Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 531: Chaotic Battle!

Chapter 531: Chaotic Battle!


Back at the centre of the mountain range, both Archbishop Soft Breeze and the person from the church of the plague god were clashing violently with each mid-air, as the area around them had already been completely devasted. Turning into a wasteland of death.

Looking at the fight taking place from afar, it was clear that the person from the church of the plague god had the upper hand in the battle, as the formation covering the mountain range had focused most of its strength on restraining Archbishop Soft Breeze. Preventing him from being able to fight with all his powers against the person from the church of the plague god!

“Take this!” Roaring loudly in a wrathful tone as he understood how bad his current situation was, Archbishop Soft Breeze pulled out a divine golden sceptre before swinging it down towards his opponent filled with killing intent.

The moment the divine sceptre appeared the world around lost its colours as the only source of light present inside mountain range at the moment was the divine sceptre in Archbishop Soft Breeze’s hands.

“Om—” Sacred runes encircled this holy treasure sceptre, as it began to exude countless divine lights that managed to forcefully pierce through the formation covering the mountain range. The divine power spewing out was boundless, causing the person from the church of the plague god to shiver at the sight.

“A Transcendent Grade Holy Artifact…” Muttering this to himself the moment he saw the divine sceptre in the hands of Archbishop Soft Breeze, the person from the church of the plague god began forming several seals with his hands before the formation covering the mountain range began moving.

Soon enough, the divine light from the sceptre was suppressed by the formation, as the holes that had formed in the formation were beginning to repair themselves.

Not a second later, the divine sceptre arrived in front of the person from the church of the plague god!Â


A fraction of a second before the divine sceptre managed to land on its target, a massive shield made out of green divine power materialized in front of it-


Stopping it from reaching the divine sceptre from proceeding forward towards its intended target.

“Hm? The formation is…” Realizing something, Archbishop Soft Breeze tried pulling back together with the divine sceptre, but he was too late, as the large shield made out of green divine power suddenly turned into dozens of chains that quickly sealed up the divine sceptre.

“Clank—” Taking out a weapon of his own in the form of a large saber, the moment the divine sceptre was sealed up by the chains, the person from the church of the plague god did not stand around to wait for Archbishop Soft Breeze to free the divine sceptre, as he jumped forward and slashed down towards Archbishop Soft Breeze.

In the next moment, a slash cut across the sky. Heading directly towards Archbishop Soft Breeze, who was trying his best to free the divine sceptre from the green chains.

<br/>”Clank!” As the saber slash arrived in front of him, Archbishop Soft Breeze could only release the divine sceptre, as he defended against the saber slash.

Even if the saber slash was far from being comparable to the divine sceptre, it was still terrifying beyond belief, as the slash was assisted by the powerful saber intent of the person from the church of the plague god.

The saber strike not only hit him, but also spread out and headed towards the two other Domain Lords from the Order of the Sky God currently fighting at the edge of the mountain range. In an attempt to not get hit by the attacks of Archbishop Soft Breeze and his opponent.

“No!” Realizing just what his opponent was planning to do, Archbishop Soft Breeze could only glance reluctantly at the divine sceptre getting sealed up by the chains connected to the formation covering the mountain range, as he rushed out to save the two Domain Lords who had come together with him.Â

However, the person from the church of the plague god did not intend to just sit around and wait for Archbishop Soft Breeze to save the two Domain Lords.

“Clang!” Another saber hymn filled the sky. Followed by one more slash flying towards Archbishop Soft Breeze with unparalleled speed. Far exceeding the speed of the last slash, though this had ended up lowering the strength of the saber slash.

Seeing this through his divine sense, Archbishop Soft Breeze understood that the slash was not intended to kill him. Instead, it was merely to delay him from saving his companions.


Feeling the saber slash already arrive behind him, Archbishop Soft Breeze could only come to a stop for a split second as he dealt with the saber slash.


The power was indeed not powerful and did not require too much effort to deal with, but Archbishop Soft Breeze very clearly understood that he would not have time to reach both his companions before the first saber slash reached them…

“DAMN YOU!” Screaming loudly as he realized this, a holy light covered Archbishop Soft Breeze’s body as his speed rapidly increased for a short moment, just barely managing to overtake the closest of the two saber lights that had split off from the attack that had hit him.


Blocking the saber slash, Archbishop Soft Breeze did not feel the slightest bit happy, as he watched the second saber slash cut through the defences of Domain Lord Mei like a hot knife cutting through butter before reaching her body, splitting it in half and directly annihilating her soul before she had any time to react.

Freezing on the spot as he saw this, Archbishop Soft Breeze did not know what to say, as both his eyes were filled with a terrifying killing intent.

Not to mention how painful it was for the Order of the Sky God to lose one of their Domain Lords, it was especially devastating to Archbishop Soft Breeze, as Domain Lord Mei was one of the two Domain Lords, he had nurtured himself!

Now, there was only Domain Lord Lin left!

For them to have prepared so well against me, there is likely a mole inside the order! I have to get word back to the cardinal!

Knowing very well that his communication talisman would be useless in his current circumstance given the massive formation sealing them from the outside world, Archbishop Soft Breeze could not help cursing at just how well thought out the trap was.


Thinking about how he could escape his current situation, Archbishop Soft Breeze suddenly noticed the small holes still present all around the formation slowly repairing themselves.Â

The damage created by the divine sceptre had yet to recover… Maybe…

“Lin, get to the edge of the formation and wait for an opportunity to escape! The moment you get out, rush back to the order and inform the cardinal about what happened here!”

As a plan slowly took shape inside his mind, Archbishop Soft Breeze quickly instructed Domain Lord Lin through his divine sense before rushing back to face the person from the church of the plague god. Not waiting for his response.

“Your excellency…”

Knowing that Archbishop Soft Breeze was going to give him an opportunity to escape, Domain Lord Lin gazed towards Archbishop Soft Breeze’s disappearing figure filled with respect.

After all, for him to help him escape the formation, Domain Lord Lin was certain that he would not be able to escape himself!


Not standing daring to waste any more time, Domain Lord Lin rushed towards the edge of the mountain range.

The Domain Lord who had been fighting him, had already escaped a few seconds before Archbishop Soft Breeze showed up, so there was not anyone there to stop him!


Knowing that he would only get one chance, Archbishop Soft Breeze was filled with determination as he rushed towards the divine sceptre that had almost been completely sealed up at this point in time.Â

“Time to end this!” Muttering this to himself as he arrived back at the centre of the mountain range where his opponent stood ready to face him, Archbishop Soft Breeze decided to use a forbidden technique, as a golden flame erupted from the top of his head before engulfing his entire body.

The forbidden technique rapidly increased his strength, but at the same time rapidly reduced his lifespan. Every second that passed, would reduce his lifespan by a hundred years!

As Archbishop Soft Breeze could already be close to the end of his lifespan, the forbidden technique was especially costly for him. After all, using it for too long would end up killing him… At this point, he did not see any other way out of his current situation without using the forbidden technique!


As the golden flame burned brightly, the person from the church of the plague god rapidly retreated, as he sensed the danger.

However, he was not Archbishop Soft Breeze’s target, as he very well understood he would have no time to defeat his opponent before his lifespan was burned up… Instead, he lunged towards the divine sceptre-

“Boom-boom-boom!” Destroying the chains that sealed it before using its divine light to make an opening in the massive formation for Domain Lord Lin to escape through.

“I hope the cardinal will send someone to help…” Watching as Domain Lord Lin escaped through the hole in the formation he had created, Archbishop Soft Breeze shook his head slightly as the golden flame covering his body was slowly beginning to disperse.

“Hehe, Archbishop Soft Breeze, looks like you lost!”Â

Hearing the voice of the person from the church of the plague god, Archbishop Soft Breeze’s eyes filled with killing intent as he suddenly thought of something.

“Not yet!”

Saying these words filled with an unbearable killing intent, Archbishop Soft Breeze used the last remaining bit of his power to leave his physical body before forcibly merging his soul together with the divine sceptre.

After having merged together with the divine sceptre, Archbishop Soft Breeze borrowed the power of the divine sceptre to protect his soul inside of it.


Following this, the divine sceptre crashed into the ground below, as it seemed to have erected a defensive barrier around itself. Preventing anyone from touching it.


The person from the church of the plague god also realized this, as he could only struggle helplessly after the divine sceptre had sealed itself.

Even if he could restrain the divine sceptre, there was no way for him to move it, or even come into contact with it after it had sealed itself off. No matter what, the divine sceptre was a Transcendent Grade Holy Artifact! To remove it after it had sealed itself off, would require someone in Soul Ascension Realm!

Therefore, the person from the church of the plague god could only helplessly stare at the sceptre that had planted itself in the middle of the now destroyed mountain range. Not able to do anything about it…

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