Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 374 - Winged Lion's New Life~!

Chapter 374 – Winged Lion’s New Life~!

[Reward, choose one: Seven Petal Sky Flower or Heaven Splitting Sword Art]

Looking over the two different rewards and going over the benefit that each of them would give him, Xuan Hao ended up choosing the Heaven Splitting Sword Art.

No matter how useful the Seven Petal Sky Flower would be for him in the creation of the Qi Gathering Formation, there was no way it could outweigh the benefits that a new sword art could possibly bring him.

Especially a high rank sword art!


Feeling some regret at losing the opportunity to get one of the natural treasures he needs for the Qi Gathering Formation, Xuan Hao slowly chose the Heaven Splitting Sword Art.

[Reward chosen: Heaven Splitting Sword Art]

Watching the words representing the Seven Petal Sky Flower Slowly disappear before a new line of words appeared and replaced the last one, Xuan Hao was about to sigh once again before a book suddenly martialized in the air in front of him without any prior warning.


Not expecting the reward to just materialize by itself all of a sudden, Xuan Hao quickly grabbed hold of it before putting it away in his interspatial ring.

No matter what, he was still on his way back to his pavilion and there were both disciples and elders walking by around him at the moment!

Looking around after having put the book that materialized in front of him, Xuan Hao let out a sigh of relief upon discovering the fact that none of the people around him seemed to have discovered the book that had suddenly martialized directly in front of him without any prior warning.

For some reason, the system seemed to have begun doing its best to be troublesome this time around…


Lest anything more troublesome happened, Xuan Hao directly flew into the air before rushing back to his pavilion. Not wanting the system to suddenly begin doing something troublesome again.


Landing back on the ground in front of his pavilion, Xuan Hao could not help smiling awkwardly with a new book in his hand.

During his short flight back towards his pavilion, two more books suddenly began materializing one after the other like the first book before the total number of books reached three.

At least he had the foresight to leave before the other two books appeared…

"Elder Xuan? Did anything happen during your last lecture? Do you need me to brew some tea?" In the process of removing a few leaves that had fallen down in front of the entrance to the pavilion from the large tree situated just beside it, Zhi Ruo was caught off-guard as she suddenly saw Xuan Hao appear with a somewhat angry look on his face.

"No, it's nothing, you can just continue what you were doing before." Seeing the worried expression on Zhi Ruo's face, Xuan Hao quickly realized that he might have looked a bit angry when he thought about the books that had suddenly appeared out the blue on after the other and decided to calm down before kindly refusing her offer.

"I see, then I will return to what I was doing." Nodding her head with a relieved expression on her face, Zhi Ruo returned to cleaning up the entrance of the pavilion.


A small wind quickly swept through the area as it carried the remaining few leaves in front of the pavilion over towards a small pile of leaves at the side.

Watching this, Xuan Hao smiled approvingly and entered the pavilion.

Over the past few months, Zhi Ruo had managed to finally reach the Qi Condensation Realm and at this point, she had already managed to breakthrough to reach the Fifth Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm!

Her fast improvement after entering the Qi Condensation Realm was not only because she had attended a lot of his lectures together with Bai Ning over the past few months but was also because she had helped Qing Yi in testing out some of her finished pills and potions for increasing the speed of cultivation.

Chu Yang had of course also joined this testing session, though he had ended up testing the more… Unique pills and potions made by Qing Yi…

Thinking about how Qing Yi and Chu Yang had begun training together even more than before after Bai Ning's arrival in an attempt to show off to their new junior brother, Xuan Hao could not help smiling to himself while he made his way towards his room at the centre of the pavilion.

The past few months had been really peaceful, and he didn't have anything to do outside the sect.

The only notable thing that happened inside the sect was when he showed off the winged lion to the Sect Master and the rest of the Core Elders…

Their Expressions back then was a sight to behold and after discussing about where to put the winged lion, they all ended up agreeing to letting the Beast Tamers help take care of it, while it would mainly stay at Xuan Hao's pavilion until they made a more permanent place for it to stay.

The winged lion agreed to this suggestion without any struggle, even the beast tamers who were allowed to come and take care of it were accepted by the winged lion as it mostly just spent its time lazing around at the back side of the pavilion.

Having the beast tamers bring it food whenever it was hungry and sleep when it was not…

In a sense, the winged lion had returned to the same state that it had been back at the Main Peak of the Shattered Star Peaks…

The only difference being that it didn't sleep for a long time and would instead wake up at least once a day to get the beast tamers to bring it something to eat.

The time this happened varied a lot, sometimes being in the middle of the night, while at others early in the morning or around dinner…

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