Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 385 - Rebellion In The Azure Sky Kingdom

Chapter 385 – Rebellion In The Azure Sky Kingdom

Flying towards the Iron Sky Kingdom, Xuan Hao didn't pay any mind to his surroundings as he focused on his meditation. Only keeping up his divine sense in a short area around the group, so as to make sure he could react in time in case they were attacked.

On the other hand, Qing Yi who was sitting just behind him began focusing on the terrain passing by below them intently.

After having travelled for quite some time, they finally passed through the borders of a neighbouring kingdom.

For Qing Yi, this was her first time ever outside the borders of the now gone Heavenly Sky Kingdom, so she was making sure that she kept an eye out for anything new.

Xuan Hao did not really care too much about all of this. After all, the kingdoms around them, were not much stronger than the Heavenly Sky Kingdom had been back at its peak…

The thing Xuan Hao was looking forward to seeing, was the Iron Sky Kingdom. Even if it was only located at the border of what was widely regarded as the core part of Sky Empires, Xuan Hao clearly knew the importance of the Iron Sky Kingdom.

Other than all of that, the Iron Sky Kingdom could also be considered the first place that was truly a core part of the Sky Empire that he would be visiting!

At the same time that Xuan Hao, Qing Yi and the rest of the group passed the border and truly left the Flying Sword Sect's territory, chaos was beginning to spread through the Azure Sky Kingdom located just next door.

"Just what in the world is happening?! How come those ants dared to cause so much trouble all of a sudden? And how come none of you have managed to stop it yet?!" An angry roar could be heard inside the palace located at the centre of the Azure Sky Kingdom's capital as a group of people were kneeling down in front of a large throne where a majestic looking middle-aged man was sitting with a heavy look on his face as he looked down on the group of people kneeling below him.

The person on the throne was none other than the king of the Azure Sky Kingdom, Su Wuhan, who had just a few months earlier ended the Heavenly Sky Kingdom!

However, things didn't work out like he had expected they would…

After chasing the ancestor of the Heavenly Sky Kingdom to no avail and having no luck finding the thing, he had destroyed the Heavenly Sky Kingdom for in the first place, Su Wuhan had gone back home.

Angry at the fact that he couldn't get anything other than a bit of the land he had lost to the ancestor of the Heavenly Sky Kingdom in the past due to the fact that the sects were too strong for him to deal with… Heck, the Spring Flower Sect had someone at the same realm as him, while the Flying Sword Sect was rumoured to have someone at the Domain Lord Realm… There was no way he would want to fight someone like that over a bit of territory with his current strength!

However, this was not the end of his troubles and could only be considered the beginning of it…

At first, he had thought he just had to deal with the three neighbouring kingdoms that had banded together to grab a bit of his territory while he was gone dealing with the Heavenly Sky Kingdom, but things had soon ended up spiralling out of control and he suddenly had to deal with a rebellion trying to overthrow him.

Who was leading this rebellion? The normal people with close to no cultivation!

Apparently, they had been fed up with their conditions under the plague and wanted to overthrow him…

At first when he had heard about this, Su Wuhan had simply laughed it off. After all, what could a bunch of useless people with no cultivation do to him? Even if he allowed them to freely attack him, they would simply have no way of even injuring him!

For that reason, Su Wuhan had not really cared about the rebellion when he first heard about it and sent a group of people over to deal with it! Now, that group of people were currently kneeling down in front of him with fearful expressions plastered all over their faces…

"Answer me! How have you not managed to deal with that little rebellion yet!?" Seeing that none of the people kneeling down in front of him dared to talk, Su Wuhan grew even more angry as his killing intent along with his pseudo domain pressed down on the group of people.

"I-I apologies your majesty! But that group of people were simply way too strong, and we weren't able to deal with them! All our attacks were immediately rendered ineffective when we attacked and the people not here with us today perished during the confrontation!" Nervously stepping forward after feeling that his king would indeed begin killing them unless they began talking, one of the people shivered all over before he began speaking of what he had experienced.

"Too strong? Perished? Tell me what happened, I want to know everything!"

Listening to the short answer of what happened, Su Wuhan suddenly felt that something was very wrong about the rebellion that had appeared in his kingdom.

Rebellions were not rare, but they would normally be easily dealt with.

The only party he could think of that had the ability to truly begin a rebellion inside his kingdom, was the Ascendant Frost Hall, which was also one of the reasons why he had been planning to get rid of them over the past few years…

"W-when we first went to confront the rebels, everything was fine and we launched an attack to quickly deal with them… But…"


"B-but all of a sudden, one of the rebels stepped forward to confront us while muttering something to himself as a pale green light engulfed him and spread out towards us… Seeing this weird light, we all felt a threat of death and decided to retreat as fast as we could.

However… All of us were not fast enough, those who managed to retreat in time are here before you, your majesty, while those who didn't… Are dead… None of us manged to get a good look at what happened to their bodies as all of us were too busy escaping at that point…" Finishing his explanation, the person who had been brave enough to step forward fearfully went back to the rest of the group as he nervously waited for his king's response.

"… Leave, I will have to think about this alone!"

Hearing the explanation, Su Wuhan narrowed both his eyes before sending the group out of the throne room.


"Hah… I never expected the church of the plague god to target me and my kingdom…" Slumping down on his throne with a slightly helpless look on his face after seeing the door close behind the group that had just been shivering down in front of him, Su Wuhan almost looked more nervous and afraid than them as he quickly took out a communication talisman before contacting someone.

No matter what, Su Wuhan clearly knew about the strength of the church of the plague god and along with that, he also very clearly knew that he could not face such a powerful church by himself.

Even if he managed to deal with the ones currently trying to take control of his kingdom, he would still have to deal with the possible revenge of the church in the future…

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