Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 594: Exotic Energy

Chapter 594: Exotic Energy

Having come to a decision, Chu Yang prepared himself for the inevitable pain that would come after the blob of weird energy inside his dantian once again began to devour his qi.


Frowning heavily as he barely managed to hold himself back from screaming out in pain this time around, Chu Yang picked up the book that he suspected held knowledge regarding the transparent stones and hopefully also a way to get out of his current dangerous situation.

Luckily for Chu Yang, his prediction of the book being related to the transparent stone was proven accurate the moment he opened the book and read over the first page of the book.

However, even if he had been accurate that the book was about the transparent stones he had found, he still needed to find a solution to his current situation!

“Demon beasts with cores made up of an exotic energy… Found in location where an ancient demon beast above the mortal realm perished…” Muttering this to himself as he rapidly read through the first few pages of the book, Chu Yang could not help frowning as many unfamiliar, yet familiar terms appeared in the book.

For example, the exotic energy was likely what the weird energy currently inside his dantian was called.

Another thing would be the ancient demon beast above the mortal realm… For some reason, Chu Yang had a feeling that the mortal realm referred to in the book was not the same mortal realm that he knew about.

When referring to someone still in the mortal realm, it was normally people without any cultivation, or in some cases those in the Qi Condensation Realm as well due to the fact that their lifespan was the same as normal people without any cultivation.

No matter how he thought about it, there was no way he could connect the death of a demon beast in the Qi Condensation Realm to the exotic energy currently trying to kill him by devouring his qi… If a Qi Condensation Realm demon beast had such abilities, it would be way too terrifying!

Shaking his head at the thought of such a scary Qi Condensation Realm demon beast, Chu Yang returned his attention back to the book as he rapidly turned the pages. Continuing his search for a way out of his current situation.

Other than information about the origin of the exotic energy that was current devouring his qi, the book also continained information on all sorts of different ancient demon beasts that Chu Yang had never heard about before.

However, even though he wanted to read more about the different demon beasts written about in the book, he had no time to do so at the moment, as he rapidly turned the pages while skimming over each of the pages in search of a way to deal with the growing blob of exotic energy inside his dantian.

“This! This should be it!” Exclaiming loudly filled with happiness, Chu Yang stopped turning the pages, as he came to a stop on one of the last pages of the book.

The page had a few large words boldly written on top of it-

“You stupidity absorbed the exotic energy, what to do.”

Reading the title of the chapter out loud, Chu Yang could not help smiling. This was just what he had been looking for!

Although the chapter title called him stupid, Chu Yang did not really care about this and was instead far more interested in finding a way to deal with blob of exotic energy inside his dantian.

“Stage 1, just absorbed the exotic energy… Stage 2, the exotic energy is refined and helps increase cultivation realm… Stage 3, exotic energy seeps out from core and forms a blob of exotic energy that absorbs the qi inside the dantian. Transforming it into exotic energy… Stage 4, all qi inside dantian has transformed, exotic energy start devouring vital energy and lifespan… Stage 5, death.

Discovery of exotic energy after stage 3 makes it close to impossible to expel. The help of a skilled alchemist familiar with exotic energy is required together with the assistance of someone in the Soul Ascension Realm to ensure that the soul does not collapse during the extraction of the exotic energy…”

Almost whispering this to himself as he read about what would happen to him after the exotic energy had finished absorbing his qi, Chu Yang could not help feeling a shiver run down his spine.

At least the exotic energy had yet to reach the fourth stage… If that really happened, he would most likely just have died on the stop. After all, where was he supposed to find a skilled alchemist familiar with exotic energy and a Soul Ascension Realm Expert…?

But… Even if it has yet to reach that state yet, it will happen if I don’t deal with it now!

Narrowing his eyes as this thought appeared, Chu Yang focused his attention on the different treatment methods for the third stage that he was currently in.

Different from the fourth stage that only stated a single solution, the third stage had dozens upon dozens of different ways to deal with it. The simplest of which was to get someone in the Domain Lord Realm to forcibly extract the exotic energy.

“However, there is no way I can get back to the sect in time and I also lost the communication talisman master gave me during my time in the Burning Mountain Range…” Shaking his head as he recalled how he had foolishly lost his communication talisman, Chu Yang focused his attention on some of the methods that would be doable with his own strength.

“Will this even work…?” Reading through the different methods doable with his own strength for the next few minutes, Chu Yang could not help smiling a bit awkwardly even under the pain brought to him by the exotic energy blob constantly devouring his qi.

The reason for this, was that the methods he could use to expel the exotic qi with his own strength. All required him to cripple his own cultivation to some degree… All of them expect one! Absorbing the exotic energy blob back into his golden core!

“Won’t I just die if I do something like this!?”

Feeling hesitant about doing something like this since he had already tried refining the energy blob once and had ended up in his current situation, Chu Yang was understandably not too intent on absorbing it back into his golden core.

After all, how would he know something like what happened today would not happen again? According to what was written in the book, even a tiny amount of exotic energy left behind would be enough for it to slowly built up and eventually cause one to enter the third stage!

In the first place, the reason why he had ended up in his current situation was because he had failed to properly refine the exotic energy. Allowing some of it to remain when he absorbed it into his golden core to break through to the Third Stage of the Core Formation Realm.

According to the book, the exotic energy could be a great help to increasing the strength of someone in the Core Formation Realm and allow them to reach the Nascent Soul Realm more smoothly in the future… But it had to be under the supervision of someone in the Domain Lord Realm or above, as only someone in that realm would be able to sense if the exotic energy had been properly refined.

Absorbing the exotic energy without the supervision of such an expert was a stupid endeavour and would be the same as asking for problems in the future.

Chu Yang fully understood this…

“But… Even if I fail to properly refine the exotic energy after absorbing it again, I should still be able to buy enough time to get back to the sect and have master help me! Other than absorbing the qi back into my golden core, Would be forced to use some of the more extreme methods that would end up crippling my cultivation… I don’t want to cripple my cultivation…” Feeling his hesitancy slowly disappear, Chu Yang finally came to a decision as he closed his eyes and sat down in a lotus position.


In the next moment, the blob of exotic energy inside his dantian suddenly began moving towards the centre of the dantian where Chu Yang’s bright red golden core was located.


Before the blob had any time to resist, it was crushed by the bright red golden core before being absorbed by the bright red golden core. Not having any time to escape.

As his golden core slowly began refining the blob of exotic energy, Chu Yang felt his unstable cultivation base stabilize. The qi reserves that had seemingly dried up also started filling up again.

Slowly, the strength that had left his body just moments ago was returning!

It was at this moment, the Devil Immortal Jade that had been floating around his dantian without doing anything from beginning to end-


Suddenly started moving!

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