Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 611: Chaotic Qi Formation

Chapter 611: Chaotic Qi Formation

Inspecting the situation inside his body thoroughly following all the things that had just taken place, Xuan Hao soon confirmed that the damage that had been caused by the terrifying qi from the system had truly all been repaired by the gentle blue light from the feather imprint between his eyebrows.

Not only that, but other than breaking through to the Eighth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm, Xuan Hao could also very clearly tell that the strength of his physical body had reached a brand-new realm following the gentle blue light not only healing but also helping strengthen his body.

If before his body could be considered to be slightly stronger than someone at the same realm as him. Now his physical body had reached the level where he could fight someone at the Domain Lord Realm with his physical body alone!

Such an improvement was not something Xuan Hao had expected, but he more than welcomed it.

However, at the same time, it also made him curious about whether or not he might be able to use the feather imprint again in the future to further strengthen his body.

“Hm? Ah! The Qi Gathering Formation!”

It was at this moment that Xuan Hao suddenly noticed the qi around him as he jumped up from the ground before looking around himself.

After having redeemed the reward from the system quest. Not only had it helped improve his strength and cultivation realm, but it had also upgraded the Qi Gathering Formation!

Although he couldn’t really pay attention to what was happening to the Qi Gathering Formation during the process of it being upgraded, he instantly noticed the stark difference in the formation from when he had closed his eyes to focus on the things taking place inside his body.

Not only did the core of the formation change appearance from a small flower to a small formation disc with a flower engraved into it-


Grabbing hold of the formation disc with the flower engraved into it, that was now the core of the Qi Gathering Formation, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a shiver run down his spine as he felt a terrifying power hidden away inside the small formation disc.

Not only had the core of the formation changed, but it had also grown far more powerful than before! 

At this point in time, Xuan Hao had no idea what grade the natural treasure making up the core of the Qi Gathering Formation belonged to… All he understood was that it should have reached a realm beyond that of the Transcendent Grade that the spiritual flower had once belonged to before the upgrade took place…

However, this was not all that had changed after the Qi Gathering Formation had been upgraded by the system, as through the formation disc, Xuan Hao quickly managed to understand the capabilities of the current Qi Gathering Formation.

If before it could only keep out the chaotic qi and turn refine it into usable qi. Now it could isolate the area inside it from the chaotic qi outside, while at the same time integrating the chaotic qi from the outside into a defensive and offensive formation!

Not only that, but the area covered by the Qi Gathering Formation also changed from what it had been before.

Holding the formation disc, Xuan Hao felt that he could make the current Qi Gathering Formation stretch out and cover the entire Shattered Star Peaks!

Even with that, there would be no stress at the formation as it could easily expand far beyond that as long as there was enough chaotic qi for it to sustain itself.

In a sense, it would not be fitting to call it a Qi Gathering Formation any longer, as gathering qi through refining the chaotic qi from the outside was only one of its functions.

“Hm… I will call it, the Chaotic Qi Formation…! I really lack creativity when it comes to naming things…” Muttering this to himself as he renamed the Qi Gathering Formation to the Chaotic Qi Formation, Xuan Hao shook his head as he had a feeling that he needed to work on naming things in the future.

If things really continued down this path, he feared that he would end up with an ultimate move called big sword slash of doom or something along that line in the future…

No, I can always let my disciples name things for me if something really comes up in the future!

Deciding not to think any longer about his naming sense, Xuan Hao injected a miniscule amount of qi into the formation disc with the flower engraved into it, as he quickly refined it and gained full control over the formation.

With just a thought, Xuan Hao felt that he could summon the formation disc that acted as the core and control panel of the formation, while at the same time, a single thought could make it disappear and fully integrate back into the Chaotic Qi Formation.


Activating the Chaotic Qi Formation, Xuan Hao could only stare in awe as he felt it rapidly expand in all direction before covering the entire Shattered Star Peak outside the Third Star Peak that he didn’t plan on doing anything with for now-


Well… Almost everything that he had planned to cover with the formation was covered, as he felt that the formation couldn’t cover the top of the Second Star Peak where a large number of rocks filled with the blue divine power were located.

The Main Peak of the Shattered Star Peaks was the same, as the formation couldn’t cover it completely either. The presence of the blue divine power preventing it from getting anywhere near the two mountain peaks…

“Looks like I will have to figure out how to deal with the divine power in the future if I want to the Flying Sword Sect to fully occupy the Shattered Star Peaks…” Muttering this to himself as he glanced towards the two mountain peaks that couldn’t be covered by the Chaotic Qi Formation, Xuan Hao decided to just seal the path to the two mountains instead.

Making sure that no one accidently happened to enter the two mountain peaks in the future, something that was possible, as the path leading up the two mountains would no longer have any chaotic qi blocking anyone in the future.

The sealing process was not really anything special, as it was just him using the defensive part of the Chaotic Qi Formation to form a defensive barrier all around the two mountain peaks. Even if they could still be accessed from above, entering this way also meant one would have to survive the chaotic qi outside the formation!

However, as long as he warned the Shu Yao and the rest of the other elders about not trying to enter the Second and Main Star Peak, everything should be fine…

Just in case, the barrier would stop any curious elders or disciples who happened to make their way up the Second and Main Star Peak.

After all, even at this point in time, Xuan Hao still hadn’t fully explored the Main Star Peak and didn’t know if there might be anything more dangerous than the formation and winged lion demon beast he encountered.

Exploring the Main Star Peak would definitely be something he would have to do in the future. Especially so considering the fact that he and his sect were going to move into the Shattered Star Peaks in the future.

Having some unknown danger lurking so close was definitely not something Xuan Hao felt great about, and it would also end up worrying him every time he left the sect for something in the future…

“Hm? If I can isolate the Main and Second Star Peak with the Chaotic Qi Formation, can’t I do the same with the Third Star Peak…?” Glancing towards the Third Star Peak in the distance, Xuan Hao still felt rather worried about the fact that someone might end up entering the formation from the Third Star Peak, as it had no way to prevent them from doing so.

However, this was no longer the case after the Qi Gathering Formation had been upgraded to the Chaotic Qi Formation!


Not waiting around, Xuan Hao used the formation disc to control the massive Chaotic Qi Formation, as it quickly began moving around the Third star peak before isolating the mountain peak from the rest of the Shattered Star Peaks.

Leaving behind only a small path leading down the mountain and out of the Shattered Star Peaks through the path that had just recently been created by Shu Yao.

If anyone tried making their way towards any of the other Star Peaks, they would quickly run into the defensive barrier formed by the Chaotic Qi Formation. Preventing them from moving any further.

With news of the Flying Sword Sect moving their sect to the Shattered Star Peaks, the cultivators moving around on the Third Star Peak would easily be able to understand the reason for why the barrier was there and shouldn’t think about trying to destroy it.

Even if there was someone trying to break the barrier, Xuan Hao would be more than happy to find out just how strong the offensive part of the Chaotic Qi Formation was…

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