Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 562: Ancient Ruins Upstream

Chapter 562: Ancient Ruins Upstream

Hearing Chu Yang’s question, the leader of three thought about it for a moment before coming up with an answer.

“Ancient ruins? A place where there is a lot of demon beasts? Hm… If I’m not wrong, there is some ancient ruins filled with demon beasts further upstream. The treasures inside the ancient ruins have already been taken away, but there is still a lot of demon beasts around. Although… Most of the demon beast are at the Peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm or above!”

Listening to the description of the ancient ruins, Chu Yang could not help smiling happily. The ancient ruins described by the leader was indeed what he had been looking for and from the looks of it, it was the perfect place for him to train with his current strength.

Not only that, but from the looks of it, it also seemed like there wouldn’t be too many other people hunting for demon beast given just how empty the Explorer Union of the Small River Town was… That was not mentioning that the few strong people he had seen so far in the Small River Town did not exceed the earlier stages of the Core Formation.

Even at this point in time, Chu Yang could not help lamenting over just how weak the Small Rive Town was compared to the Flame Mountain City.

Although, it was not too surprising given that the Flame Mountain City was located at the borders of the Burning Mountain Range where demon beasts even above the Nascent Soul Realm could be found… In such a location, strong people would gather with the intention of exploring the dangerous Burning Mountain Range for an opportunity to increase their strength.

If not for the fact that the Flame Mountain City was located outside the Flying Sword Sect’s territory and the fact that he would most likely not be able to find his way out, Chu Yang would have been more than happy to spend his time exploring the Burning Mountain Range and fight the demon beast there while searching for ancient ruins spread across the Burning Mountain Range.

Feeling a shiver run down his spine as he recalled the image of the massive wolf like demon beast roaring towards the sky. The demon beast he had encountered after having been teleported inside the Burning Mountain Range was far more terrifying than any demon beast he had ever encountered. Even the Nascent Soul Realm Expert he had encountered during his short adventure with Qing Yi was nowhere near the same level as the massive wolf like demon beast!

“Thanks for the help, I should get going…” Shaking his head as he threw the thoughts of the massive wolf like demon beast to the back of his mind, Chu Yang stood up before making his way out of the private room.


“Your food is here!”

The leader of the group of three that was just about to say something to the leaving Chu Yang, was suddenly interrupted as the server from earlier entered the room with a large amount of food just as Chu Yang left.

“Please enjoy!” Ignoring the fact that Chu Yang left the private room, the server quickly placed the food on the small table in the middle of the room which the three were sitting around before taking his leave.

The server already knew the identity of the group of three cultivators and understood that it was best for someone like him without any cultivation to stay around when a group of cultivators chatted with each other…

Who knew if they suddenly talked about some rare artifact or spiritual herb, and he happened to accidently overhear them!?

One of the server’s friends was unfortunate enough to run into this kind of situation and had been outright killed before the other party escaped from the Small River Town to avoid any repercussions.


Even if cultivators were customers that paid several times what ordinary mortals did, he did not want to end up like that! It was best just to keep his distance and hope for them to leave a few spirit stones for him…


Seeing how quickly the server left after having laid the food out on the table in front of them, the three cultivators could not help frowning as they all wondered if something was wrong for both Chu Yang and the server to escape so quickly.

“Hah… And here I thought we would be able to recruit someone new to our group…” Letting out a sigh, the leader of the group could not help muttering this to himself as his intentions for talking with Chu Yang became clear to the other two.

“So, you wanted to recruit him!”

“Never expected that… I just thought you were nice enough to warn the newcomer…”

“Haa… You two… That young man should at least be in the Foundation Establishment Realm. Recruiting him would definitely be able to increase our strength and allow us to take on more difficult missions from the Explorer Union, I just didn’t expect for him to run away so quickly after I answered a few questions…” Shaking his head as he said this with a regretful expression while looking at the two others, the leader began eating the dishes in front of him.

“Foundation Establishment Realm!? I never expected for someone that young to have reached the Foundation Establishment Realm… I fear that he should be someone with a background to have reached the Foundation Establishment Realm at such a young age!” Exclaiming in surprise upon hearing what his leader said, one of the other two could not help lamenting at the difference between him and the young man.

The young man should be in his late teens or earlier twenties, but he had already reached the Foundation Establishment Realm!

It had to be known that all three of them were over forty years old. The Leader being a little over fifty!

The fact that Chu Yang was 20 to 30 years younger than them was more than enough to render the other the remaining two speechless and unable to eat the food in front of them for a short time.

“Hm… They didn’t follow me?” Having left the restaurant along with the three Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators, Chu Yang could not help feeling a bit surprised after realizing that they had not followed after him.

He was almost certain that they wanted something from him… Why else would they take him to the restaurant and answer all of his questions without getting anything in return?

Maybe they really did just want to help me out and warn me about the branch manager of the Small River Town Explorer Union…?

Thinking this to himself, Chu Yang could not help feeling a bit touched.

The group of three had clearly risked their own safety to warn him about the branch manager without asking for anything in return. Cultivators like them were way too rare and Chu Yang had never expected to encounter someone like that!

“Well… If you really just wanted to help me, I guess I will have to help you three out in the future if we encounter each other again…” Muttering this to himself, Chu Yang began making his way out of the Small River Town.

Following the small rivers that went through the Small River Town before they merged together into a large river would not be hard. All he had to do was follow the dozen or so small rivers and he would be able to reach his destination!

Even if the small rivers ended up going off in some other direction, he would always be able to backtrack and try again in case he ended up getting lost…

With this in mind, Chu Yang made his way out of the Small River Town before following the small rivers upstream towards the ancient ruins and demon beasts that the leader of the three cultivators had mentioned to him.

As for investigating the spiritual fruit trees scattered all over the Small River town, Chu Yang decided to do it after he had visited the ancient ruins upstream.

In the first place, it was not like he would not be able to return to the Small River Town after having explored the ruins. Especially given the fact that he would always be able to follow the small rivers back without fear of loosing his way in the process!


Using his movement technique, the moment he was far enough away from the Small River Town to not be seen by anyone, Chu Yang began his journey upstream towards the ancient ruins and demon beasts.

It was only a few days later that Chu Yang realized he had never asked just how far away the ancient ruins were from the Small River Town.

At that point in time, it was already way too late for him to regret not having asked this before leaving, as he could only continue his journey upstream. Hoping to soon encounter the ancient ruins…

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