Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 355 - Back To The Pure Heart Island!

Chapter 355 – Back To The Pure Heart Island!

After having parted ways with Chu Yang and Qing Yi back at the Pure Heart Island, Huang Yongyu had rushed to leave before anxiously waiting for both of them to show up at the small dock of the Pure Heart City.

Only after having met up with the two of them and making sure that they were safe did he part ways with them as Chu Yang and Qing Yi made their way back to their sect, while he made his way back to his River Sect.

Hopeful about the future after hearing how Chu Yang and Qing Yi were willing to inform their sect about his River Sect's situation.

Given how the Flying Sword Sect had normally acted regarding such situations in the past, Huang Yongyu was almost certain that the Flying Sword Sect would lend his River Sect a hand with at least driving those sects out of his Rive Sect's territory…

"I really hope they will be able to help out…" Huang Yongyu muttered to himself as he went through several different alleys and somewhat hidden paths inside the Pure Heart City.

Since young, Huang Yongyu had spent a lot of time inside the Pure Heart City. Back then, while those sects like the Ghost Howl Sect was indeed still encroaching on their territory, they had not yet managed to take control of the Pure Heart City away from the River Sect and it was only after several random accidents happening to the disciples of the River Sect whenever they travelled between the River Sect and the Pure Heart City, that caused the River Sect to begin withdrawing their people from the Pure Heart City.

Even a bystander could see who was behind the accidents happening to the disciples of the River Sect, but the River Sect had no way to deal with them!

The main reason for this, was due to the fact that the people causing these accidents were often bandits from outside the territory of the River Sect, that the sects had paid handsomely to come and harass the disciples of the River Sect.

That is not to say that the River Sect didn't retaliate against the bandits…

The problem was that new bandits unaware of what had happened to the past bandits kept appearing, so with no way to deal with the constant loss of disciples to these bandits, the River Sect decided to give up the Pure Heart City a few years ago and the sects have jointly taken control of it since then…

Clenching his hands angrily upon remembering how those sects had shamelessly wandered into the Pure Heart City as the River Sect was leaving, Huang Yongyu felt his anger towards those sects rise.

"Hehe, they really got what they deserved earlier~" Suddenly remembering how he had managed to cause an entire horde of blue spider to attack the young master of the Ghost Howl Sect along with the large expedition force of the Ghost Howl Sect, Huang Yongyu could not help chuckling happily.

Even if it had just been an accident on his part, he still felt good knowing how much trouble he had ended up causing the Ghost Howl Sect.

They deserved it!

"Is that so…?"

"Ah…" Hearing an angry voice suddenly echo out behind him, Huang Yongyu froze on the spot before slowly turning around only to be met with the smile of an older Ghost Howl Sect disciple along with another two Ghost Howl Sect disciples standing a little behind him.

"So, the attack on our Ghost Howl Sect was your doing? It's well deserved? Huh?"

"Haha, I think you misheard me, I-"

"Get him boys! Remember to keep him alive for our young master to deal with personally!"


Before Huang Yongyu could even react, the three disciples of the Ghost Howl Sect had already sealed off his path of escape as they began attacking him. Even worse, all of them were way older than him and had similarly reached the Foundation Establishment Realm!

The oldest among them had even reached the middle stages of the Foundation Establishment Realm!



As Huang Yongyu was one-sidedly beaten up by the three Ghost Howl Sect disciples, he soon lost consciousness and faint after being punched into the stone paved road beneath him.

"Hm, he is weaker than expected…"

"Doesn't matter, let's take him with us to the young master! I'm sure he will be pleased with us catching one of the people who schemed against him!"

"True, let's head out immediately! I heard that another of our ships will be leaving soon! If we run fast enough, we should be able to catch it!"


Ignoring the surrounding people that had gathered to see what the ruckus was all about, one of the Ghost Howl Sect's disciples flung the unconscious Huang Yongyu over his shoulder before the group of three made their way in the direction of the Pure Heart City's dock.

The following scene played out just like Xuan Hao had seen through his divine sense, as Huang Yongyu had been gagged before being transported across the Pure Heart Lake towards the Pure Heart Island.

"Looks like that friend of yours was caught by the Ghost Howl Sect…"

"We have to help him! If the Ghost Howl Sect finds out he is part of the River Sect… There is no way he gets out alive!"

"And you think he will get out alive if he was not a part of the River Sect?!"

Watching as both his disciples looked up at him pleadingly wanting to save their new friend, Xuan Hao only let out a sigh as he waved his hand before his disciples began floating up into the air alongside him.

"No need to worry, he is still on his way towards the Pure Heart Island and is only unconscious at the moment…"

Seeing both his disciples let out a sigh of relief upon hearing that Huang Yongyu was still fine, Xuan Hao decided not to disclose the fact that he had been beaten up as it might cause both his disciples to grow more anxious.

It was better for them to save him first instead of having his disciples be worried along the way…

At the same time Huang Yongyu was being transported towards the Pure Heart Island and Xuan Hao was about to take his two disciples to follow, an old man Qing Yi would be all too familiar with appeared at the centre of the Pure Heart Island.

"Are you sure the thing you talked about is really in here…?" Bai Hua, the former head of the Bai family glanced questioningly down towards a large opening leading deep underground with a cautious look on his face.

Ever since he had left the Bai family back then and stumbled upon the ring with the soul remnant of an ancient cultivation powerhouse that had fallen down from the sky, he had adventured across the territory of the Flying Sword Sect on foot.

Under the guidance of the soul remnant of the ancient expert inside the ring, he had managed to break through to the Half-Step into the Nascent Soul Realm.

The main reason he had come to the Pure Heart Island, was because the soul had told him there was some kind of rare natural treasure inside that could promote the strength of his soul, while at the same time help him break through to the Nascent Soul Realm!

Bai Hua had been ecstatic upon hearing this and had made his way to the Pure Heart Island without waiting, it was only after arriving that he had realized that a strong local sect called the Ghost Howl Sect was currently leading a large expedition force towards the centre of the Pure Heart Island!

Given this information, Bai Hua was almost certain that their reason for doing this was the same as him!

They were also after the natural treasure found at the centre of the Pure Heart Island!

"Yes, this should be the place, I feel the aura from the Pure Heart Spiritual Water inside! This is Mystic Grade spiritual water! Just drinking a tiny amount would allow your soul to evolve to a higher level! Now let's go before those people from the Ghost Howl Sect shows up!"

The ecstatic voice from the soul remnant inside of the ring could be heard. Hurrying Bai Hua to enter the large opening in the ground.


Bai Hua didn't say anything in response and just looked around him before jumping into the large opening in the ground.

Even if he wanted to trust the soul remnant inside the ring, Bai Hua had clearly felt a sharp change in the voice of the soul remnant the moment it had discovered the rare natural treasure at the Pure Heart Islands.

No matter what, Bai Hua was not some unexperienced young person who would just listen to everything the so-called dead expert in the ring told him.

After all, even someone in the Nascent Soul Realm would have the ability to possess someone's body to quickly recover after losing their own physical body. Let alone someone above the Nascent Soul Realm!

Bai Hua had increasingly felt that the soul remnant inside the ring became more and more untrustworthy the more he talked with it over the past few days…

Maybe it was going to attempt possessing him after strengthening through the use of the Mystic Grade Spiritual Water…?

Bai Hua could not help having such thoughts as he began trying to think up ways to prevent something like that happening.

Even thinking about just throwing the ring away, but the benefits it brought him in the form of it teaching him about cultivation was hard to give up, as he had managed to increase his cultivation base after remaining stagnate for so many years!


While Bai Hua was struggling with what to do, he slowly made his way deeper into the large opening into the ground at the centre of the Pure Heart Island…

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