Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 558: Location of the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb

Chapter 558: Location of the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb


As the large gate appeared in front of the two demonic cultivators before slowly opening. The rest of the demonic cultivators retreated back to their hiding spots, while Xuan Hao followed them in moving away from the gate as quickly as possible. Hoping that the person he had sensed beyond the gate did not have enough time to notice him.


All of a sudden, the gate that had been slowly opening in front of the two demonic cultivators flew open as a skinny elderly man appeared from the other side before scanning through the surroundings with his divine sense. Completely ignoring the presence of the two demonic cultivators who had been scared silly by the elderly man’s sudden appearance.


Barely escaping the range of the elderly man’s divine sense as he remained hidden with his domain, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a shiver run down his spine as he looked at the skinny elderly man who had come out from the gate.

Even at a glance, Xuan Hao could clearly tell that the man should have reached the Peak of the Third Demonic Transformation. Essentially placing him at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm!

Well… At least I can be certain that this is the Frost Devil Sect…


Thinking this to himself, Xuan Hao decided not to risk accidently revealing himself, as he slipped away before the skinny elderly man standing at the gate scanning the surrounding area with his divine sense noticed him.

In the first place, he had only come for the location of the Frost Devil Sect. Not to fight the Frost Devil Sect!

Having escaped far enough away from the Frost Devil Sect, Xuan Hao stopped as he spent a few minutes before taking out the map of the Frozen Wasteland that Yi Min had given him back in the Iron Sky Kingdom. Soon manging to figure out where he had ended up after sneaking away from the Frost Devil Sect’s front door.

“Hm… I should not be too far away from the location of the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb…” Muttering this to himself as he looked down at the location of the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb noted down by Yi Min on the map in his hands, Xuan Hao quickly recalled the little information Yi Min had given to him regarding the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb during a short conversation while he had been making his way towards the Frozen Wasteland.

According to what Yi Min said, the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb was located at the border between the Frozen Wasteland’s inner and outer region. Not only that, but she had also mentioned that there should be a Domain Lord Realm demon beast guarding the spiritual herb.

When he tried asking about the strength of the demon beast, Yi Min had just answered that she had no idea about it…

Answering that when she found the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb, she had still not reached the Domain Lord Realm and had only chanced upon its location out of sheer luck. Thousands of years had already passed since then and she did not know what realm the demon beast had reached at this point in time.

Other than this, Yi Min did not have much information about the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb.

Recalling all of this, Xuan Hao could not help praying that the spiritual herb had not fully mature yet and was still around.

This was not too unrealistic, as a Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb could take thousands- If not tens of thousands of years to fully mature!


Not standing around for too long, Xuan Hao put away the map before flying in the direction of the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb that had been noted down on the map.

Given his current speed, it would take around two to three days’ time to reach. During this time, Xuan Hao decided to use the Drifting Cloud Steps and increase his mastery over the movement technique.

At the same time Xuan Hao was making his way deeper into the Frozen Wasteland, Chu Yang was lazily gazing up at the clouds passing by above him as he felt bored to the extreme.

During the past few days after the bandit attack, he had not done anything and could only cultivate silently, watch the scenery pass by around him or spent his time observing the clouds drifting by overhead.

The job of guarding the caravan along with the luxurious caravan was fine for the first few days, but it slowly grew more and more boring with each passing day. Not to mention, the bandits that attacked them were all below the Core Formation Realm and were dealt with by the remaining guards without him needing to do anything.

However, following the caravan was his only way of safely getting back to the Flying Sword Sect’s territory without getting lost along the way-

“We will soon be reaching the Small River Town!”

Suddenly hearing one of the guards located in the front call out, Chu Yang could not help jolting awake from his dazed state before jumping down from the roof of the luxurious caravan where he had been staying most of the time during the journey.


Ignoring the confused looks of the surrounding guards who saw him jump down from the roof of the carriage; Chu Yang rapidly moved to the front of the caravan to confirm what he had heard.

“That is… The Small River Town…?” Reaching the front of the caravan, Xuan Hao could not help opening his eyes in amazement as he saw a large town appearing in the distance with several small rivers flowing through it.

Following the small rivers flowing through the town, Chu Yang watched how all of them interviewed and merged together into a large river a short distance away from the town.

On the large river, a small port with several trading ships could be seen ready to make a trip up the river. Likely heading to a town or city where they could trade the things, they were carrying with them.

“Indeed, the Small River Town is quite well known for their trade of several different spiritual fruits.” Standing beside him, one of the guards that was familiar with the Small River Town said this before pointing towards several orchards located around the small rivers both inside and outside of the Small River Town.

Looking more closely at the town after hearing this, Chu Yang could not help feeling a bit surprised upon realizing that more than half the town was actually just orchards… And that is not counting the orchards located in the areas just outside the town itself!

Indeed, with so many orchards around, it was no wonder that the Small River Town would be famous for the spiritual fruits they produced!

However, an important question appeared the moment he realized this and that was how the Small River Town could keep control over so many spiritual fruit trees.

Even if they were they only produced the lowest grade of the spiritual fruits, it would still not be something that would be easy to hold on to. Let alone if some of the spiritual trees of the Small River Town produced higher grade spiritual fruits!

How could I not know about a town like this inside the Flying Sword Sect’s territory!?

Frowning to himself as he wondered how he had not learnt anything about the Small River Town while going over the different important places located inside the territory of the Flying Sword Sect in preparation for his adventure, Chu Yang could not help feeling interested in the Small River Town.

Given that he was already going there together with the caravan, Chu Yang decided to spend some time in the Small River Town and try to see if he could learn more about the town and the people who lived inside of it.


Turning around after having thought about all of this, Chu Yang made his way back to the luxurious carriage before informing the people inside about the fact that they were about to reach the Small River Town. Something he had been told to do by the servant so he could wake up his master in time for their arrival.

Following this, Chu Yang returned back to the roof of the luxurious carriage where he began to go over his options on where to go after staying at the Small River Town for a few days.

Given that there was also a branch of the Explorer Union present inside the Small River Town, Chu Yang felt confident that they would be able to help him out with finding a path to the location he decided to go after having stayed at the Small River Town.

Sitting on top of the luxurious carriage as he thought about this, Chu Yang gazed towards the large town slowly getting closer and closer in the distance.

After reaching the Small River Town, he would once again be able to resume his adventure… This time around. Hopefully staying inside the territory of the Flying Sword Sect!

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