Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 534: Ancient Scroll and Excited Bandits~

Chapter 534: Ancient Scroll and Excited Bandits~

The reason why he wanted to take out the ancient scroll was because he was curious if it would do anything when put in front of his disciple, who was both cultivating a fire-based cultivation mantra and at the same time had a fire-based divine physique.


The moment the ancient scroll related to the Dao of Fire appeared, it instantly reacted to the presence of Qing Yi deep in meditation in front of it, as a small flame appeared on top of it. Rapidly increasing the fire qi and temperature inside Qing Yi’s small room

“Looks like it does indeed act differently in front of someone cultivating in the direction of the Dao of Fire…” Muttering this to himself as he watched how the ancient scroll began assisting Qing Yi in improving her cultivation, Xuan Hao could not help feeling that it was a pity that he could not find an ancient scroll related to one of the two domains he had managed to comprehend…

However, there was nothing he could do about it. All he could do for now was hope his disciples would improve enough for the system to give him something to help out with merging his two domains. Even just pointing in the correct direction would be more than enough for him, as he had more than enough time to slowly merge both of his domains together.

Outside of the fact that there was a looming threat in the form of the Sky Empire and the powerful existences above the Domain Lord Realm that existed in the Core region of the continent that could easily wipe out the Flying Sword Sect, Xuan Hao did not really feel that there was anything that could threaten him or his sect in the short term.

Not to mention, the Raging Flame Sect and the Heavenly Sky Kingdom. The Flying Sword Sect’s biggest threats had already been dealt with.

The current Flying Sword Sect not only had him, but also had Shu Yao and the winged lion at the Domain Lord Realm. Not to mention Feng Chen, who was only a single step away from reaching the Domain Lord Realm!

Even if the Azure Sky Kingdom or the Seven Fates Sect decides to attack them, he wouldn’t need to worry, as Shu Yao alone would be more than enough to deal with them!

Thinking about this, Xuan Hao could not help smiling slightly.

After the sect moves to the Shattered Star Peaks, I should enter closed door cultivation and try to figure out how to merge my Ice and Sword Domain together- The plants!

Lost in thought thinking about the future, Xuan Hao suddenly noticed that the spiritual plants all around Qing Yi’s room were slowly starting to die out. The increase in temperature was simply way too much for them, as a few of them had already started to wither-


There was even one of them that managed to catch fire!


Using his Ice Domain to lower the temperature before any more of the plants manged to die out or catch fire, Xuan Hao gently picked up Qing Yi and the ancient scroll before moving both of them to an empty room in the pavilion. Making sure that the room was made out of a material that would not end up catching fire like the unfortunate spiritual plant in Qing Yi’s room…

<br/>Having moved Qing Yi to a new room, Xuan Hao stayed around for another two hours. Taking away the ancient scroll after it could no longer help her improve her cultivation base any further.

“Now it’s up to you…” Muttering this as he made his way out of the empty room where he had placed Qing Yi, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit nervous on behalf of his first disciple.

A breakthrough to the Core Formation Realm could take between a few hours all the way up to a few weeks!

The time it took to break through to the Core Formation Realm, was not related to the strength of the golden core and nobody really understood why some would take weeks to breakthrough, while others would only take a few hours.

Only one thing was certain and that was the fact that the longer it took to breakthrough to the Core Formation Realm, the more dangerous it would be!

Because of this, Xuan Hao decided to not move anywhere outside the sect until she managed to breakthrough to the Core Formation Realm, just in case something really happened, and she needed his help.


“What!? Such a large caravan and there are only a few people at Foundation Establishment and Qi Condensation Realm guarding it!”

Having returned back to his boss after having discovered the caravan that Chu Yang was a part of the bandit scout was currently smiling happily as he informed his boss about the large caravan possibly filled with all kinds of great things. Not forgetting to mention the luxurious carriage at the centre of the caravan.

“Boss… There was also someone on top of a luxurious carriage keeping an eye on the surroundings, I think he should be a Core Formation Realm Expert!”

Remembering Chu Yang whom he had seen on top of the luxurious carriage, the bandit scout did not forget to warn his boss. After all, someone in the Core Formation Realm was not anyone that would be easy to deal with.

“Haha, Indeed! With me around, there is no need to worry about that little Core Formation Realm Expert! If I’m not wrong, he should merely be someone at the earlier stages of the Core Formation Realm. Maybe it’s not even someone in the Core Formation Realm given how weak the guards around the caravan are!”

Showing a proud expression on his face while saying this, the bandit boss let his aura run wild. Instantly catching the attention of the surrounding bandits who all looked over towards him filled with both fear and awe.

“What the Boss says is correct! With the boss around, we won’t be anything to worry about! Even if there is someone in the Core Formation Realm, Boss will easily deal with them!”

“Yeah! There is also the Master Pu who just broke through to the Fourth Stage of the Core Formation Realm yesterday!”

“Yeah! Boss is powerful! Master Pu is powerful! Our bandit group will soon become the most powerful in this region!”

Along with the loud cheering from the surrounding bandits who heard about the caravan that had been discovered, the bandit scout could not help feeling proud as it saw this scene.

Just look at how united we are! In the future, we will definitely grow even stronger! Maybe after we take care of the caravan, I will be able to get a few rewards and breakthrough!

Thinking this to himself, the bandit scout could almost not sit still any longer, as he grew more and more excited thinking about the rewards, he would be able to get after the successful raid on the caravan.

If the caravan carried something precious, he was sure that the boss would be happy with him and reward him heavily!

“Haha, brothers! It looks like we will be having a feast tonight! Let’s get going before the caravan discovered by this little brother disappears!”

Grabbing the shoulder of the bandit scout with a smile on his face, the bandit leader loudly proclaimed this, as the other bandits began cheering loudly while waving their weapons in the air.

Over the past few weeks, things had gotten quite boring, as most of the usual caravans had begun avoiding the places where they were waiting in ambush. So, the bandits were extremely excited upon hearing that they would be able to raid a large caravan. Not only because of the good stuff they would most likely be able to get their hands on, but also because they loved the thrill of robbing people.

In a sense, these bandits were among the few who had truly started embarking upon the Dao of Robbery. Truly an achievement that would result in a quite unique domain if any of them managed to reach the Domain Lord Realm in the future…

“What is happening in here? Did a group of beauties perhaps enter our territory unknowingly?”

At this time, a ‘large’ man almost rolled inside as he asked this with a confused expression on his face. Clearly not knowing why everyone were cheering and looking so excited all of a sudden.

“Ah! Master Pu! Listen to this-“

“Hm? Large caravan… Bad defence… Luxurious carriage!? Maybe there are a few beauties in there!”

Listening to one of the bandits explain to him why all of them were so excited, Master Pu could not help becoming equally excited after hearing about the luxurious carriage… Although, for a slightly different reason than the other bandits.

“What are we waiting for, let’s get going before the beau- I mean caravan disappears!”

Not waiting around for a second, Master Pu, who arrived last, was the first one out the door. Not forgetting to drag the bandit scout along with him for directions…

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