Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 527: Escort Mission

Chapter 527: Escort Mission

“Thank you for showing me the way!”

“Haha, no problem young one! You can repay me if you become something in the future and we meet again!”

Thanking a middle-aged man who had helped him find his way back to the Explorer Union, Chu Yang soon entered the Explorer Union branch once again before heading towards the counter for registering as a member.

“You again… Did you manage to get the spirit stones required?”


Placing the pouch of spirit stones on top of the counter with a happy smile on his face, the lady behind the counter just rolled her eyes before proceeding to register him.

In the first place, she had already expected for him to return. After all, a Core Formation Realm Expert would not have a difficult time earning the small number of spirit stones required by the Explorer Union. Selling a few materials from slain demon beasts on the streets of the Flame Mountain City would be more than enough to earn the required number of spirit stones.

After all, the Burning Mountain Range filled with demon beasts, was located just next to the Flame Mountain City…

“Here’s your badge.”

“Thank you!”

Happily taking the badge with the logo of the Explorer Union engraved into it, Chu Yang left the counter before moving towards another counter to take on an escort mission that would take him back to the Flying Sword Sect’s territory. Sadly, compared to the counter for registering as a member of the Explorer Union, there was an extremely long line of people in front of this counter!

“Are you also here for the escort mission to the Small River Town?”

Seeing the person in front of him suddenly turn around before asking this with a curious expression on his face, Chu Yang shook his head in denial.

“I’m just here for an escort mission to the Flying Sword Sect’s territory… I don’t know about any escort mission to the Small River Town.”

Saying this, Chu Yang suddenly felt that the person who had turned around to ask him looked towards him with a slightly weird expression on his face before turning back around to chat with the person in front of him.

Not finding anything odd about this, Chu Yang just silently waited in line until it was finally his turn.

“What kind of escort mission are you looking for? Anywhere specific you want to go and what is your cultivation realm?”

“I just want an escort mission going to the territory of the Flying Sword Sect’s territory as soon as possible. My strength is at the First Stage of the Core Formation Realm!”

Saying this, Chu Yang heard a few surprised gasps from the people behind him, as they had not expected him to be someone in the Core Formation Realm. Even the man standing behind the counter showed a slightly surprised expression on his face upon hearing his cultivation realm.

After all, even with his current appearance looking a little older than his actual age, Chu Yang still looked like someone who would at most be 20 years old!

“Sure- It will take just a moment and I will be back!”

Calming down again relatively quickly after hearing that Chu Yang was actually someone in the Core Formation Realm, the man behind the counter quickly dashed towards a small drawer located a few meters away.

“Found it!”

Pulling out a piece of paper inside the drawer as he said this, the man quickly dashed back to the counter, all within the span of less than 10 seconds.

“I think this escort mission would be suitable for you, as the escort mission will take you to Small River Town inside the Flying Sword Sect’s territory and will be leaving in less than an hour! As long as you are fine with leaving that soon, I think this mission will be perfect. The pay-out is also quite good…”

“I will take it!”

Not hesitating in the slightest saying this, Chu Yang happily accepted the escort mission. The fact that he would be leaving within an hour was a positive thing in his eyes, as he could return to the territory of the Flying Sword Sect faster this way.

“Great! From what I know, the person who set up the escort mission should have already started getting ready just outside the branch entrance, it should not be too hard to spot them, as there are quite a large number of people participating in the escort mission.

Although… I have to warn you, as the strongest members on this escort mission have already reached the later stages of the Core Formation realm, so there is a good chance that it will be a dangerous journey!”

Frowning a bit when he heard this, Chu Yang thought about what the man behind the counter had said for a short moment before ultimately reaffirming that he accepted the escort mission.

In the first place, if things really got too dangerous, he could always run away.


Leaving the branch building, Chu Yang scanned his surroundings before spotting a large gathering of people located a short distance away from the entrance to the branch of the Explorer Union. Even from a distance, Chu Yang could feel the aura of more than five Core Formation Realm Experts!

“That should be the group heading towards the Small River Town…”

Muttering this to himself before making his way over, Chu Yang didn’t waste any time, as he directly walked up to one of the Core Formation Realm Experts.

“What do you want brat? Can’t you see-“


“I accepted this escort mission to the Small River Town, I hope you can help me inform the person in charge!”

Not bothering to listen to what the rude Core Formation Realm Expert said, Chu Yang directly displayed his strength at the Core Formation Realm before saying this.

“This- I didn’t expect for the Explorer’s Union to find another Core Formation Realm Expert and one so young at that! Follow me…”

Not knowing what to say when he heard what Chu Yang said along with feeling his aura at the Core Formation Realm. The rude Core Formation Realm Expert could only smile wryly before signaling for Chu Yang to follow him.

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