Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 539: News Reaches the Cardinal

Chapter 539: News Reaches the Cardinal

Returning back to his pavilion again, Xuan Hao didn’t bother thinking about the winged lion and its obvious influence over the beast tamers. No matter how many spirit stones it asked for, it would be of no use if it couldn’t eat them.

As for the winged lion asking for high-grade spirit stones… The beast tamers would have to personally ask Elder Song or Feng Chen for them and Xuan Hao highly doubted that either of the two would give any to the beast tamers…

Instead of this, the first thing Xuan hao did was check up on Qing Yi who was still in the process of breaking through to the Core Formation Realm before beginning to look around the Flying Sword Sect once again to kill some time while Qing Yi was breaking through. Teasing a few disciples every now and then with the help of his Ice Domain.


“The Archbishop was not able to make it out of the formation set up by the church of the plague god…?”

“Yes! He used most of his remaining strength to allow me to leave and inform your excellency! The Archbishop also wanted me to warn you about the fact that there might be someone leaking our movement to the church of the plague god from the inside… After all, there is no way they could set up such a large formation within such a short period of time and especially one designed to restrain the holy artifact of his excellency Soft Breeze!”

“Hm… I see… I will have to think about what to do before moving to deal with them. Taking a risk and moving another Archbishop to the Azure Sky Kingdom is not a good idea at this point in time. Especially considering that they might use a similar trap again… Try and make your way back safely for now!”

“Yes, your excellency!”

Watching as the communication talisman in his hand grew dull, signalling the fact that the conversation had ended, Domain Lord Lin exhaustedly sat down on the ground as he began recovering his strength.

Over the past few days, he had not dared to stop and contact the cardinal, as he ran away from the place where the church of the plague god had ambushed them.

Only after having crossed through the borders of a kingdom under the complete control of the Order of the Sky God, did Domain Lord Lin relax slightly before finding a place to hide before contacting the cardinal and informing him about what had happened.

Even after he had successfully informed the cardinal, Domain Lord Lin still felt like he was not safe yet. After all, the person from the church of the plague god lurking inside the Order of the Sky God, should at least be an Archbishop to know about Archbishop Soft Breeze’s movements!

Domain Lord Lin did not know if this traitor would come after him and for this reason, he had not informed anyone other than the cardinal about his current whereabouts.

At least, this way, he should be able to recover his strength and treat his injuries inside a somewhat safe place before making his way back to the capital of the Sky Empire.

<br/>Even if the traitor was an Archbishop at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm, there was no way the other party would dare making a move while inside the capital of the Sky Empire!

However, the injuries he had sustained during the battle was not something that could be recovered in the short term, so Domain Lord Lin would at least have to spend a few weeks before continuing his journey towards the capital of the Sky Empire. After all, if the other party decided to wait close to the capital to ambush him, he would have no way out if he went in his current state…

Thinking this to himself, Domain Lord Lin smiled a bit wryly as he looked down a large gaping wound left behind by one of the Domain Lord’s from the church of the plague god. Even if he had managed to successfully escape the formation with the help of Archbishop Soft Breeze, he did not manage to do so without a few sacrifices…


Focusing most of his attention towards recovering his strength and repairing his injured body, Domain Lord Lin made sure that the rest of his attention was focused on keeping an eye on the area surrounding his hiding spot, as he began the slow process of recovering his strength back to its peak.


“Hah… To think the church of the plague god actually managed to infiltrate us…” On the other side of the communication talisman, the cardinal sighed to himself as a terrifying killing intent appeared in his eyes.

For someone to be able to infiltrate the Order of the Sky God and get information about the movements of an Archbishop and the specific holy artifact he was carrying, the cardinal very well understood that the other party should at the very least be an Archbishop!

Every single Archbishop was crucial to the Order of the Sky God’s strength inside the Sky Empire and even the loss of a single one was devastating, yet now it looked like the Order of the Sky God had just lost two within a short span of time….

After all, there was no way the cardinal would ever consider whoever the spy was to be a member of the Order of the Sky God after finding the other party!

“I hope you managed to keep yourself alive Soft Breeze…” Muttering this to himself as he thought about what Domain Lord Lin had said, the cardinal could not help hoping for Archbishop Soft Breeze to find a way out of his predicament alive.

Even if he understood that the other party had come prepared, the cardinal still understood just how strong the holy artifact he had been carrying was. Even if he could not escape, Archbishop Soft Breeze should at the very least be able to keep his soul alive for the time being.

“However, what in the world does the church of the plague god gain by doing this? Why are they suddenly shifting so much attention towards the Azure Sky Kingdom at the borders? Did they perhaps give up entering the inner regions of the Sky Empire…? But this makes no sense either, their cardinal is still stationed at the-“


“Cardinal! Urgent news!”

Just as the cardinal was trying to make sense of the church of the plague god’s movements, the door leading inside the large prayer room where he was currently located was violently opened, as a young priest anxiously called out to him without any proper etiquette.

“Little priest… I hope you have a good reason for interrupting me!” Narrowing his eyes as the killing intent he had barely been holding back after learning about what had happened to Archbishop Soft Breeze washed over the young priest, the cardinal only barely managed to stop himself from killing the little priest that had dared barging in.

“Y-your e-e-excellency, I-I have u-urgent-” Not able to continue speaking under the terrifying killing intent of the cardinal, the young priest who had just barely reached the Nascent Soul Realm almost fainted as he felt his soul slowly beginning to collapse under the terrifying pressure coming from the cardinal’s killing intent.


“T-thank you, your excellency!”


Lifting the pressure so the other party could speak properly again, the cardinal just snorted coldly in response to the young priest.

“Your excellency, news just came in that the church of the plague god has begun moving out of the inner region kingdoms. The cardinal from the church of the plague god is also said to have disappeared!” Understanding what the cardinal wanted, the young priest quickly relayed the urgent news that had just come in regarding the church of the plague god.

“I see, they are leaving the inner region… You can leave for now… Remember not do such a thing again or I won’t spare you!” Narrowing his eyes as a grim expression appeared on his face after hearing what the young priest said, the cardinal quickly waved for him to leave the prayer room.

“Yes! I will cherish your excellency’s words and never make such a mistake again!” Bowing thankfully as he understood that he had just escaped from the jaws of death, the young priest quickly turned around before escaping out of the prayer room.


Not caring about the young priest after having told him off, the cardinal was instead way more focused on the information he had just gained, as he began to worry about Archbishop Soft Breeze.

Against a normal Archbishop from the church of the plague god, he would still be able to keep his soul alive with the help of the holy artifact that he had brought with him… However, things were different if the cardinal from the church of the plague god showed up. At that point in time, the holy artifact would not be able to protect him!

“Looks like I will have to pay a visit to the Azure Sky Kingdom… Hopefully I can get there before that old fossil of the plague god…” Along with these few words, the space around the cardinal suddenly warped visibly before it directly swallowed him up. Leaving behind an empty prayer room.

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