Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 125 - 125 - Beauty Underwater

Tian sped up through the streets. A lot of vehicles were stranded in their path, but since they were travelling on a motorbike, they just wedged through the gaps.

Just hearing their engines sound, a lot of zombies came out from their hiding spot.

Zou Yue watched in shock. 'I thought the baby zombie had killed them all.... darn they were hiding from it. Their intelligence is increasing a lot!'

He watched in horror as they all march their way.

"Lui, speed up and stay in our tail," he shouted, glancing back at them.

Lui nodded.

"Prepare the machine guns. We can't make do with a normal ones now..." Tian whispered softly.

"No, I have an even better idea." Yue took out a thin yoga strap and wrapped it around his index and middle finger tightly.

"Yue....what are you doing?"

"Using my new prototype long-range weapon," Yue pulled back his coat to reveal a small bag of black pebbles. He placed a pebble in the centre of the band and pulled back.

Like releasing an arrow, he released it. The pebble smashed through a zombie's head.

Tian looked at it in shock. "What did you do?!"

"Used my body as a weapon," he laughed, shooting at all the zombies creeping close.

In the house they took shelter, he found an empty fish tank. The first time he saw it he got an idea for a weapon that had unlimited ammo.

A slingshot from using his own fingers as the base.

But even so, he needed something elastic and strong enough to withstand his strength. Then came the idea of the amazing yoga strap.

After rummaging through the entire apartment, he was able to find them in a gym bag.

He cut them into thin slices so that it can wrap around his hands with ease. 

"shit..." Tian grumbled slowing down a bit. "The roads are blocked..."

There were four cars that were fully jamming the road. It looked like a road accident. Four cars were smashed against each other.

"no worries. Go close to that car.." he pointed to the nearby car.

Just as they drove close, Yue jumped down and swiftly lifted that car up and tossed it to the side.

This cleared up a small path for them to drive through.

Yue jumped on the back and patted Tian to go on.

"That was hulk move." She mumbled with a small smile.

"Aw sister, are you praising me? I'm so happy."

"Shut up and shoot. Those things are getting too close for my comfort,"

Tian took out a handful of pebbles and continued shooting them.

His aim was good, hitting each of the zombies with just a pebble.

"Lui, Juda, how are you guys holding up?"

Lui dove parallel to them. "good... just spooked. Man, this road reeks."

"I know right...."

The whole street was filled with rotting corpses and undead zombies. of course the stench is unavoidable.

This was the thing he absolutely hated about the apocalypse in the beginning, but as time went by, he got used to it.

'I got used to the lonely life too... but this life I have my sister.... my family..... I have them...'

Yue tightly gripped Tian's shoulders.

She gave him a look. "You okay..."

"yes..." he smiled reassuringly.

The roads were starting to get broader as they ventured out of the city.

"We don't have gas..."

Yue glanced around. So many stranded cars were stranded around them but they did not have a place to safely extract the fuel.

"Lui, how's your fuel level?"

Lui frowned. "Not looking good. Might hold up for a few kilometres,"

"Sigh... we'll find a safe place before the fuel runs dry,"

"I hope so..." Lui glanced around at the zombies that were unending.

Slowly but safely, they were progressing to the outskirts of H city.

G city is at least a seven hours away, during normal times. But since they were going to take a detour, it would likely take around two or three days depending on the situation.

"Water," Tian held out her hand.

Yue paused with his slingshot. He pulled out a water bottle from his bag and handed it to her.

He also tossed one to Juda, who was riding beside them.

His brown eyes peered intently into his bag. He had five ramen. Twenty or so half a little water bottle and furikake.

'we might have to stop for supplies as well.'

They had rice but the water supply was running low.

All this eventually will extend their time of travel. The longer they are on the road the more dangerous it will get. The next meteor is only a few days away.

They had to reach home before that.

'We must get to G city in about five days, maximum. God, I hope we don't meet any messed up zombies like that baby...' he mentally prayed to any gods that were listening to his pitiful plea.

"Hey, where is your mind. Shoot them," Tian harshly shouted.

Yue took the bottle from her. "Yes yes..." he drank the remaining half a bottle and tossed it at one of the zombies that was getting close.

He re-wrapped his fingers with that yoga strap and started to shoot.

Tian slowed down a bit. Lui also followed suit, slowly following their tail.

"Why are we slowing down?"

"See up ahead,"

Yue looked past her shoulders at a horrifying sight.

"We are at the borders of H city. Straight up ahead is a road that leads us through Y city to G city."

In front of them was a bridge. It was filled with zombies.

The worst part was that the whole bridge was jammed packed with cars lining up.

These were most likely the first batch of survivors trying to leave the city. Sadly, none of them left. The zombies must have overpowered them.

Either the humans must have abandoned their cars or dies with it.

  "Wait, are you planning on driving on the bridge?" Yue whispered close to her ear.

Tian nodded.

"Can we take a detour?" he anxiously whispered as he saw the gushing river underneath the bridge.

The h city was a southern region that was connected to the northern cities like G city by the great Grand Canal. It connected the southern regions to the northern regions, helping with transportation of goods.

It was an artificial river.

Tian stopped the motorbike completely and glanced back. "Why do you want that? Can't we deal with these zombies. You can toss cars like a hulk,"

"It's....." his fear-filled eyes looked towards the waters. It was not the zombies he feared, but rather an even more dangerous creature.

Land was safe, but the river way and waterways were the homes of the most dangerous mutated beasts, mutated gold fishes.

One might wonder how they got into canals. It was because of irresponsible pet owners who abandon their fished in the lakes or flush down the drain. All those gold fishes ended up here and flourished in the canal ways.

It was a tourist attraction, actually.

But after the apocalypse, it became a dead zone. The goldfishes mutated so fast and so strong that humans were not a match even with their abilities.

They can leap out of water and swallow anything and everything in their path.

It was the most beautiful yet feared sight.

These goldfish were about a size of two football fields, plump and golden.

Since these creatures grew so massively, they were not able to sustain with the food in water alone. They started to venture close to the human habitat, eating whatever they could. Be it a zombie or a human. They devoured all.

In his past life he had to cross a similar bridge through the Grand Canal from S city to G city....a lot of good humans lost their lives that day.

He luckily escaped with his.

But after that, he swore not to cross another bridge like this at any chance he got.

His whole body started to tremble, just remembering that fearsome sight.

'The animals won't mutate before the next meteor but.....'

He was not sure of anyone. Things were so different in this life that he did not want to take that chance.

"Yue," Tian held his hands tightly. "How do you suggest we go past this? Only after crossing this bridge will we reach the outskirts of g city.

Yue blinked awake. "We.... we can go around it...."

"There is no way around." she gently patted the back of his hand. "I can burn them all of you want,"

Yue chuckled. "That's not the issue. I'm scared there might a creature similar to that baby zombie,"'

"The chances are very low." She assured him.

"Hey everything is going to be alright," Lui encouraged him from behind.

Yue nodded. The second meteor hasn't hit right... the animals and creatures won't have mutated. "Yeah... everything is going to be alright... everything is awesome...."

Taking a deep breath, he took out his guns.

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