Come And Hug Me

Chapter 78 - Handsome Little Boy.

Chapter 78 – Handsome Little Boy.

"Yes dear, that means soon you will become Mrs. Walton and we can take control of the W Group through you dear! Your father must be very happy to hear that!". Clara's mother said enthusiastically.

"You're right… Now I'm going to go for treatment first so that tonight I can look stunning in front of Michael!". Clara said while getting ready to leave.

"Mom will accompany you!".


After that the mother and child immediately left for treatment.

University FBI.

Meanwhile, Sophia returned to her routine activities, even though her body didn't feel well because of Michael's madness this morning, but Sophia was still eager to teach.

Today, Sophia has a teaching schedule during the day, because Zian doesn't want to be left behind, she is happy to take him to campus by motorbike without Michael's knowledge.

Arriving at campus, Sophia parked her motorbike and looked at Zian gently.

"Honey… There are a lot of people here, are you okay?".

Zian shook his head with a smile, instantly Sophia felt calm seeing his response.

"Then let's go in!" Sophia said while holding Zian's hand.

Zian nodded enthusiastically.

Not long after that, Sophia brought Zian into the classroom without stopping by her room first, because she was already late.

Zian walked upright beside Sophia towards the lecturer's seat. 

All eyes are on Zian because they know that Sophia doesn't have children yet so they are curious about Zian.

Just as Zian looked at the student seats, Zian's good looks instantly made him the center of attention. 

"Oh my God… Who is that little boy… ? He is so handsome?".

"He is very handsome, his skin is white and soft".

"This is the first time I've seen a very handsome little boy in person. I couldn't help but hug him immediately."

"Me too".

"I'll ask for a photo with him and upload it to my account, I'm sure after that I will go viral, hahaha …".

Whispers from the female students, and it made Sophia turn to Zian who was sitting in her chair quietly expressionless. 

Instantly, Sophia fell silent watching Zian's calm aura and his demeanor like Michael. Zian really looks like Michael. Besides, Zian was very handsome.

Sophia thinks that Michael's sister, Diane, must be a very beautiful girl. Sophia hoped to get to know Diane quickly.

"Our learning is noble! Please turn to page 123!".

All the students pouted because Sophia started learning too soon even though they still wanted to see Zian. 

Even though they feel annoyed, they still obey Sophia's orders because they know that Sophia is a very disciplined and fierce lecturer. Not only that, Sophia is also known to be very strict in providing guidance and too stingy when giving grades. It is not uncommon for students to be frightened when they see Sophia as their mentor.

Learning runs quietly and smoothly. Sophia focused on teaching while Zian focused on reading the comics he brought. 

Zian sat very quietly and didn't seem to move the slightest bit like a statue.

After finishing the lesson, all the female students rushed to stop Sophia and Zian who were about to leave the classroom.

"What is it?". Asked Sophia while looking at them in surprise.

"Miss. Sophia… Please allow us to take a photo with this handsome little man!".

"We beg, allow us!".

"Just a minute!".

"One photo is enough".

Sophia took a deep breath and then looked at Zian who was still standing quietly beside her.

"Honey, they want to take a photo with you. Do you want to?".

Zian lowered his head, he wasn't unwilling but he was embarrassed because he wasn't used to a new environment or new people.

Instantly, Sophia immediately understood without waiting for Zian's answer.

"Sorry… He seems unwell and has to go home soon! Maybe next time you guys can take a photo with him!".

There was disappointment on the faces of the female students.

However, Sophia didn't care about them because she had to bring Zian home before Michael knew about it. 

Before going home, Sophia took Zian to her office to get something.

In the office room, Sophia saw that all of her colleagues seemed busy except for the women who were excitedly discussing the clothes they would wear to Michael and Clara's engagement party.

"Miss. Sophia… Have you prepared a dress to attend the party later?". Vio tried to be friendly to Sophia in front of all her colleagues. 

"No". Sophia answered briefly.

"Why? Are you jealous or …". Vio couldn't continue her words when one of her colleagues asked Sophia to talk. 

"Miss. Sophia… Whose child are you bringing with you? I swear he is very handsome and funny?". Chloe asked who suddenly appeared in front of Sophia and Zian.

Sophia glanced at Zian with a smile.

"Isn't this the little prince of the Walton family?". A middle-aged woman knew Zian, she was Director Emma who had just entered the lecture hall.

Director Emma is a good friend of Mrs. Anggi. Therefore she knew Zian because she had been invited to meet him several times.

Everyone was shocked, including Vio, they were confused as to why Sophia could bring the little prince from the Walton family who was very closely guarded, not even just anyone could play or take him outside other than being escorted. 

Vio looked enviously at Sophia as well as curious.

"How can you take the little prince with you at will? What if there's something wrong with him? Besides, I've heard that the grandson of the Walton family is a bit not so normal?" Hearing Vio say Zian wasn't normal, Sophia immediately lost her composure.

"Miss Vio… Please don't talk carelessly! He's a normal kid and he's even smarter than other kids his age". Sophia said curtly.

"Hahaha… Miss. Sophia doesn't need to try to lick this kid! I know about him from a reliable source. You could say that he's an autistic kid judging from his features". Vio couldn't control her words anymore because she didn't like Sophia to stand out more than her by bringing the little prince of the Walton family.

"Fine, I will prove to you that he is not an autistic or abnormal child". After saying that Sophia glanced at Chloe.

Everyone was waiting for what Sophia would do.

"Why is Miss. Sophia looking at me?". Chloe asked confusedly.

"Didn't Miss Chloe say yesterday that your computer has a problem? Has it been fixed?".

"Oh…. I haven't had time to take it to a repairman yet, but Mr. Dodi, who teaches at the electrical engineering faculty said that my computer was infected with a virus". Chloe replied with a frown.

"Can Miss. Chloe asks Mr. Dodi to come here to check your computer?". Asked Sophia seriously.

Chloe nodded and immediately contacted Mr. Dodi. They were all still waiting patiently.

A few moments later.

Mr. Dodi came and immediately checked Chloe's computer again.

"I haven't been able to find the type of virus so I need a few days to check it". Said Mr. Dodi with a regretful expression.

"Then give me the computer! Let this little boy fix it!" Sophia said casually while pointing at Zian who had been standing quietly beside her. 

Everyone was shocked to hear Sophia's words, because Mr. Dodi who is said to be an expert in computers alone can't fix it quickly, then how can a child like Zian do it?

Chloe and everyone else looked doubtful and couldn't even believe it.

"Miss. Chloe doesn't need to worry! If your computer breaks down and gets worse because of Zian then I'm willing to buy a new one for you. Even the newest and the best". Sophia said reassuring Chloe.

Director Emma only smiled because she believed Sophia's words, because people who came from the Walton family were famous for their intelligence.

"Okay then, I trust you". After that Chloe gave her computer and asked Zian to fix it. 

Zian was asked to sit in front of the broken computer, for a moment Zian was silent staring at the computer. Everyone started to tense up while looking down on Zian.

"You know what you have to do? Didn't uncle Larry teach you? I heard that story from uncle Larry". Whispered Sophia. 

Zian glanced at Sophia without an expression, immediately Sophia was a little tense because she was worried that Zian couldn't do it and Larry had lied to her. 

Not long after that Zian started to put his two tiny hands on the keyboard without saying anything to Sophia.

The speed of his hands dancing on the keyboard astonished everyone, including Mr. Dodi.

Thirty minutes later Zian's hand stopped, and Vio thought Zian had broken the computer and gave up.

"Miss. Sophia, it looks like the computer is getting worse and worse. That means you have to keep your promise".. Vio said while grinning at Sophia.

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