Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 422 - Chase!

Chapter 422 – Chase!

"Hah… It looks like both of us won't be able to make it…" One of the two people escaping sighed to himself as he said this while looking back towards the two Nascent Soul Realm Experts that were just about to reach them.

"…" The other person running just beside his friend understood very well what he meant, as he didn't say anything. Instead, he just let out a sigh filled with sadness as he gazed over towards the Dark Frost Mountain Range that was slowly appearing in the distance.

No matter how he looked at it, he could not see how any of them would be able to make it back before the two Nascent Soul Realm Experts caught up with them. Even if one of the two ended up sacrificing themselves to buy a bit more time, it was unlikely to have the same effect now that the two Nascent Soul Realm Experts had already experienced it once…

"Well… Looks like this will be it… If you manage to make it, please take care of my family…"


With both parties not saying much, one of the two people soon came to a stop as he launched a similar suicidal attack towards the two approaching Nascent Soul Realm Experts.




The two large scale attacks could be heard for miles around, as the last remaining person running away didn't dare look back to see what had happened to his friend. Instead focusing all his energy on running as fast as he could towards the Frost Mountain Range in the distance.

"Hmph! Another suicidal one! Now there is only one left…"

One of the two Nascent Soul Realm Experts quickly recovered from the attack before he chased after the last remaining person with a sneer on his face.

The earlier attack had been just as powerful as the last time, it was just that he had been far more prepared this time and in turn quickly managed to resume his chase.

In a sense, both the Nascent Soul Realm Experts had been prepared for the suicide attack, it was just that at the last moment before exploding into a gory mess. The black clothed man had managed to use his first attack to approach one of the two Nascent Soul Realm Experts and directly blow up in his face.

The explosion at the end was comparable to an all-out attack from someone at the Fourth Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm!

The danger brought by such an attack was more than enough to force the Nascent Soul Realm Expert that had been targeted to be grievously wounded. Resulting in there now only being one Nascent Soul Realm Expert left to chase after the last remaining black clothed figure.


Like this, the chase resumed like before. The only difference being that there were now only two people left. One escaping, while the other was chasing.

In the distance, the Dark Frost Mountain Range slowly grew closer and closer, but it could not compare to the speed of the Nascent Soul Realm Expert, who was rapidly closing the distance.

If not for the fact that the person escaping had already used several secret techniques that permanently damaged him to forcefully increase his speed, there was no way he would have ever been able to even have a chance of escaping the Nascent Soul Realm Expert. After all, he was only at the Core Formation Realm. Far from being comparable to someone in the Nascent Soul Realm…

"Hah… Looks like I won't make it back, my two senior brothers sacrifice might have been in vain… No, I can't give up! If I fall, the Ascendant Frost Hall will surly fall into the Azure Sky Kingdoms trap!" Muttering this to himself as he slowly felt his strength leaving his body. The last person among the three people slowly felt his speed beginning to decrease, as the secret techniques he had used to increase his speed over the last few minutes slowly began losing their effectiveness!

Gazing over towards the Dark Frost Mountain Range that symbolized the start of what little territory the Ascendant Frost Hall still had inside of the Azure Sky Kingdom, the black clothed figure could not help but be filled with immense regret.

He was so close, if just he could last for another minute, he would be able to reach the perimeter of the Dark Frost Mountain Range! At that point, the Nascent Soul Realm Experts guarding the place would be alerted and come over to rescue him!


Thinking about this, the black clothed man roared loudly before pushing himself forward. Momentarily stopping his speed from decreasing any further at the cost of the core inside his dantian slowly beginning to collapse under the huge pressure.


The black clothed man knew very well that if he continued like this, the core in his dantian would shatter. Erasing his cultivation base in one go.

In such a situation, the luckiest outcome would be that he might be left with at most a year or two to live. In such a scenario, his only way to live on was to try and recultivate back up to the Peak of the Core Formation Realm before breaking through to the Nascent Soul!

However, such a scenario was the best outcome for him. The most likely outcome was that the core in his dantian would begin a process of rapid collapse and take him down with it in the process…


These thought only momentarily passed through his mind before he focused on his task. Escaping to the Dark Frost Mountain Range!

Even if his core collapsed, he should at the very least have enough time to relay the information he and the other two had managed to gather before he perished…

"Haha! Looks like you can't hold on for much longer. Maybe I don't even need to chase after you any longer?"

Hearing the mocking voice that belonged to the Nascent Soul Realm Expert chasing after him from behind, the man escaping could not help but shiver as he suddenly realized that the Nascent Soul Realm Expert was only a few meters behind him at this point in time!

Let alone have a chance to make it to the perimeter of the Dark Frost Mountain Range and get help from his elders, there was no way he could even enter the large forest covered in snow located in front of the Dark Frost Mountain Range…

After all, the Nascent Soul Realm Expert being so close meant that he was more than capable of launching an attack to finish him off!

At this point, the Nascent Soul Realm Expert was just playing with him!


Knowing this, a look of despair appeared on the man's face. Not matter what, he no longer had a chance to reach the Dark Frost Mountain Range. All he could do was wait for death when the Nascent Soul Realm Expert grew bored, or he got too close to the Dark Frost Mountain Range…


It was also at this moment that the cloth that concealed the man's face was swept away by a sudden violent wind current. Instantly revealing his face.

"Wow, you are younger than I expected. Hehe, I guess you are one of the more talented youngsters from the Ascendant Frost Hall? What a pity, hehe~"

The first to react to this sudden development was the Nascent Soul Realm Expert chasing from behind as his mocking voice soon entered the ears of the young disciple from the Ascendant Frost Hall.


The young man did not say anything to this, as he just continued rushing towards the Dark Frost Mountain Range in the distance.

At this point in time, his entire face had changed to a dark red colour, as blood could be seen flowing out of all his orifices. Instantly dying the snow below him red.

Wait, snow?

Not able to see clearly anymore due to the blood in his eyes. The young man suddenly realized that he had already reached the forest at the outskirts of the Dark Frost Mountain Range.

Maybe if I enter the forbidden zone, I will have a chance to escape, it's not close to the Dark Frost Mountain Range either, so there is a chance the Nascent Soul Realm Expert won't kill me yet…

Rapidly analysing his current situation, the young man from the Ascendant Frost Hall quickly remembered the ancient forbidden zone that his elders had talked about before and warned him not to enter.

If he did not remember wrong. The forbidden zone should be located close to the edge of the frozen forest he had just entered…

Thinking this, the young man from the Ascendant Frost Hall quickly wiped the blood in his eyes away before rushing forward.

No matter what, he had to take a chance and enter the ancient forbidden zone! Maybe he would be able to survive there for a day and two and return to warn his sect. At least it was better than having to deal with the Nascent Soul Realm Expert…

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