Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 678 - 678 Survival Test

678 Survival Test

I’m here.

Xu Jingming gazed in awe at the colossal celestial body before him—it was incomparable and breathtaking. An entire universe.

Each universe held a special place in Xu Jingming’s heart. They were the cradles for low-dimensional lifeforms, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of reverence toward them.

The Mother Stream is truly magical, Xu Jingming thought to himself. It nurtures one universe after another, eventually producing low-dimensional lifeforms like us. It’s no wonder it is called the Mother Stream.

The Mother Stream was the mother of all low-dimensional lifeforms.

As he approached, Xu Jingming observed the interior of the universe from the Heart Realm. Countless species of life exist within this universe; I’ll choose the border between two species.

On an ordinary vegetation planet in the border world of the Aihus.

Xu Jingming descended from the Heart Realm and appeared above the vegetation planet.

The aura concealment method taught by the dean and the others is indeed useful. Moreover, it greatly reduces the universe’s rejection of me. Xu Jingming nodded. He had learned many legacies from the dean and the others on Myriad Star Island.

How was he to restrain his aura? How was he to minimize karma? How was he to reduce a universe’s rejection of him? Many legacies had descriptions.

The repulsion he faced when forcefully entering a universe was intense, but by gently entering through its energy ebbs and flows, it was much weaker.

The climate, temperature, and environment of the planet seem suitable for humans. Xu Jingming mused and began terraforming the planet by enveloping the planet with an invisible force.

Over half of the plants disappeared.

Oceans, rivers, and lakes appeared, and the atmosphere was modified.

In no time, a habitable planet that looked remarkably suitable for humans emerged.

It looks perfect on the surface and is very suitable for humans, Xu Jingming thought. However, the intangible laws of a universe can be unforgiving toward humans.

The evolution of the human race was intricately tied to the laws of their home universe. How would humans fare in a completely different universe with a different set of laws?

Time to begin the experiment.

Xu Jingming’s mind whirred.

He released a million human planetary lifeform criminals and a cosmic lifeform criminal from the Spacetime Prison. With a flick of his wrist, they were instantly transported to the habitable planet.

I’ll leave a Cleansing Lotus Incarnation to watch over them. As he took a step and departed, a Nine-leaf Cleansing Lotus Fire condensed into Xu Jingming’s very image, left behind to oversee the prisoners.

A Cleansing Lotus incarnation needed a true body to rely on and couldn’t exist independently.

After becoming a high-dimensional lifeform, the differences between a Cleansing Lotus incarnation and my true body have been amplified. As long as I’m in the same dominion, I can maintain the Cleansing Lotus incarnation. Xu Jingming had long done experiments.

The Cleansing Lotus incarnation observed the released prisoners.

“What’s going on? W-where is this?”

A million human planetary lifeform criminals and a cosmic lifeform criminal were scattered across the planet.

“Were we exiled?”

“There’s nothing to eat or drink?”

This batch of human criminals looked around and quickly discovered some fruits growing on the trees.

Xu Jingming had intentionally condensed the fruit during the terraforming to provide sustenance for the humans.

The tenacity of life shall prevail; life finds a way. Xu Jingming didn’t interfere and only observed and took notes. I wonder if they can adapt to this universe.

Xu Jingming traversed the vast expanse of space, his true body carrying the Spacetime Prison as he journeyed from one universe to another.

With each stop, he carefully selected a planet suitable for terraforming, dropping off a million planetary lifeform criminals and a cosmic lifeform criminal. He left behind a Cleansing Lotus incarnation to observe their survivability, gathering vital data for the survivability experiments.

There are so many dangers in high-dimensional space. Xu Jingming was always on the lookout for potential threats as he spied on the outside world.

According to the intelligence, the dark area ahead… is Kettle Abyss, one of the dominion’s seven forbidden zones. Only half-step third-realm powerhouses can enter and exit safely. The weaker high-dimensional lifeforms who entered have never returned. He strained his eyes to see through the dark expanse, but even his Heart Realm couldn’t penetrate its depths.

“Let’s go.”

He took a step and teleported far into the Heart Realm.

As he floated in the darkness, he noticed a water flask deep in the abyss. Its nozzle seemed to stretch into infinity, connected to a mysterious location.

What a nice fragrance. This is a low-dimensional lifeform that evolved to the Firstborn realm, and it’s from the Heart Realm lineage. I really want to take a bite. The kettle turned slightly, and the nozzle pointed in Xu Jingming’s direction as if it yearned for him.

In a matter of hours, Xu Jingming traveled through seven different universes, leaving sufficient human criminals there with ease. He had Cleansing Lotus incarnations spread throughout.

The setup for Fengyi 33 dominion is complete. All we need now are the observation records, Xu Jingming thought, standing tall in the Heart Realm. I’ll leave a true body behind to maintain the seven Cleansing Lotus incarnations.


Xu Jingming split into two true bodies—one to remain in place, the other to carry the Spacetime Prison and continue his travels.

The next stop? Fengyi 9 dominion.

After painstakingly observing and experimenting in the various dominions, Xu Jingming ended up being the only human who found it suitable.


Xu Jingming remained cautious, leaving only one true body in the Heart Realm of Fengyi 33 and keeping a safe distance from the seven universes. His true body was crucial in maintaining the seven incarnations, without which they would cease to exist.

The incarnation is composed of Cleansing Lotus Fire—a powerful force in isolating karma and perfect for dealing with enemies. Xu Jingming had fear creeping in. He was in the Firstborn realm after all, and a high-dimensional lifeform could attack him through karma at any moment.

He had to be careful, to think of ways to obstruct karma and protect himself.

“On the third day, death came to Planet Number One in the form of its human inhabitants.”

“The first death on Planet Number Seven occurred on the 15th day.”

Planet Number Six had survived for 30 consecutive days without any casualties—excluding accidental factors like in-fighting.

Xu Jingming took note of the data meticulously.

Human infighting, accidental falls, and other such factors didn’t interest him. He was only concerned with the deaths caused by unsuitability with the environment.

Of the seven universes in this dominion, the seven planets he had selected were terraformed to be perfect for humans. So if a large number of deaths occurred because of the environment, then it meant the universe wasn’t suitable for humans at all.

“From the 37th day, human illnesses and sores began to appear, like a plague that had been unleashed. And then, from the 50th day, death followed—swift and merciless. The Cleansing Lotus incarnation watched silently, recording the data with detached, clinical precision. “More than half of them died on the 90th day of the survivability experiment!”


The Aihus’ palace loomed high, its towering presence befitting the five high-dimensional lifeforms who sat upon their thrones, peering down at Test Planet Number One and the observing Xu Jingming that was displayed on a massive mirror before them.

Each of the high-dimensional lifeforms wore a golden mask, hiding half of their features from view.

A young one spoke up, voicing his concern. “A foreign high-dimensional lifeform has trespassed into our home universe and occupied a planet at the border of our species. I believed all of you needed to be informed as it involves a high-dimensional lifeform.”

“Does anyone know this high-dimensional lifeform?” the leader sitting in the middle asked.

“I don’t know him.”

“Never seen him.”

One after another replied.

“We are all consciousness carriers, so we aren’t strong enough,” the high-dimensional lifeform in the middle said. “Buxiu, you are the only one remaining in our home universe. I’ll leave this to you. My only request is… to get him out!”

“I might not be able to defeat him.” The young high-dimensional lifeform wasn’t confident.

“You are allowed to use three treasures!” the leader said.

“Yes, sir.”

The young high-dimensional lifeform was immediately filled with confidence. He said, “Even if I can defeat him, what if he’s a natural high-dimensional lifeform who does whatever he wishes with nothing to worry about… and he ends up threatening our species?”

Naturally-born high-dimensional lifeforms who did things alone often didn’t have any worries.

The leader’s eyes turned cold as he declared, “We will fight those who dare threaten our species to the death. However, don’t make any rash moves if he’s really crazy. We will all return and make this puny natural high-dimensional lifeform pay the price.”

The powerhouses of low-dimensional origin held an air of confidence that was unmistakable. They knew that their path to the Eternal Realm was paved with higher chances of success.

“Brother, we don’t even know this high-dimensional lifeform. He might have some serious connections that we are unaware of,” another companion said. “I suggest we approach him cautiously and only make a move after we confirm that he is not a threat.”

“I trust Buxiu to handle the situation with the proper amount of caution,” the leader said calmly.

Xu Jingming observed the humans on Planet Number One, nodding slightly as he studied their survivability. They have managed to survive for three months, despite the random death on the third day. The total number of deaths, at 1.5%, ranks them second among the seven planets.

The laws of a universe were unforgiving, and death could erupt on a large scale at any moment. That’s why Xu Jingming’s survivability experiments had to last at least a thousand years, according to plan.

Xu Jingming’s senses jolted as a mighty aura washed over him. It was unmistakably the aura of a high-dimensional lifeform.

Xu Jingming looked up.

He raised his gaze to the distant cosmos, and there it was—a figure, wreathed in flames that twisted and turned into massive birds. Each one of them exuded an ominous power that made Xu Jingming’s heart race.

The firebirds swooped and circled around the figure.

Peak Firstborn realm aura. Xu Jingming instantly made a judgment.

He wasn’t surprised. It wasn’t uncommon for treasures to allow a Firstborn realm expert to reach the peak of their realm, and any species with a slightly deeper heritage could do it.

“I’m Buxiu from the Aihus.” The figure smiled at Xu Jingming, wearing a silver robe and a golden mask. “Foreign high-dimensional lifeform, can you tell me why you came to the Aihu dominion?”

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