Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 608: Future Sect Location, Throwing People Out~

Chapter 608: Future Sect Location, Throwing People Out~

Well, as long as they are not thinking about the Shattered Star Peaks…

Thinking this to himself as he turned his attention away from the explorers moving towards the location of the newly discovered ruins underground, Xuan Hao began making his way up the Ninth Star Peak.

On his way over, Xuan Hao had already decided on which on among the Star Peaks would be the place for him to set up the Qi Gathering Formation and allow the Flying Sword Sect to settle.

The mountains in question, were the Seventh and the Fourth Star Peak. According to his investigation of the Shattered Star Peaks back when he had visited all of the nine mountains of the Shattered Star Peaks, these two were the most suitable places to build the Flying Sword Sect.

Most of the other mountains had something that prevented them from being a good location to build. For example, the Fifth Star Peak had a giant lake on top of it, while the Sixth Star Peak was covered in holes all over.

Building a sect in such places would be far more difficult and would also take a far longer time compared to just building on top of a mostly empty mountain like the Seventh- and Fourth-Star Peak…

As for the Eighth Star Peak, while it was a decent location to build, the Half Spirit Race was already living there, and Xuan Hao really didn’t want to kick them out when he was already planning on having Elder Song help integrate them into the Flying Sword Sect in the future.


Moving towards the Seventh Star Peak first, Xuan Hao soon found himself hovering above the barren mountain peak before using his divine sense to peer into the depths of the mountain. Wanting to see if there might be anything dangerous hidden away inside the mountain.

“Looks like there is nothing outside a few caves at the base of the mountain…” Finding nothing out of the ordinary that would prevent the Flying Sword Sect from setting up their future sect location there, Xuan Hao moved on to the Fourth Star Peak and did the same thing there to make sure nothing dangerous was hidden away inside the mountain itself.

“Nothing here either, looks like both mountains are great places to start setting up the Flying Sword Sect on the Shattered Star Peaks.”

Luckily, both of the mountains were completely free from anything dangerous and were just boring mountains with nothing special to them outside the chaotic qi that was ever present on the Shattered Star Peaks.

“In the future, we will surely expand and cover the entire Shattered Star Peak… But that will be somewhere off in the future for when the sect grows bit enough and I solve the things on the Main and Second Star Peak!

For now, we will have to choose a place to start off… The Fourth Star Peak is nice a secure and makes it easy to expand towards the other Star Peaks in the future, but it’s quite far away from the entrance to the Shattered Star Peaks and I doubt the Qi Gathering Formation will be able to stretch all the way there from the Fourth Star Peak…” Muttering this to himself, Xuan Hao glanced towards the Seventh Star Peak.

Although it was closer to the entrance of the Shattered Star Peaks, the Seventh Star Peak was not only close to the entrance located at the base of the Ninth Star Peak, but it was also close to the Eighth Star Peak where the Half Spirit Race was located.

Given the strength of the Qi Gathering Formation was supported by a Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb, it should be able to isolate three mountains from the chaotic qi of the Shattered Star Peaks…

Thinking this, Xuan Hao decided to set up the Qi Gathering Formation on the Seventh Star Peak!

But for me to set up the Qi Gathering Formation, it would be best for there to not be anyone around on the Ninth Star Pea…

Glancing towards the lush forest on top of the Ninth Star Peak that had a few hundred people gathering spiritual herbs, Xuan Hao narrowed his eyes with a small smile. Having decided to throw these people out and make sure that no random people ran up the Ninth Star Peak in the future.

After all, if the Flying Sword Sect was going to move to the Shattered Star Peaks, it was obvious that the random people coming to the Shattered Star Peaks to gather spiritual herbs from the Ninth Star Peak would be thrown out!

The ones at the Third Star Peak were a little different, as Xuan Hao had already planned to make a special path for them at the other side of the Shattered Star Peaks.

Even though this path would be far harder to travel compared to the already established one, it should still be doable for someone in the Core Formation Realm. Maybe some stronger Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators would also be able to travel it, but that was it.

The weaker Foundation Establishment Realm and the Qi Condensation Realm cultivators would no longer have a way to enter the Shattered Star Peaks!

As for the ones at the Third Star Peak, Xuan Hao did not really worry about them, as they had mostly come to enter a life and death meditation in an attempt to breakthrough and increase their lifespan.

If some of them actually managed to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm, the Flying Sword Sect would be able to easily swoop in and recruit this new Nascent Soul Realm Expert!

In the first place, there was less of a chance for them to cause trouble, as the Third Star Peak was rather far away from the Seventh Star peak and travelling to the Seventh Star Peak from the Third Star Peak without a proper path was dangerous. Even for someone in the Core Formation Realm!

However, there would inevitably still be someone who would try to do this…

To deal with this, a simple sect protection formation similar to the one placed on the current location of the Flying Sword Sect would be essential to make sure no unfamiliar people could just randomly waltz into the sect!

After all, the Qi Gathering Formation only gathered qi from the surroundings and prevented the chaotic qi from entering… It did not have any defensive functions!

“I should deal with these people first.”

Arriving a few hundred meters above the lush forest of the Ninth Star Peak, Xuan Hao glanced down on the cultivators happily moving around the lush forest as they collected the different spiritual herbs that were in abundance inside the lush forest.



“W-what is happening!?”

“M-my spiritual herb! I just managed to find a Peak Mortal Grade Spiritual Herb!”

Waving his hand, Xuan Hao directly utilized his domain to pick up all of the people inside the lush forest.

“The Ninth Star Peak and the rest of the Shattered Star Peaks outside the Third Star Peak is closed from this day onward. Anyone who violates this and still enters the Shattered Star Peaks will be considered an enemy of the Flying Sword Sect!”




Ignoring the panicked voice of these cultivators, Xuan Hao sent all of them down the mountain after saying this.

As for the path leading to the Third Star Peak, he had already asked Shu Yao to deal with it for him while making his way to the Ninth Star Peak through his divine sense, as she was already present in the city at the base of the Ninth Star Peak.

With her strength at the Domain Lord Realm, she should be more than capable enough to make a path leading to the Third Star Peak!

Zu Fei who was also present in the city together with Shu Yao was also pulled into it, as she was instructed to spread the news of the new entrance to the Third Star Peak and at the same time close up the path leading up from the base of the Ninth Star Peak leading into the Shattered Star Peaks.

“With this, I should be able to start setting up the Qi Gathering Formation…” Muttering this to himself as he did a quick search with his divine sense for any people he might have missed still wandering around inside the Shattered Star Peaks, Xuan Hao quickly made his way to the Seventh Star Peak after making sure that there were no more people around.


Taking out all the things he had gathered for the Qi Gathering Formation, Xuan Hao quickly got to work setting up the formation.

Making sure to follow the method given by the system, as his current skill level when it came to formations was far too low to set up such a massive formation without any help.

The only reason why he could set up a high-level formation like the Qi Gathering Formation, was because it was a non-offensive formation that had no combat power and mainly drew its power from the treasures that it was set up using.

Even if he didn’t understand much when it came to formations, Xuan Hao still understood that passive formations were the easiest to set up, while offensive formations were the hardest. Protective formations falling somewhere in between.

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