Come And Hug Me

Chapter 88 - Promises From The Past.

Chapter 88 – Promises From The Past.

"What a letter. I never received it". Sophia said in confusion.

The young man was getting confused, he did not expect that the letter never arrived, fortunately, he always had a good opinion of Sophia. He immediately explained about the letter.

Hearing the young man's explanation, Sophia's expression turned panicked. She couldn't believe that the young man in front of her still kept his promise and it turned out that she was the one who misunderstood and made her break her promise. What should she do? The boy was too good for her, could she really say that she was back with Michael?

Sophia was really in a frenzy of confusion, but she had to say it anyway. 

"But …".

"Mr. Firaz….". Someone suddenly called out to the young man from a distance so Sophia couldn't continue her words. 

Firaz looked towards the source of the voice. "I'll see you soon!"

After saying that, Firas looked back at Sophia.

"Shopia… Looks like we can't chat for long, but I'll see you soon! Then I'll go first!".

"Firaz, I…". Once again Sophia couldn't finish her words because Firaz left in a hurry. Instantly, Sophia fell into a dilemma because she didn't have a chance to tell Firas that she was back with Michael.

Actually, eight years ago when Sophia was in a craze, Firaz was the one who always supported her, and patiently comforted her, because Syifa suddenly disappeared without any news, only Amel and Firaz accompanied and supported her.

Firas also helped her take care of the funeral of her father and son. Not only that, Firaz was also faithfully waiting for her when she was unconscious after giving birth. 

Firas is doing everything he can to restore her spirit Sophia because he loves Sophia unconditionally even though he knows that Sophia is already married to Michael. 

When news of Sophia's divorce spread throughout the village, she was immediately blasphemed, ostracized, and considered an unrighteous woman who deserved punishment. Not only that, all parents who have sons tried to keep them away from Sophia, at that time it was really hard for Sophia, but she was grateful that Amel and Firas always supported her, even though Firaz's parents, especially his mother, strongly forbade him to approach Sophia.

As the son of the village head, Firaz is quite respected in his village, besides being the best graduate from the same school as Sophia and Michael, he also has good character, and everyone likes him.

However, when he was caught liking Sophia, everyone sneered at him so Firaz's parents were furious.

After his father's term ended, Firaz and his family moved to city B to manage his father's new business. At first, Firas didn't want to go, but Sophia encouraged him to obey his parents. 

At that time he was so young that he didn't have the guts to fight his parents, if he was old enough he might have fought for himself to accompany Sophia. 

A year later Sophia and her mother moved to town B also following her stepfather.

Firaz and Sophia meet again and study at the same University as well, and that's where they started a relationship because Firas is so kind that Sophia can't refuse him. 

Since then, Sophia has never felt lonely as long as Firaz has been around. 

Because he loves Sophia so much, Firaz repeatedly asks her to marry but Sophia always refuses on the grounds that there is no blessing from Firas' mother.

The problem comes in when Firaz's mother knows about their relationship, and Firaz was sent to America with the reason for his dream.

Firaz, who does not know his mother's true intentions, agrees to go to America. However, he promised Sophia that he would return to marry her after completing his studies. 

Without hesitation, Sophia promised and received a ring from Firaz as a symbol of their promise.

A few months later, Sophia was told that Firas had married a woman from America, without investigating the truth, Sophia was once again hurt because her heart was able to open for Firas at that very moment her heart was broken, although it was not as painful as when she was left by Michael, the pain was almost same.

A year later, Sophia moved again to continue her master's at FBI University, because she managed to get a scholarship there, along with growing her stepfather's business they finally chose to settle in downtown B. 

It was at the university that she met George. At first, she didn't want to have anything to do with men anymore, she had also closed all her past and hoped to start a new life, but George's mother really liked her and asked her to be George's wife and for the first time for Sophia the parents of the man she liked, even from a rich family, so she thought that George was a man sent by God to treat her pain. 

Until the tragedy of George's affair happened, the incident really made Sophia despair of love and trust, but God did not waste her patience by returning the man she loved so much, without ever thinking at all, it was the man who promised to give his life to her even he promised himself that he would atone for his suffering with an abundance of happiness, even though his life was at stake.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Asked Michael who had just returned.

Instantly Sophia turned to Michael while crying, she then hugged Michael tightly.

Michael was confused and started to worry when he saw Sophia suddenly crying.

"Why did you come back so long? I'm tired of waiting for you? Why?". Asked Sophia while sobbing.

"I'm sorry! I had important business to do earlier. Are you okay?".

Michael tried to explain to Sophia while patting her shoulder. 

Actually, Michael saw Sophia talking to a man from a distance, although he didn't know who the man was, he heartfelt that something was wrong between the young man and Sophia.

But he doesn't want to interrogate Sophia and chooses to wait until Sophia will tell him herself because he really believes in Sophia.

"I want to go home!". Sophia said without answering Michael's question. 

"Yeah, let's go back to the hotel!". Michael said expressionlessly.

"I don't want to go to the hotel, I want to go back to our house right now!". Pushed Sophia. 

Without any more words, Michael immediately nodded and immediately took care of their return.

"Shopia, my dear wife, what happened to you? You don't know how much it hurts my heart to see you like this, my goal is to bring you here to make you happy but why is it the other way around?". Michael thought anxiously.

After that Michael took Sophia immediately away from that place. 

At the same time, Larry and Jennifer were enjoying their walk.

"Larry … Thank you for taking me for a walk!". Jennifer was very happy to be traveling with Larry.

Larry smiled. "Yeah, you're my artist so it's only natural that I please you".

"That's just a good boss, hehehe…". Jennifer really admires Larry, besides he has helped her a lot, Larry also treats her well.

But one thing she must guard against, which is not to fall in love with Larry all because she does not want to create gossip. 

Besides that, she also knows that Larry is a playboy so she doesn't want to feel hurt.

Just as they were about to enter the restaurant, Larry heard a girl's voice calling him.

"Doctor Alexander… Is that you?". 

Larry immediately turned towards the source of the sound, and immediately he saw a young girl who was about 14 or 15 years old wearing a school uniform.

"Who?". Larry asked, frowning. 

The girl smiled. 

"I am Esmeray's twin sister, my name is Esra, two years ago you saved us when we were kidnapped on the European border, and the doctor himself operated on my twin for heart failure".

Larry tried to remember. "Oh yes.. I remember".

After remembering it Larry immediately looked down sadly.

"Young girl, please forgive me for not being able to save your twin sister!".

"Indeed, we thank you, Doctor, if you and your girlfriend didn't save us, maybe the two of us would only be in the name, regarding my twin sister, the doctor has tried, but maybe it's time for her to leave because since childhood she has suffered from heart failure". Esra said with a smile.

Larry was relieved to hear that because he had been blaming himself for the past two years.

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