved in a complicated feud, where Jhon hates Michael, even more, when his sister Catlin falls in love with him.

Jhon and Michael are two genius students at one of the prestigious universities in London, but unfortunately, Jhon walks the wrong path so that he becomes cruel and violent.

"So, is this what you're doing? Tell me where Sophia is?". Michael shouted while looking at Jhon savagely.

"Hahaha… Unfortunately your girl isn't here". Jhon chuckled because he was satisfied to see Michael panicked and worried.

Jhon knows that Sophia is Michael's weak point. Therefore he uses Sophia to lure Michael to meet him.

"Your way is too cheap". Michael sneered at Jhon.

"Hahahaha… It turns out that you're still as arrogant as ever, don't worry! I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to steal Sophia from you, because I won't let you be happy while my sister is still tormented in a mental hospital". 

Jhon's face darkened as he reminisced about his sister's suffering.

"So, you came here to seek revenge? Are you not wrong?". Michael asked expressionlessly. 

"Even though you are declared free, you will never be able to stop me until my sister is healed. Therefore I will make the people you love feel the pain that Catlin feels". Shouted Jhon with a terrible expression.

"This is your business with me. So, don't ever bring Sophia into this circle". Michael said firmly.

"At first I wanted to use her to paralyze you. But, after I watched her, I came to know why someone like Michael is so infatuated with her. Since then I started to fall in love with her".

Jhon told the truth, he did fall in love with Sophia and it was for the first time, though he never lacked women.

Jhon is a person who always gets what he wants, his family spoils him a lot, because he is the only grandson in his family, apart from his sister Catlin and his cousin Syisi whom he knows all of his cousins ​​are girls.

Jhon's grandfather is a very rich man, he is also the biggest channel of funds in a mafia organization called Black Hole which is led by a mysterious, cruel man. The group is the toughest rival of the mafia group led by his grandfather Larry.

"You fall in love or not is your business, but Sophia only loves me and will be mine forever". Michael said that proudly because it was true that he was the only one loved by his wife and there was no doubting that. 

"Hahahaha.. Maybe that's true, but what if Sophia finds out what you've done to Catlin? Will she continue to love you?". Jhon tries to threaten Michael.

Michael remained calm because he knew who Sophia wasn't easy to believe. But, he wasn't ready to tell Sophia his past so he was a little worried if Jhon preceded him.

"I will make sure that you will go crazy like my sister when you see Sophia in my arms". Said Jhon confidently. 

After saying that, Jhon made a call. 

"It is time". Said Jhon to the person on the other end of the phone. 

After that Jhon hung up the call and looked back at Michael. 

"I gave you a small gift as a greeting, I hope you enjoy it!". Jhon said with a sly smile.

"You are sly!" Michael said sarcastically. 

Just then, all of Jhon's men came and formed a line behind Jhon.

"Back then… You hid behind Alexander's group so I had a hard time touching you. And I've been waiting for this day for a long time. So, enjoy the gift of our meeting, don't worry they won't kill you!". After saying that, Jhon turned away from Michael and rushed into a car that had just been parked.

"Let's go!". Said Jhon after wearing his glasses again.

"Yes boss!" The car left the place quickly.

Meanwhile, Michael must fight Jhon's men who attack him. 

Because there were too many of them Michael was so overwhelmed that he was hit by one hit and bounced into his car. Immediately, blood dripped from the corner of his lips.

Just then, 3 cars stopped behind Michael's car which was led by Larry.

"Brother, how come these idiots can hit you?". Asked Larry as he stood beside Michael.

Larry looked sadly at Michael like an innocent little brother.

"Why are you here?". Asked Michael in surprise.

"Someone told me that you were being attacked, so I immediately brought my friends here". Larry replied.

"Who told you?". Michael asked again.

"Let's talk at home because I have to clean up all the stupid bugs that have hurt you." After that, Larry mobilized all his friends to attack Jhon's man, who returned to attack Michael again.

Larry and his friends sneered at Jhon's men, and quickly Larry's legs and arms acted as well as his friends who followed him. 

After a while, one by one Jhon's men collapsed.

"Stop…". Suddenly the Black Lion appears out of nowhere to stop Larry from massacring Jhon's men. 

Larry stopped his attack and asked his friends to back off, smiling at the Black Lion.

"Black Lion… Why did you stop us?".. Asked Larry.

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