Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 519: Youngest Disciple talks too much...

Chapter 519: Youngest Disciple talks too much…

“M-master… Are you sure giving me something this precious!?”

“Don’t mind it, It’s a gift! Weren’t you quite interested in blacksmithing? I just happened to pick up a few blueprints during my time away from the sect and thought it would be suitable to giv-“

“Thank you so much!”

Before he even managed to finish his sentence, Xuan Hao was slightly taken aback by just how happy his little disciple seemed to be with the three blacksmithing blueprints.

“Are they really that special…? What are the blueprints for?”

Feeling a bit curious about the three blacksmithing blueprints and what they would be used to create, Xuan Hao could not help asking Bai Ning, as he was just about to happily resume reading through one of them again.

“Yes! All of them are blueprints way above my current level when it comes to blacksmithing, and they will be really helpful in helping me increase my understanding when it comes to blacksmithing. Not only that, but I believe that the blueprints might even be at the Master Realm. One of them might even be above the Master Realm! Sadly, I have no way to be sure with my current realm…

As for what they are used to make… One of them is a special artifact used to launch a deadly attack of some sort, while another is a defensive artifact. The last one… I have no clue about it, I suspect that it might be above the Master Realm. For it to be so difficult to discern even the blueprint of it. Maybe with more time I will be able to understand it!”

Beginning to talk with an excited expression on his face the moment he heard his master ask about the blacksmithing blueprints, Bai Ning fully displayed his love for blacksmithing. More than enough for his master to understand that he should be prepared to stay and listen for some time whenever he asked his disciple about something related to blacksmithing-

“Ah! I almost forgot! The special artifact that can launch a deadly attack also seem to be capable of gathering qi from the surroundings through the use of some sort of formation engraved on it. Allowing it to be used without supplying it with one’s own qi! Hm… Though it looks like one would need a Formation Master’s assistance in the production for this… Maybe I should start learning some more about formations as well in the future. Indeed, what do you think master?”

“Y-yes… Learning about formations should be fine, as it should be quite useful when combined with blacksmithing…”

“Haha! I knew it! The defensive artifact also seems to be using some sort of formation to-“


Not knowing what to do as Bai Ning continued talking about the two ancient blueprints that he had only barely looked over for a few short seconds, Xuan Hao could not help looking towards Zhi Ruo cleaning the entrance of the pavilion in the distance for help.


Staring at each other for a short moment as Bai Ning continued talking, Xuan Hao suddenly saw Zhi Ruo nod her head in understanding before disappearing into the pavilion.

You! I didn’t want for you to leave!

With no one able to hear him, Xuan Hao could only resign himself to his fate, as he listened to Bai Ning’s extensive and seemingly never-ending explanation of the two ancient blacksmithing blueprints.

Only after close to half an hour had passed did Xuan Hao finally manage to put an end to his little disciple, as both of them soon entered the pavilion. Following which Xuan Hao spend the rest of the day training Bai Ning.

Back in the Burning Mountain Range, Chu Yang was still making his way out together with the two members of the Explorer Union that he had chanced upon. The sky above them was covered in a thick layer of clouds, as it wa getting darker and darker. Only a few stars could be seen peeking through the thick layer of clouds covering the darkening sky.

“So… I was wondering what kingdom bordering the Burning Mountain Range we are heading to…”

Breaking the silence that had slowly descended upon the group of three after they had started their journey out of the Burning Mountain Range together, Chu Yang walked a bit closer to Chen Yang as he asked this.

Compared to Gui Hu, who was still giving him a suspicious look every now and then, Chu Yang felt way more comfortable talking with Chen Yang. Whether this was because their relatively similar name or his calm bearing compared to his companion, Chu Yang had no idea. At the very least, it had ended up causing him to ask Chen Yang instead of Gui Hu…

“What kingdom we would end up in after leaving the Burning Mountain Range? Hm… If I’m not wrong, the area should not be under the governance of any kingdom. On the contrary, it’s ended up becoming a quite chaotic place over the last year or so…

Well, you will be fine inside the city under the control of the Explorer Union. One of the bigger branches specifically sent over a Nascent Soul Realm Expert to ensure nothing would happen to the branch now that the area turned chaotic all of a sudden!”

Area turned chaotic, no kingdom, is it perhaps the former territory of the Raging Flame Sect…?

Listening to what Chen Yang said, Chu Yang ignored the increasingly suspicious look he was getting from Gui Gu, as he felt the description given by Chen Yang lined up with the description, he had heard of the territory of the now destroyed Raging Flame Sect and what he had seen himself first hand before being transported somewhere inside the Burning Mountain Range by the fancy dinner plate.

“Is it by any chance the former territory of a sect known as the Raging Flame Sect!?”

“Yes? Guess you are from our side of the Burning Mountain Range…”

Feeling relieved by getting a confirmation that it was indeed the former territory of the Raging Flame Sect, Chu Yang soon picked up on the other part of what Chen Yang had said.

“What do you mean the other side of the Burning Mountain Range? Did you perhaps think I was from the Onyx Empire?”

Remembering that the Onyx Empire was supposed to be located on the other side of the Burning Mountain Range, Chu Yang curiously looked over towards Chen Yang. Wanting to find out what he had meant with his earlier words.

“Hah… Well… The place you came from does not lead towards the Onyx Empire, but the sea… Very few humans live there, be they demonic cultivators, normal cultivators, mortals. Even the different religions avoid the areas close to the sea.

The few people who live in the area close to the sea are either weak mortals or those looking for a chance to breach through the eternal storm surrounding our continent. Don’t bother asking me about the eternal storm, as I have no knowledge about it other than its name and the fact that it supposedly surrounds our continent…”

Feeling that he had been left with more questions than answers after hearing what Chen Yang had said, Chu Yang felt like he should ask his master about this after getting back to the Flying Sword Sect again!

After all, his master was someone at the Domain Lord Realm! He was bound to know more than a Core Formation Realm Expert from the Explorer Union!


Just about to ask Chen Yang something different to make the journey out of the Burning Mountain Range a little more enjoyable, Chu Yang suddenly came to a stop before quickly taking out his spear and getting ready for battle.

Chen Yang and Gui Hu was the same, as both of them also took out their weapons and scanned the area around themselves.

Currently, they were walking along a small narrow path on the side of a mountain, with only rocks and a few small trees to keep them company.


The reason for their sudden stop soon revealed itself, as a large cougar appeared directly in front of them!


Not roaring at them like most other demon beasts would do in a similar situation, the cougar demon beast instead began growling at them threateningly.

“Everyone, lower your weapons for now, it doesn’t look like it will attack…”

Clearly not wanting to fight the cougar that had suddenly appeared, Chen Yang quickly instructed both Chu Yang and Gui Hu to lower their weapons. Not something they disagreed with. After all, the cougar demon beast was Half a step into the Nascent Soul Realm!

Even if they could deal with it, it would not be without any loss…


As all three of them lowered their weapons, the cougar demon beast seemed to calm down before cautiously moving further up the mountain, a few cute cougar cubs could be seen closely following behind it.

“Let’s get going!”

Seeing the cougar disappear up the mountain with its cubs in tow, Chen Yang hurried Chu Yang and Gui Hu to follow him, as all three of them quickly made their way down the narrow mountain path into a small valley formed in between some of the Burning Mountain Range’s mountains.

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