Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 525: Archbishop Soft Breeze and Su Wuhan

Chapter 525: Archbishop Soft Breeze and Su Wuhan



Following a scream of pain from the thug with the wooden club as he was sent flying into a nearby wall before directly passing out of the ground, Chu Yang looked towards the two remaining thugs inside the back alley.

“E-Exalted lord, it’s all a misunderstanding, we-“


Before the leader of the three thugs even managed to finish what, he was saying, Chu Yang had already arrived in front of him, as he was similarly sent flying into a nearby wall. Whether he was dead or alive was unknown…


The last remaining thug barely managed to get a single word out before he joined the other two.

However, because he had been lucky enough to slam into the place on the nearby wall where his leader was, he did not take as much damage as the other two and could still move to some extent.


Realizing that one of the three thugs were still moving, Chu Yang was about to finish the job, when he suddenly noticed that the still conscious thug had suddenly used his last remaining strength to knock himself out.

“Guess I will spare you…”

Shaking his head, a bit when he saw this scene, Chu Yang decided to let the thug live, as he was not really the leader nor the person who had attacked him.


Cleaning himself up with a simple qi technique before repairing what he could of the tears he had made in his robe, Chu Yang made his way out of the back alley towards the Explorer Union’s Branch.


At the same time that Chu Yang was making his way towards the Explorer Union, the large flying ship carrying Archbishop Soft Breeze from the Order of the Sky God had already been flying through the Azure Sky Kingdom for some time without encountering any resistance. Not to mention resistance, they had not even encountered a single person from the church of the plague god. Outside of the few recently converted mortals on the ground.

“How weird… No one from the Church of the Plague God showed up to stop us…”

Muttering this to himself as he cautiously scanned his surroundings, Archbishop Soft Breeze could not help feeling something was wrong. After all, even if the church of the plague god was weaker than the Order of the Sky God, they were still followers of a god. Not someone he could take lightly!

“Your Excellency! We will arrive at the capital of the Azure Sky Kingdom shortly!”

Hearing the voice of one of the two Domain Lords that had come with him to clean up the Azure Sky Kingdom, Archbishop Soft Breeze nodded his head before signalling him to remain cautious in case the people from the church of the plague god decided to launch a sneak attack on them.

However, in the end. Nothing happened, as the flying ship soon hovered directly above the palace located at the centre of the Azure Sky Kingdom’s capital city.

Maybe I’m worrying too much… Perhaps the things taking place in the Azure Sky Kingdom was set up by some ambitious bishop from the church of the plague god…

Shaking his head at this thought, Archbishop Soft Breeze looked towards the two Domain Lords who had come with him.

“Lin, you stay and keep an eye on things, Mei, follow me to meet the king of the Azure Sky Kingdom!”

“”Yes, your excellency!””

Having one of the two Domain Lords remain on the flying ship, Archbishop Soft Breeze and the Domain Lord called Mei both descended down towards the large palace located below them.

For now, Archbishop Soft Breeze’s plan was relatively simple, as he would greet the king of the king of the Azure Sky Kingdom and try to gain an understanding of the current situation taking place inside the Azure Sky Kingdom. Hopefully finding out how strong the people sent over by the church of the plague god were in the process.


Having entered the palace before directly making his way to the throne room, Archbishop Soft Breeze could not help feeling a bit shocked when he noticed the cultivation realm that the king of the Azure Sky Kingdom had archived.



Opening the door large door leading into the throne room, Archbishop Soft Breeze could not help softly chuckling to himself upon witnessing the confused, cautious, and fearful expression that had appeared on the king of the Azure Sky Kingdoms face after someone had suddenly barged into his throne room unannounced.

From this alone, Archbishop Soft Breeze could tell that the king was quite worried about someone attacking him. Not too surprising, as the church of the plague god had suddenly begun trying to take over his kingdom.

“Haha, no need to be so scared! I’m Archbishop Soft Breeze from the Order of the Sky God and have come to deal with church of the plague god!”

“Y-your excellency!? I-I didn’t expect for an exalted Archbishop to show up, this-“

“No need to worry, I’m not here for anything other than the church of the Plague God. On the other hand, I didn’t expect for there to actually be someone Half a step into the Domain Lord Realm so far from the Core Region and from the looks of it, you should not be too far away from reaching the Domain Lord Realm! Quite impressive…”

“T-thank you for the kind words your excellency!”

Watching how nervous the king of the Azure Sky Kingdom was in front of him, Archbishop Soft Breeze could not stop a small smile from appearing on his lips as his gaze towards him carried a hint of disdain.

No matter how scared he was of him, the king of the Azure Sky Kingdom’s current display was a bit too much. Especially considering that he was someone close to reaching the Domain Lord Realm.

With such a mindset, there is no way he will ever breakthrough to the Domain Lord Realm…

Thinking this to himself as he signalled for Mei standing beside him to leave and investigate the palace, Archbishop Soft Breeze walked up to the king of the Azure Sky Kingdom before standing directly in front of him.

“So… King of the Azure Sky Kingdom, as you already know, I’m here because of the church of the plague god recently invading your kingdoms in an attempt to take control of it! Tell me everything you know about their activities, and you can get your kingdom back again quickly…”


Standing directly in front of Archbishop Soft Breeze, Su Wuhan, king of the Azure Sky Kingdom barely managed to keep his composure after hearing what Archbishop Soft Breeze said.


This damnable priest! He was all fine just a moment ago… Guess that person was right in regard to the behaviour of those from the Order of the Sky God… I just acted a bit cowardly, and he suddenly seems to no longer put me in his eyes!

“Of course, your excellency! I will do my utmost to be of help to you!”

Completely different from his inner thoughts, Su Wuhan showed a slightly fawning expression on his face before starting to explain the current situation of the Azure Sky Kingdom according to what he and the people from the church of the plague god had agreed on.

Of course, what he explained was not all lies. Instead, most of it was correct information about the different towns and cities that the church of the plague god had taken over in the short period of time that had passed since their first appearance inside the Azure Sky Kingdom.

“Hm… I understand… Do you have any idea about their strength? Perhaps anything about a base inside your kingdom?”

There it is!

Hearing the question asked by the Archbishop, both of Su Wuhan’s eyes shone for a short moment before he quickly recovered and faked a fearful expression on his face.

“Actually… Your excellency, I managed to track down a base in a small mountain range where the people from the church of the plague god seemed to have gathered in large numbers inside my kingdom, but…”


“But when going there myself to investigate myself, I encountered someone far stronger than myself. From what I could tell, the person should have already reached the Domain Lord Realm! In the end, I only barely managed to get away by sacrificing the ancient heirloom of my Azure Sky Kingdom…”

Reaching this part, Su Wuhan smirked inside his mind upon noticing the interested look on the Archbishop’s face after hearing him mention an ancient heirloom.

“What was this heirloom you mentioned? Would you mind if I took a look? Perhaps I can determine the strength of the person who attacked you!”

“Here, I hope this broken heirloom will be of some help, your excellency!”

Seeing the smiling kind expression on the Archbishops face, Su Wuhan could not help rolling his eyes while taking out an artifact that had been prepared just for this occasion by the church of the plague god.

“Hm… Indeed, it looks like the other party should be someone at the first… Maybe Second Stage of the Domain Lord Realm, I can also sense a viscous energy on it belonging to the plague god! I will keep it with me for safety… Why don’t you show me where this base is located for now?”

“… I understand, your excellency… I will show the way.”

Not knowing what to say when he watched the shameless display of the Archbishop in front of him taking the artifact away without the slightest bit of shame, Su Wuhan could only smile awkwardly before following him out of the throne room.

As long as he got the people from the Order of the Sky God to enter the mountain range specified by the people from the church of the Plague god, his part of the deal would be done…

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