Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 582: Black Spots

Chapter 582: Black Spots

Making sure that Zu Fei had left, Xuan Hao continued scanning Song Jia’s bod, while the person in question was tilting her head in a slightly confused manner looking in the direction that Zu Fei had disappeared in. Clearly, she had been affected by Zu Fei’s outburst and the killing intent that inevitably leaked out into her surroundings.

However, Xuan Hao was more than happy with Song Jia looking in the direction of ZU Fei lost in her own thoughts, as it would allow him to continue searching her body without having to deal with her being suspicious of what he was doing or why he had not left yet after talking with Zu Fei.

“Hm? This should be it…” Having searched through her body from head to toe, Xuan Hao could not help narrowing his eyes as he noticed a few slightly dark spots located in both her eyes. The dark spots were small to the point of being invisible to the naked eye.

Not only that, but there was also some sort of weird membrane covering the dark spots. Hiding it from both his divine sense and domain. The only reason why he had noticed them was due to on of these dark spots suddenly moving on its own when his divine sense swept over its location.

However, even after discovering the small dark spots inside both of her eyes, Xuan Hao did not dare to carelessly try and remove them. After all, the eyes are an extremely sensitive part of the human body that would not be easy to recover in case he ended up damaging it while attempting to remove the dark spots inside them.

That was not mentioning the fact that he still had close to no knowledge about the dark spots and what damage it might cause if they happened to be related to Song Jia’s ability to see the aura of people and plants around herself.

If that was the case. Removing the dark spots might end up causing Song Jia to truly become blind without being able to see anything at all… Not really something he wanted to happen just because he acted without more knowledge.

Ha… Looks like I will have to spend more time on this than I expected…

Shaking his head as he thought this to himself, Xuan Hao left Zu Fei’s pavilion before heading towards the Alchemy Hall.

Even if he had no idea how to remove the dark spots in Song Jia’s eyes, he at the very least had some idea on how to supress them without having to use the demonic medicinal potion after having inspected them first hand!


Silently leaving Song Jia who was still lost in thought thinking about the killing intent of Zu Fei from earlier, Xuan Hao made sure that some of the younger disciples under Zu Fei took care of Song Jia before disappearing in the direction of the Alchemy Hall.

Now, all he needed to do was refine a Spirit Grade medicinal potion that could help supress the dark spots inside Song Jia’s eyes… Not something that would be too hard given his current realm when it came to alchemy!

Things might have been different if it was a Soul Grade Medicinal Potion, as medicinal potion was far harder to refine compared to normal potions. Not to mention that the current Flying Sword Sect might not have all the required Soul Grade Spiritual Herbs to refine a Soul Grade Medicinal Potion, as the strongest alchemist outside himself was still half a step away from reaching the Artisan Realm!


At the same time Xuan Hao was making his way towards the Alchemy Hall, his disciple, Chu Yang, was sent flying by the tail of an enormous snake demon beast in the Core Formation Realm.

“Hah… Where… Hah… Did all of these demon beasts come from!?”

Doing his best to breath properly as he looked at the swarm of demon beast that was surrounding him, Chu Yang could not help cursing after remembering how he had been leisurely hunting down demon beast in the outer parts of the ancient city ruins just a few seconds earlier.

After he had found out about the transparent stone inside the demon beasts, Chu Yang had hunted down all the demon beast he met.

As a result, he had discovered that the transparent stone that helped increase his strength was only present inside the demon beast who had reached the Core Formation Realm. No demon beast below the Core Formation Realm had a transparent stone inside them!

Although he had managed to gather quite a few of the transparent stones during a short period of time, he had not yet absorbed any of them yet!

If only he absorbed them, he should have been able to reach the Third Stage of the Core Formation Realm and he would have a far easier time dealing with the siege of the demon beast…

“Hah… Not to mention… Hah… I lost my communication talisman, so I can’t even contact my master for help!” Muttering this to himself as he looked at the close to dozen Core Formation Realm demon beasts that had surrounded him, Chu Yang shook his head helplessly. Not knowing how he would be able to get out of his current situation alive.


Not giving him any more time to think, Chu Yang was interrupted while trying to think of a way to escape, as a large boar the size of a small hill charged towards him filled with killing intent.

Hm? This boar… Maybe I can do that…

Seeing the boar charging towards him filled with killing intent, Chu Yang suddenly thought of something as a small smile appeared on his face watching the hill sized boar getting closer and closer to him.



In the last moment before the massive boar hit him, Chu Yang jumped into the air before landing on top of the massive boar that continued moving forward with a terrifying momentum after missing its target.


Not expecting this to happen, the massive boar demon beast did not have time to stop itself, as it continued forward-


Heading directly towards one of the Core Formation Realm demon beasts that were blocking Chu Yang’s escape path!


Along with the massive boar demon beast trying its best to prevent itself from crashing into its friend by forcibly stopping itself, Chu Yang used the momentum of the massive boar demon beast’s abrupt stop to launch himself over the blockage created by the demon beasts.


Flying through the air above the demon beasts, Chu Yang soon landed on the ground a few hundred meters away from the large group of Core Formation Realm demon beasts that had surrounded him-


Just in time to witness the hill sized boar crashing into its friend, as it had been unable to fully stop itself in time.





Of course, this was not met kindly by its friend, as the two demon beasts soon began roaring at each other before starting to violently fight.


Seeing all of this, Chu Yang used the sudden confusion created among the demon beast to silently slip away before they had time to comprehend  what had just happened and started looking for him.

“Looks like I didn’t get too injured in the short battle with those demon beasts… I will have to thank that boar demon beast in the future… If not for its generous help, I don’t know how I would have escaped that situation alive!”

A few minutes passed since then, as Chu Yang examined his injuries in a hidden location inside the ancient city ruins.

Luckily, he had not been injured too badly by the demon beast, as the boar demon beast had helped him escape before the fight truly began in the first place.

“But… Those demon beasts are very clearly after me… Should I leave the ancient city ruins, or continue searching for more of the transparent stones to further increase my strength…?” Muttering this to himself as he clearly remembered how those demon beasts at the Core Formation Realm had surrounded him, Chu Yang had already realized that the demon beasts  were targeting him from the beginning.

Not only that, but the demon beasts were smart enough to sneakily surround him and trap him before attacking!

The demon beasts were by no means dumb. Staying any longer inside the ancient city ruins would surely end up with him encountering the Core Formation Realm demon beasts once again.

At that point in time, Chu Yang doubted that they would let him escape again… But… If he left, he would give up his chance to gather more of the transparent stones!

Giving up on a chance to increase his strength was not something Chu Yang wanted to do!

“Yosh… Let’s do it like this then! I will first recover and absorb the transparent stones I gathered so far. After that, I will find a way to deal with the demon beasts!” Coming to a decision, Chu Yang sat down in a lotus position as he closed his eyes to start recovering from his injuries.

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