Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 369 - Qing Chenyi

Chapter 369 – Qing Chenyi

Entering the building, Xuan Hao soon realized that the entire building was just one giant room with seating space for around a hundred people forming into a half circle with a small open space in the middle.

"Who are those three?"

"Maybe someone who arrived late?"

"Wait… Is that-!

"Shh! Don't talk so loudly or you might disturb the elder!"

Chattering could instantly be heard as Xuan hao soon glanced over the already occupied seating spaces filled with what he assumed to be the outer sect disciples who had been placed well or won in whatever tournament they had participated in to get the chance to come and learn from him…

"Hah… To think there would be a group of people competing to listen to me talking." Muttering this to himself as a small wry smile made its way onto his face, Xuan Hao quickly took out two chairs from his interspatial ring before handing one to Bai Ning and Zhi Ruo before telling them to find a place to sit down.

The chairs in question were among some of the furniture that he had… Taken from the underground palace back in the secret realm, so they were quite high quality and looked extremely luxuries. Just a single glance would allow someone to instantly understand the value of the two chairs!

The disciples sitting inside the room were all shaken by the sight of the two chairs, but quickly calmed down again after seeing Xuan Hao begin making his way towards the open space located at the centre of the half circle.

Even the fact that Bai Ning and Zhi Ruo had appeared together with Xuan Hao was completely overshadowed as all the disciples focused their full attention on Xuan Hao. Scared that they might miss anything and lose an opportunity that they had been fighting hard for just a few days prior.

At the same time Xuan Hao was about to begin his lecture, somewhere in the back of the seating space for the outer sect disciples inside the small building, young disciple clenched both his fists filled with mixed emotions as he looked at Xuan Hao.

This person was Qing Chenyi, who had tried to enter the Flying Sword Sect in the past at the same time as Qing Yi but had ultimately ended up failing. Not only that, after he returned back to the Qing Family and joined in the annual competition, he had ended up getting beaten up by a rival he had long since considered himself superior to before said rival was beaten up by Qing Yi!

The fact that all of these things had happened within only around a month had caused Qing Chenyi to completely lose faith in his own strength and his future as a cultivator.

In turn, this caused him to leave the Qing family and go on an adventure without even having reached the Foundation Establishment Realm!

During his adventure, he had many ups and downs before he finally managed to encounter an elder from the Flying Sword Sect who took an interest in him and decided to bring him back to the sect as an outer sect disciple.

If it had been in the past, Qing Chenyi knew he would never be able to have such an opportunity. The main reason why he had been able to catch the eye of an elder from the Flying Sword Sect in the first place, was because he had managed to improve a lot during his adventure.

Reaching the Eighth Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm, while having the ability to battle against someone at the Ninth Stage!

His overall improvement over only a few months without anyone to guide him had been phenomenal!

Even allowing him to join the tournament for a spot at the lecture held by Elder Xuan. At least he was lucky that a spot was not only rewarded to the first place, but the top three… Barely managing to get into top three himself!

The only thing that caused him to not feel completely ecstatic over the prospect of someone in the Domain Lord Realm teaching him, was the fact that he was the master of Qing Yi… His cousin…

He had to fight for an opportunity to listen to a lecture given by Qing Yi's master… The thought of it alone caused a lot of his enthusiasm to die down, but this was of course not enough to discourage him from coming!

After all, Qing Yi only managed to grow stronger than him because she found an excellent master! In the future, he would surpass her once again and become the strongest among the younger generation of the Qing family!

Just you wait Qing Yi! In the future, I Qing Chenyi will be the one to bring the Qing family to an even higher level and allow it to grow even stronger and bigger!

Unknowingly having formed a pure and honest desire to increase the strength of his family clan through his competitive drive to be the best in his family, Qing Chenyi began focusing his full attention onto Xuan Hao as he came to a stop in the middle of the space located at the centre of the half circle.


Qing Chenyi was not the only one who remained completely quite as all the outer sect disciples focused their full attention onto Xuan Hao. Ready to absorb every single word that came out of his mouth.

All of a sudden, everything became completely quite inside the small building as Xuan Hao slowly opened his mouth.

"Well… Seeing as everyone is ready, how about we begin? Let's start with the basics, the Qi Condensation Realm. The Qi Condensation is about absorbing the qi between heaven and earth and making it your own before beginning the process of refining it to become both purer and stronger, but this can only be considered the most basic interpretation of the Qi Condensation Realm-"

As Xuan Hao began talking, the outer sect disciples, together with Bai Ning and Zhi Ruo listened attentively.. Not a single sound could be heard from the hundred people inside the building as all of them were laser focused on each word Xuan Hao was saying.

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