Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 571: Yi Min's Arrival!

Chapter 571: Yi Min’s Arrival!

Knowing that he would not be able to reach the Iron Sky Kingdom before the demonic cultivator managed to catch up to him, Xuan Hao frowned as he prepared himself to fight the demonic cultivator. Hopefully being able to survive long enough to reach the Iron Sky Kingdom…


Suddenly sensing something wrong with the rabbit demon beast the moment the demonic cultivator was about to overtake it, Xuan Hao could not help opening both his eyes in surprise, as the rabbit demon beast suddenly appeared on top of the demonic cultivator before using him as a springboard to launch itself forward with increased speed.

All of a sudden, the demonic cultivator had been sent flying backwards by the rabbit demon beast-


Directly smashing into a nearby mountain after not having been able to stop the rabbit demon beast from sending him flying…


Screaming loudly filled with killing intent, the demonic cultivator could only get back up before continuing to chase after Xuan Hao and the rabbit demon beast. However, this time around, he was so far behind that even with his increased speed, he would not have time to catch up with Xuan Hao before he reached the Iron Sky Kingdom!


Xuan Hao who had just felt a wave of relief wash over him upon seeing the demonic cultivator being sent flying back by the rabbit demon beast was shocked upon discovering that the rabbit demon beast had actually managed to get close enough to start attacking him, as a large fluffy looking rabbit paw menacingly descended down towards him filled with killing intent.


Seeing the massive fluffy paw descending down towards him, Xuan Hao didn’t dare to be the slightest bit careless as he barely managed to use his ice domain to slow down the paw enough to dodge and continue rapidly moving towards the Iron Sky Kingdom without slowing down too much.


The rabbit demon beast roared angrily upon seeing Xuan Hao slipping away once again before it resumed its chase.

However, this time around, the rabbit demon beast had no difficulty catching up to Xuan Hao.

This in turn resulted in Xuan Hao having to dodge a continued stream of attacks from the rabbit demon beast-


Of course, this was not something that he could continue doing just by relying on his ice domain to slow down the movement of the rabbit demon beast whenever it got close enough, as it soon managed to land a hit and in turn causing Xuan Hao to first hand feel just how terrifying a demon beast half a step into the Soul Ascension Realm was!


Being hit head on by the massive fluffy and soft looking paw of the rabbit demon beast,  Xuan Hao was sent into the ground below, the paw of the rabbit demon beast being nowhere near as soft as it looked…


As the ground where he landed cracked apart forming a small crater, Xuan Hao rapidly jumped out of the crater before continuing towards the Iron Sky Kingdom-


Just barely managing to avoid the follow up attack of the rabbit demon beast as the area where he had landed was completely annihilated. Leaving behind what could only be described as an empty wasteland where only the terrifying killing intent left behind by the rabbit demon beast could be felt!

Feeling the terrifying killing intent and the powerful shockwave created by the rabbit demon beast’s attack, Xuan Hao could not help shivering as he realized that he would most likely not have been able to defend against such an attack without being injured!

I hope Yi Min’s formation is strong enough to keep this rabbit and those two demonic cultivators out…

Thinking this to himself as he looked back at the destruction caused by the rabbit demon beast’s attack, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit uncertain about whether Yi Min’s formation would really be able to defend against the two demonic cultivators and the rabbit demon beast.

After all, he had seen the formation before, and he did have some doubts about whether it would really be able to hold out against the three.

No, she would not have wanted to help me if her formation couldn’t hold up!

Filled with renewed confidence after he thought about this, Xuan Hao who had unknowingly started slowing down once again rushed towards the Iron Sky Kingdom without any hesitation. After all, she would not only put herself in danger in such a situation, but her entire kingdom!

Luckily for him, the rabbit demon beast that was closest to him had wasted quite some time on the destructive attack earlier, thus resulting in him still keeping a good distance between them. Even with him slowing down for a short moment.

“Hm… I wonder how long it will take for him to show up…” Having already finished checking on the formation that covered her kingdom, Yi Min could not help muttering this to herself in a slightly bored tone as she looked off into the distance that Xuan Hao would be showing up in.

Normally, she would get a tray of snacks in such a situation, but she knew that she could not leave her current position for snacks in case Xuan Hao and the three following after him showed up.

Yi Min really didn’t want to encounter a situation where she was too late to help out because she had to go and get a few snacks…

Even if Xuan Hao ended up surviving and everything turned out fine in the end, it would simply be way too embarrassing for her!

For this reason, Yi Min, who loved to have always have a snack to munch on in such a situation, was left standing mid-air without anything to do while waiting.

“Maybe I can just go out and help him…? In the first place, it shouldn’t be too hard to track him if he gives me his current location through the communication talisman…” Muttering this to herself as she pulled out her communication talisman, Yi Min quickly contacted Xuan Hao and got his rough position.

However, after finding out about his position-

“He… Is still so far away…” Realizing that he was far enough away to not show up for a minute or two, but still not far enough away for her to get a new batch of snacks and still have time to enjoy them, Yi Min could not help feeling depressed.

“I should go out and help him… At least this way I will have something to do…”


Coming to a decision the next second, Yi Min took out several different artifacts, some used to increase her flying speed, some used to properly pinpoint Xuan Hao’s current location and others prepared for the inevitable fight before flying in the direction of Xuan Hao.

No matter what, Yi Min did not want to just sit around doing nothing!



Being pieced by a black sword, Xuan Hao frowned as he felt a foreign energy trying to invade and corrode his body.

“I should soon be at the border to the Iron Sky Kingdom, but why did Yi Min suddenly ask for my location…?”

Having continued his escape for the last five or so minutes, Xuan Hao was extremely exhausted after the demonic cultivator called Black hand managed to catch up to him and attack in a similar manner  as the rabbit demon beast. Apparently, he had devoured a few more Domain Lords in the back and further increased his speed.

Overtaking the rabbit demon beast without getting sent flying backwards and successfully launching several attacks towards him.

Not to mention, Black Hand’s attacks were far more troublesome to deal with, as he could attack over a long distance!

Compared to the rabbit demon beast that only attacked him with its paws, this was much more troublesome, as not only did the demonic cultivator not need to get too close to him, but he could also completely ignore his ice domain!

Because of this, Xuan Hao had a harder time dodging the attacks and in turn, his speed had slowed down. At the same time, he had also ended up getting injured to the point that he felt that he might not be able to make it to the Iron Sky Kingdom before being forced to make a stand.

If worst came to pass, he could still throw away the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb… But looking at the eyes filled with killing intent of the rabbit demon beast, Xuan Hao doubted that it would let him go even if he did this…


Haa… Looks like I will have to fight it out here…

Seeing a massive black sword flying towards him from behind, Xuan Hao understood that he would have to stop and defend against it.

If he didn’t, he would definitely end up getting killed by the black sword!



It was just at this moment, that something suddenly flew past him-


Blocking the massive black sword from reaching him.

“This- Yi Min?!”

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