Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 75 - 75 - Secret's Out The Bag

Zou Yue pulled his mum to his parent's room. His father had already freshened up.

"You got up so soon? Come here... why did that Fan Xui stay back? Did he do something to you? If so, tell dad I will punish him myself," he said with a terrifying glare.

"Actually, he is just asleep. He did nothing of those sorts. stop misjudging that poor man. He has nothing but pure intensions towards me,"

Both his mother and father glanced at him with their brows raised.

Clearing his throat, Yue whispered hesitantly. "Before I forget, I came here to tell you both something. I will be leaving for H city tonight."

His father sat up straight instantly. "Come here," he pulled him to the corner of the room. "you said that next month was the 'end of the world'... so why?....."

"I am going to find Tian Ai," he glanced at him with an excited smirk. "Uncle Wen sent me all the information. If I can just go check the orphanage, maybe I might find some clues as to where she is,"

His father froze. "If it was any normal situation, I would have let you go, but Yue, the world is going to end. I won't allow you,"

"Dad, she is my sister." His hands started to tremble a bit. "I just want to see her and if possible bring her here,"

"What if she has a new family? What will you do then?" he just raised a brow sceptically. 

"T—then... then I will let them know about the upcoming apocalypse and leave. dad please, you have to let me,"

"No..." he stood firm in his stance.

"Dad.... is it because she is not your child?" tears started to fill his eyes up. He glanced at the ceiling, controlling his overwhelming emotions. "Because if that is the case, I will be so disappointed in you...."

His father glanced at him in shock. "You... you silly child. That baby was mine too.. Even thought I have not fathered her, even thought I have never met her, she is my daughter," he placed a trembling hand over his shoulders.

"Then why aren't you letting me go search for her."

His dad wiped his eyes swiftly. "I can't let go of the only child I have. It's.... it's too risky,"

"What's too risky? Why is Yue crying? what are you both hiding? you both better tell me right now," his mother glared at them both.

Seeing her husband and her child remain silent, she slowly became enraged.

"I let you both go last time thinking that you would eventually tell me that secret you have been hiding, but no! I can't handle it anymore! You both better tell me tight now or I will ground you both!!!!"

She folded her arms and stood there tapping her right foot.

"foot tapping.. Shit, your mum is going to explode," his father slowly whispered with a fearful look. "Honey, you see..."

"I 'see' your trembling asses, now I wish to 'hear' your so called secret!!" she was slightly panting, holding back her anger.

Zou Yue nudged his dad. "It's time. Let us,"

"She won't let you go to H city too.."

"I am an independent adult..."

"Any minute now!!!" she pinched both their ears and pulled them to the bed. "Sit down and start talking!!!"

Zou Yue hesitantly glanced up. "mum... first you have to sit down as well. What I'm about to tell you is going to sound very scary,"

She looked at him intently for a second before sitting in a small chair. "Now start talking,"

Taking a deep breath, Yue whispered. "the world is going to end in twenty-five days,"

She simply nodded for him to continue. From her folded legs to her calm posture, it felt like she was back to her psyche professor mode.

"In twenty-five days a meteor is going to hit the earth bringing about a deadly virus. That virus will kill half of population. The dead... they don't stay dead, rather they become zombies and start to attack the other living creatures,"

She calmly nodded.

"That's why it is vital that I go to H city to start a search for Tian Ai before the world ends," Zou Yue gave her the cutest puppy eyes he could muster.

Her lashes trembled slightly. "I see.."

Yet still she remained very calm. 'Shit, she does not believe me.'

"Mum, I know all of this seems unbelievable but it is the truth. I have lived in that world once I was reborn,"

"With your memories intact?" she leaned forward with interest.

"Yes. My memories are intact. I am not sure how I came back, but I assume Trexa might be the reason why,"

He ran out of the room and brought back Trexa Gran who was hiding in the corner of the kitchen eating corn nuts. Her small limbs were trembling slightly. "I can prove this,"

He first scratched his hands with his nails to create a small bleeding wound. "Look carefully," Trexa gently placed a paw on it. The wound disappeared instantly. "Do you believe us now?"

Zou Nui nodded as calmly as she could. "I see..."

'oh god this is going to be tougher than I expected.'

"Mum.... it's the truth," he knelt down and hugged the waist. "Please believe me. That is the reason I have so much food stuff stocked in our attic."

"I believe you Yue," she gently kissed his forehead.

Much to his expectation, she reacted calmly. He worriedly glanced at his dad.

His father nodded at him and gently caressed his wife's cheeks. "Honey. What he is saying is the truth. You have to believe it,"

"I said I believe it," she shrugged and hugged Yue's head.

"In fact, I already knew most of which you just said," she mumbled softly.

"How!!!" Zou Yue looked up at her in complete shock. 'How did she know? Did she also retain her past memories.... oh my god...was a reborn just like me?!!'

"I read your rough draft. It was well written but the grammar can be improved."

"oh.. that explains a lot," 

She smiled softly. "I believe you, my baby Yue," she gently kissed his forehead. "So that is why I won't allow you to go to h city,"


"No means no!!!" she said with a scary smile on her face. "Who's ready for breakfast?"

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