Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 391 - Manor

Chapter 391 – Manor

Over the next hour as the sun slowly began disappearing beyond the horizon, Xuan Hao and Chi Hu spent most of their time trying out the food from the different stalls, while Qing Yi and the rest of the elders curiously looked around the Iron Sky Market to see just what had ended up making the Iron Sky Kingdom so famous inside the Sky Empire.

Even if the most precious of the spiritual metals were not sold in the market, Qing Yi and the group of elders still managed to spot several different spiritual metals of the Soul Rank. At one point, Qing Yi was even lucky enough to spot a Mystic Grade spiritual metal being sold!

The sheer amount of rare spiritual metals present in the Iron Sky Market was more than enough to cause any blacksmith to be overcome with happiness!

Thinking about this, Qing Yi could not help but recall her new junior brother Bai Ning, who was a blacksmith… Perhaps she should ask her master if he could help her buy at least a few pieces of spiritual metal when they made their way back after the competition.

"We should get going now before it gets too late…" Looking up towards the sun that was slowly beginning to disappear, Xuan Hao finished a mushroom skewer he had just bought a few seconds ago.

Hearing her master and watching as the elders began making their way towards the southern part of the capital, Qing Yi soon ran up to her master and followed him.

Getting a present for her junior brother would have to wait until after the alchemy competition. Maybe she would even be able to get some kind of spiritual metal by getting a good placing in the competition!

After all, it had to be remembered that one of the things the Iron Sky Kingdom was most famous for was spiritual metal and it would be a great reward for the young alchemist as they would be able to easily find a blacksmith to make them a cauldron with said spiritual metal after the competition had finished…

Other than the spiritual metal that was likely going to be a part of the reward, there would surely be other more suitable things for an alchemist! Namely recipes and rare spiritual herbs!

Having thought about the rewards that she would be able to get, Qing Yi looked even more forward to the alchemy competition.

Even when they were being guided towards the manor that had been reserved for them during their stay over the duration of the alchemy competition, Qing Yi had still not finished fantasizing about what she would do with the things she won from the alchemy competition.

After all, it had to be known that the person behind the competition was someone from the Sky Empire! There was no way the rewards would be bad in any way!

As for how far she could go in the alchemy competition… Qing Yu honestly had no idea, the reason for this was the fact that other than people like her who came from the border area of the Sky Empire, there would also be people from the more central part of the Sky Empire coming to join the alchemy competition!

People like that would have had a way longer time than her to train and learn alchemy! Even if some of them had managed to reach the Expert Realm and become an Expert Alchemist, Qing Yi felt like it would not be surprising in the slightest!

This was also the reason why she had worked so hard over the past few months. Trying her best to improve as much as possible before the alchemy competition! For that reason, even if she did not manage to reach the Expert Realm and become an Expert Alchemist, Qing Yi knew that she was not too far off from it!

At the very least, she hoped that she would be able to be among to top twenty in the alchemy competition-

"We are here, this is the manor assigned to you during the alchemy competition! After the alchemy competition is finished, you can at most stay here for another week before having to pay for renting it yourself!" Interrupting Qing Yi's train of thought, the guard that had been guiding them towards the manor that was reserved for them due to taking part in the alchemy competition, said this before quickly taking his leave.

"This is the manor we are going to stay at…?" Muttering this to herself as she looked over towards the giant manor that was directly in front of her, Qing Yi could not help but feel a bit intimidated by the sheer size of the manor in question.

Just from its size alone, it was bigger than her master's pavilion back in the Flying Sword Sect!

Yet at this point in time, such a giant manor would be given to every single person that participated in the alchemy competition?

This alone easily made Qing Yi realize just how strong both the Sky Empire and the Iron Sky Kingdom was. Even the entrance to the manor in question had a small artificial mountain along with an artificial river! Thinking about the cost of such a manor, Qing Yi could not help but take a deep breath as she watched her master, and the rest of the elders just make their way inside without showing the slightest sign of caring about the giant and luxurious manor!

Master! Elders! How can you guys just treat this manor so casually! Do you know how much it would have cost to make and rent!

Thinking this as she also entered the manor, Qing Yi could not help but feel a bit saddened over how her master and the rest had reacted to such a splendid manor!

"The alchemy competition should begin in about a week, do you want to continue practicing alchemy over the last few days before the start of the competition? If you want to, I can also help you in your practice-"

"Yes! I want to practice with master!"

Hearing her master suddenly say he would help her with alchemy practice, Qing Yi completely forgot everything about the manor, as she quickly nodded her head and agreed. No matter what, she would not give up an opportunity like training with her master!

Smiling a bit upon seeing how eager his disciple had become upon hearing that he would be helping her with her alchemy practice, Xuan Hao was a little taken aback before quickly calming down.

"I see… Then how about we get some rest and begin tomorrow morning?"

"Yes! That sounds great master! I will take my leave then."


Watching as Qing Yi headed towards one of the bedrooms in the manor to quickly pass the night, Xuan Hao smiled once again before shaking his head, his disciple was truly eager to begin practicing with him…

"Now, Chi Hu, Elder Gong Bo, can you two handle it from here?" Having seen Qing Yi run away to get some sleep, Xuan Hao turned towards the two senior elders as he asked this.

"Yes? Are you perhaps going somewhere Elder Xuan?" Tilting his head, a bit in confusion upon hearing Xuan Hao's question, Gong Bo did not understand why Xuan Hao was suddenly saying this.

"Yes, I plan to look a bit around the capital before the sun rises again, I really wanted to check out the eastern side of the capital that you mentioned earlier…"

"The eastern side of the capital…? Ah! The place that my friend went to find spiritual metal when the Iron Sky Market didn't have what he was looking for!"

"Yes, that's the place!"

Seeing Gong Bo show an expression of realization, Xuan Hao nodded his head in agreement.

"You have to be careful of that place! My friend warned me a few times about never going to the eastern side of the capital if I ever visited the Iron Sky Kingdom… But with your strength, I feel like there is nothing to worry about…" Smiling a bit awkwardly when he said this, Gong Bo could not really imagine what kind of danger Xuan Hao might run into in the eastern side of the capital with his strength.

After all, his friend was at the Core Formation Realm like himself and had probably warned him due to encountering something or someone dangerous who was in the Nascent Soul Realm… This was not really something that an Expert at the Domain Lord Realm would worry about!

On the other hand, it was the people inside the eastern part of the capital that should worry about accidently offending Xuan Hao…

Thinking about this, Gong Bo felt like his momentary worry about Xuan Hao was better directed towards the unfortunate people who mistook Xuan Hao for someone weak and easy to rob…

"Haha, I will make sure to be careful Elder Gong Bo!" Laughing a bit as he heard what Gong Bo said, Xuan Hao soon disappeared from the manor with a smile on his face.

If there really was someone dangerous for him in the eastern part of the capital, Xuan Hao would likely have ended up encountering the ruler of the Iron Sky Kingdom!

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