Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 503: Fate of the 'other' races

Chapter 503: Fate of the ‘other’ races

Reading through the rest of the ancient scroll that was about the remaining four mortal realms, Xuan Hao once again turned his attention towards the small pile of ancient scroll that he had borrowed from the grand elder of the Half Spirit race. Not waiting long before picking out another of the ancient scroll. Hoping that it would be just as useful as the first one…

Luckily for Xuan Hao, the Half Spirt race did indeed not take anything useless from the ancient record hall of the temple!

The rest of the ancient scrolls were all covering different subjects connected to cultivation below the Domain Lord Realm. From ancient qi techniques and movement techniques to how one could ensure a successful breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Realm.

The ancient scrolls were extremely useful to the current Xuan Hao. Not only would it help him when it came to teaching his disciples, but it would also help increase the overall strength of the Flying Sword Sect after he shared some of the things, he found with the sect master!

The part about how to ensure a safe breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Realm was especially useful given how many elders they had stuck at the Peak of the Core Formation Realm. Fearful of taking the final step to reach the Nascent Soul Realm before their lifespan was about to run out…

After returning to the Flying Sword Sect and sharing this, the Flying Sword Sect would surely see a large number of new Nascent Soul Realm Experts over the next few years! Increasing the overall strength of the sect. At the same time, the people teaching a large portion of the disciples would be Nascent Soul Realm Experts. Increasing the strength of the Flying Sword Sect’s younger generation!

The only unfortunate thing was that there was no scroll that increased comprehension of the dao like he had expected. From the looks of it, he would have to look somewhere else if he wanted to find something good for Chu Yang and Bai Ning.

Well… There were quite a few ancient blacksmithing blueprints among the ancient scrolls, so he just needed to find something for Chu Yang after convincing the grand elder to let go of these few ancient blacksmithing blueprints.

Taking them away was not really something Xuan Hao planned to do, as he did not want to be enemies with the Half Spirit race.

Instead, he was way more interested in having them become a part of the Flying Sword Sect in the future when the Flying Sword Sect officially moved their main sect to the Shattered Star Peaks…

However, for now, he just planned to leave them be and have Feng Chen deal with it when the time came.

“And Feng Chen will likely push the job to Elder Song…”

Storing the ancient scrolls, he had just finished reading, Xuan Hao made his way back to the grand elder of the Half Spirit race before handing the ancient scrolls back over to him. Not forgetting to ask for the few blacksmithing blueprints among the ancient scrolls.

“You can just take them; they are of no use to us in the first place…”


Not knowing why, the grand elder had accepted his request so easily, Xuan Hao didn’t bother asking why, as he just stored the blacksmithing blueprints for Bai Ning away.

“Ah! I was wondering why your race have not left this small valley yet?”

Having handed most of the ancient scrolls back to the grand elder of the Half spirit race, Xuan Hao was just about to leave when he suddenly realized he hadn’t asked why the Half Spirit race had remained inside the valley for so long.

After all, the current strength of the Half Spirt race was more than enough to establish themselves outside!

“The reason for this is quite simple, is there not a strong power with someone in the Soul Ascension Realm ruling over the area that this place is located?”

“Yes, there is the Sky Empire…”

“Is that power not made up of humans? How would they like it if a foreign race suddenly begins establishes themselves inside what they consider their territory?”


“It’s as you think, there is no way a human empire would tolerate a foreign race suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Not to mention a human empire, no race in today’s time would allow something like that… Hah… Sadly the Half Spirit race have no one to protect them, so we can only hide in here…”

Listening to what the grand elder said, Xuan Hao suddenly felt like he began to understand why there weren’t any talk about other races than the demon beast and humans on the Ewaria Continent… The other races had either been annihilated or had hidden away like the Half Spirit race!

Following the conversation about why the Half Spirit race were hidden away inside the small valley, Xuan Hao did not stay around for long. Exchanging a quick farewell with the grand elder before heading towards the underground cave network filled with demon beasts. Wanting to investigate just how strong the demon beasts below the valley truly were.

Part of him was even hoping that there were at least some demon beasts at the Domain Lord Realm down there, as he really wanted to find out just how strong he was now that he reached the Seventh Stage of the Domain Lord Realm!

Leaving the small town, Xuan Hao headed to the place where the grand elder of the Half Spirit race had told him that the entrance of the underground cave network was located.

“Hm? This should be the place…”

Coming to a stop in front of a small cave, Xuan Hao felt a bit doubtful about him having come to the correct place. After all, the cave entrance in front of him was incredibly small. The only thing that gave him some reassurance, was the fact that his divine sense could not pass through this seemingly normal cave entrance.

“Only one way to find out if this is the right place…”

Muttering this to himself, Xuan Hao took a step forward and entered the small cave entrance. Soon feeling himself disappear from the small valley of the Half Spirit race before appearing inside an enormous cave.

The cave entrance was actually a teleportation formation!?

Realizing what had just happened, Xuan Hao could not help feeling shocked. After all, the place that the Half Spirit race considered to be a cave network below their valley. Might actually be located somewhere completely different!

This would also make more sense, as Xuan Hao felt quite doubtful when he had heard about a large cave network below the Shattered Star Peaks filled with an enormous number of powerful demon beasts.


Before he could think any further about where the teleportation formation might have taken him, a loud roar filled with a terrifying power could be heard echoing out across the enormous underground cave.

“Looks like the grand elder was not wrong, there are indeed demon beasts stronger than him here…”

Feeling a bit taken aback, Xuan Hao could not help smiling wryly to himself as he looked in the direction that the loud roar had come from.

He had just been wondering whether or not he would be able to encounter any demon beasts in the Domain Lord Realm, and now one just happened to show up the moment he entered the underground cave network…

Not only that, but the strength of the demon beasts should at the very least have surpassed the Third Stage of the Domain Lord Realm!

It was no wonder that even the grand elder of the Half Spirit race was scared of entering the underground cave network to hunt for demon beasts. After all, even with his strength, he would have to be extremely careful when entering.

Catching the attention of a demon beasts that had reached the Domain Lord Realm, would spell certain death for someone like the grand elder of the Half Spirit race who had only reached the Peak of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Evaluating the Domain Lord Realm demon beast in the distance that had let out the powerful roar just a few seconds ago, Xuan Hao took out the sword given to him by Yi Min.

“Hm… Even though it would be great if it was stronger, this should be more than enough for me to test out my strength! I should also be able to test the strength of my new sword…”

Looking over the beautiful silver sword that he had been given by Yi Min, Xuan Hao felt that it was a pity that he had not gotten an opportunity to use it yet. However, that would not be the case any longer…


The Domain Lord demon beast had also noticed Xuan Hao, as he had revealed his presence the moment, he realized that the strongest demon beast around him was the one currently roaring at him angrily from a distance.

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