Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 529: Trap! Massive Formation!

Chapter 529: Trap! Massive Formation!

Watching as the base of the church of the plague god slowly appeared in the distance, Su Wuhan could not help letting out a sigh of relief as he realized that all three Domain Lords from the Order of the Sky God focused their full attention on the base that had appeared at the base of a large mountain located at the centre of the mountain range.

Now I just have to wait for the attack before escaping.

Thinking about just how dangerous his upcoming situation would be, Su Wuhan could not help feeling a bit nervous. After all, even if he understood that the church of the plague god would not be attacking him, he very well understood just how destructive the battle would become.

If he was accidently hit by some remnant power from the clash between the Archbishop from the Order of the Sky God and his opponent, he would instantly be reduced to dust without a chance to fight back!

In front of the almighty Archbishop, Su Wuhan was nothing more than a small insect that could easily be squashed!

This was the difference between someone at the absolute peak of the Nascent Soul Realm and someone at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm!

Shaking his head as he thought about this, Su Wuhan focused his attention two large mountains just in front of the base belonging to the church of the plague god.

After crossing the two mountains, the attack would officially begin and his chance to escape would appear!

Knowing this, Su Wuhan grew more and more nervous with each passing second, as he understood just how dangerous things would be for him.

“You don’t need to act that nervous, the Archbishop is more than strong enough to handle that person from the church of the plague god!”

Seemingly having misunderstood the reason why Su Wuhan was growing more and more nervous, Domain Lord Lin said this filled with contempt. Clearly, he looked down on Su Wuhan’s behaviour.

Just wait and see if you can maintain that attitude after the attack begins!

Hearing what Domain Lord Lin said, Su Wuhan did not say anything and decided to just remain silent while thinking this to himself. In the first place, he would get his revenge shortly and those people from the Order of the Sky God would soon die!

It’s here!


Noticing that they passed the second mountain, Su Wuhan could only watch in amazement, as an enormous formation suddenly materialized.

Starting at the outer perimeter of the mountain range, the formation soon rose into the air before covering the entire mountain range.

Even Archbishop Soft Breeze had no time to react before the sky above them was blocked by the massive formation.

At this point, even an idiot would be able to realize that they had walked into a trap set up by the church of the plague god!

“Hah, looks like this is not going to be as easy as I expected it to be… Lin, Mei, both of you be careful! The church of the plague god likely brought an Archbishop with them, if they didn’t, they wouldn’t dare do something like this knowing I’m here!”

<br/>Along with the sigh from Archbishop Soft Breeze, Su Wuhan watched as everyone on top of the flying ship tensed up before getting ready for battle.


The flying ship also began shinning as several holy runes manifested all over it before a barrier covered the entire flying ship.

Just in time, as the formation covering the mountain range shone in an eerily green colour before several massive green spears manifested and flew towards the flying ship-


What followed was an earth-shaking explosion, as the barrier covering the flying ship shook violently under the attack of the massive formation.

“Hmph, do they really think this formation is enough to deal with us!? Mei, stay back and keep the flying ship’s formations active, Lin, follow me to see how many people those leeches brought!”

Not the slightest bit intimidated by the massive formation that he was now caught inside of, Archbishop Soft Breeze quickly instructed the two other Domain Lords before rushing out from the protective barrier formed by the flying ship together with Domain Lord Lin.


What followed could only be described as devastating, as the second mountain just behind them was suddenly blown apart as the clash between the church of the plague god and the Order of the Sky God officially began!



Seeing the mountain behind them suddenly get blown apart, Su Wuhan could not help cursing as he realized just how large the difference between himself and someone in the Domain Lord Realm was.

Hah… Now I just have to disable the flying ship and I can escape…

Narrowing his eyes as he remembered the thing, he had been given by the church of the plague god, Su Wuhan looked towards the Domain Lord known as Mei who stayed at the Flying Ship to make sure it stayed intact during the battle.


At the moment, a holy light had engulfed her as she seemed to have merged together with the formation of the flying ship. Controlling it to not only defend against the attacks from the massive formation outside, but also using it to attack the massive formation covering the mountain range.


Seeing this scene, Su Wuhan decided to try his luck, as he acted like he was scared of what was happening. Slowly moving closer and closer to the centre of the flying ship.

This was easy than I expected…

Reaching the centre of the flying ship, Su Wuhan didn’t think about it for too long.

Whether it had been because of his good acting skills or because Mei was simply focusing all her attention on what was happening outside the flying ship. In the end, he had managed to reach his destination.


“What are y-“

Before Mei even had the time to react, Su Wuhan took out a large green orb from an interspatial ring that had been hidden with the help of the expert from the church of the plague god before smashing it into the centre of the ship!

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