Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 550: Time Reduced!

Chapter 550: Time Reduced!


Not even a second later, the demon beast spotted her, as it rushed towards her direction. Approaching at a speed way too fast for her to escape in her current condition!

Where did you even come from?!

Feeling like crying as she watched the rapidly approaching blue coloured demon beast, Zhu Lian did not plan to wait around for it to reach her, as she still used what little strength she could muster to escape in the opposite direction. Even knowing that she had no chance of running away from the demon beast, Zhu Lian still understood that only by buying more time would she have a chance to discover a way out of her current rather precarious situation.

“Hehe, I never expected for there to be so many yin flowers down here! Even a fraction of these would be more than enough for me to break through to reach the Second Demonic Transformation Realm!”

Suddenly hearing a familiar voice laughing happily in the distance, Zhu Lian could not help narrowing her eyes as she rushed in the direction of the voice without the slightest bit of hesitation.

“Hm? You are-“


Before the demonic cultivator who had already started gathering the yin flowers in front of him with an excited expression on his face could react, Zhu Lian used most of the qi she had managed to recover since falling into the crack and ending up in her current situation to run straight past him before he had a chance to stop her.


Not giving the demonic cultivator any time to follow after Zhu Lian, the blue coloured demon beast directly attacked the demonic cultivator. After all, in its eyes, Zhu Lian and the demonic cultivator were working together to steal its food. In the demon beast’s eyes, the demonic cultivator was a far bigger target, as it could clearly see him currently in the process of stealing!


Barely managing to defend against the demon beast that had suddenly appeared out of seemingly nowhere, the demonic cultivator was soon locked in combat with it. Soon discovering that the demon beast was far stronger than him.

“Help!” Knowing that he was not the demon beast’s match, the demonic cultivator called out for help.


However, even after a few minutes of him getting knocked around by the demon beast. No one showed up to help him…

“There is a strong demon beast and its guarding a field of yin flowers-“

“Junior brother! I’m here to help!”

“Where is that vile demon beast! I will make sure that it won’t be able to get away!”


Frowning visibly with an annoyed expression on his face as he watched the two others show up even before he finished what he was saying, the demonic cultivator in the process of getting beat up by the blue coloured demon beast could not help rethinking his choice of travel companions…

In the future, he would find someone different to travel with!

At the same time that the three demonic cultivators engaged in battle with the blue coloured demon beast, Zhu Lian collapsed on to the ground on the edge of a large cliff leading even further down into the increasingly mysterious crack she now found herself inside of.

“Hah… I should be… Hah… safe for now…” Feeling the last bit of strength left in her body disappear, Zhu Lina could not help smiling happily when thinking about how she had managed to escape from the blue coloured demon beast.

“More importantly than that… How did those three manage to find me? I’m sure I left them behind after escaping into the Frozen Wasteland…” Muttering this to herself as she absorbed the surround yin qi to recover her strength, Zhu Lian soon stopped as she realized that the other party might be tracking her through some kind of special technique.


Scanning herself thoroughly with her divine sense. Making sure to check every corner of her clothes, Zhu Lian soon managed to discover something hidden on her robe.

The thing in question, was a small bug the size of a grain of sand. Even if she used her divine sense to search her surroundings, she would not be able to discover it. Only when thoroughly searching herself for anything that might be used to track her location, did she manage to find the small bug hidden on her robe.


Using her divine sense to crush the little bug to death, Zhu Lian decided to move away from her current location and find another place to recover her strength. Just in case the demonic cultivators came looking for her at the location where they had last felt the little bug.

“This should be fine, the yin qi around here is also easy to absorb!”

Finding a new location, Zhu Lian sat down before closing her eyes to absorb the surrounding yin qi.

Luckily for her, the yin qi in the air around her was not too different from the qi at the surface and it was relatively easy for her to absorb and refine. Given a few hours, she would be able to recover her full strength at her current speed. At that point. Finding a way out of her current situation would be way easier!

Back up at the surface, Xuan Hao did not follow behind the group of demonic cultivators immediately when they entered the mysterious crack. Instead, he observed the natural formation formed by yin qi that engulfed the crack to see if anything changed after the group of demonic cultivators had rushed inside.

“Looks like nothing happened…” Muttering this to himself as he watched for any changes to the formation, Xuan Hao could not help breathing out a sigh of relief.

From the looks of it, the natural formation formed by yin qi was not some sort of offensive formation that would attack once someone entered it. Instead, after carefully observing it for some time, Xuan Hao had a feeling that the natural formation formed by yin qi was rather similar to the Qi Gathering Formation. The only difference was that one was for normal cultivators, while the other was for demonic cultivators…


Knowing that he wouldn’t be in any danger after entering the massive natural formation formed by yin qi below, Xuan Hao slowly flew down before entering the mysterious crack in the ground.

The inside of the crack was covered in a thick fog that made it hard to see more than a few meters ahead. Even with his current strength, Xuan Hao still felt his divine sense being restricted to the extreme after having entered the mysterious crack covered by the natural formation formed by yin qi.

At this point in time, he could only cover an area a thousand meters around himself with his divine sense! It was easy to imagine that the demonic cultivators who entered before him would most likely not even be able to use their divine sense in an area more than a few meters around themselves…

[Warning! Detected a change has taken place in location of a time limited quest. Sect quest [Save Zhu Lian], time to complete quest reduced from 1.9 days to 2 hours!]


Suddenly seeing this message appear in front of him shortly after he passed through the invisible border of the natural formation covering the mysterious crack, Xuan Hao could not help feeling like he had something to do with this “change” that took place in the area where Zhu Lian was located…

At the very least, he was now certain that the old woman that the three demonic cultivators had been chasing after was indeed Zhu Lian!

However, Xuan Hao now felt like he had to speed up, as he now only had two hours left to save Zhu Lian!

Finding her in two hours inside the mysterious crack where his divine sense had been restricted… Even Xuan Hao felt like he might not be able to do so. Not to mention, he had no idea what the change that had taken place was and it could very well be something that would make it even harder for him to find Zhu Lian!

“Ah… Didn’t one of those demonic cultivators say he had a way to track Zhu Lian…?” Suddenly remembering that one of the three demonic cultivators had boasted about using some sort of bug to track Zhu Lian’s location, Xuan Hao narrowed his eyes as he gazed in the direction of a flower field located at the edge of his divine sense where a battle was currently taking place between three demonic cultivators and a blue coloured demon beast.

“Hm… I think it should be a good idea to ask these three if they would be kind enough to help me out in finding Zhu Lian…” Showing a splendid villainous smile as he said this to himself, Xuan Hao soon utilized his movement technique before appearing directly at the centre of the battle between the three demonic cultivators and the blue coloured demon beast.

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