Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 613: Zu Fei happened to accidently beat up a few people~

Chapter 613: Zu Fei happened to accidently beat up a few people~

As Feng Chen was making his way towards the Shattered Star Peaks, Xuan Hao had finished inspecting the Chaotic Qi Formation and made his way down the mountain to meet Shu Yao and Zu Fei.

According to what he knew, Shu Yao, Zu Fei and Feng Chen were the people who would be in charge of the construction of the new sect.

For this reason, Xuan Hao had decided to show all of them around and decide where to place the new main sect of the Flying Sword Sect. After all, now that the Chaotic Qi Formation covered everything on the Shattered Star Peaks outside the Third Star Peak, there was more than one location that the main sect could be built.

No matter where it was on the Shattered Star Peaks, Xuan Hao would leave it all in the hands of Shu Yao and the other two to decide.

After all, when it came to deciding where to place the new Flying Sword Sect, they should be more knowledgeable than him…

However, the Fourth Star Peak that was covered in a special kind of alpine vegetation and the Seventh Star Peak that was barren like the Third Star Peak were by far the best locations to build on.

The Fourth Star Peak had some vegetation and small trees that would surely begin growing rapidly flowing the pure qi coming from the Chaotic Qi Formation slowly covering the entire Shattered Star Peak.

The Seventh Star Peak on the other hand was completely barren like the Third Star Peak. The positive with the Seventh Star Peak was that it was closer to the official entrance of the Shattered Star Peaks, while the Fourth Star Peak was located a bit farther away.

Although this would not be a problem to anyone with a cultivation in the Foundation Establishment, it would surely end up becoming troublesome for the disciples below the Foundation Establishment Realm wanting to visit the city at the base of the Ninth Star Peak…

It should not be forgotten that even the smallest mountain, the Ninth Star Peak, already covered around three quarters of what the current sect of the Flying Sword Sect did!

The Seventh- and Fourth-Star Peak were both covering and area over two times the size of the current main sect of the Flying Sword Sect… And that was only considering the peak of the two mountains.

Shaking his head as he thought about this, Xuan Hao soon arrived at the base of the Ninth Star Peak where Shu Yao and Zu Fei were already waiting, Feng Chen had not arrived yet and would still take some time to reach the Shattered Star Peaks. After all, Feng Chen was not a Domain Lord and could at most use a flying demon beast to increase his travelling speed.

Standing at what had once been the place for anyone willing to part with a few spirit stones to enter the Shattered Star Peaks and make their way up the Ninth Star Peak, Shu Yao, and Zu Fei both sat down on a small bench located next to the path as they waited.

“Zu Fei, Shu Yao!”

“Elder Xuan! You finally showed up!”

Calling out to the two of them, Zu Fei was the first to respond as she jumped up from the bench before charging over.

“Elder Xuan, why did you let me deal with all the people you threw down from the Ninth Star Peak!? Even after they knew I was a Nascent Soul Realm Expert, they still dared to pester me about the Ninth Star Peak being for everyone.

Even after I gave them the spirit stones, they paid to enter the Shattered Star Peaks, they still complained and even wanted to fight me! Some unruly people even directly ignored me and began making their way back up the Ninth Star Peak even after I tried to stop them! Only after I beat up a few of them did they listen and disperse…”

“Ahm… My bad, I didn’t expect the people harvest spiritual herbs at the Ninth Star Peak to be so… Aggressive…”

Not knowing what to say as he heard Zu Fei explain how she had been attacked by a group of angry Qi Condensation Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators, Xuan Hao felt that it was rather surprising that Zu Fei had only beaten them up before letting them go-


Suddenly noticing something out of the corner of his eyes, Xuan Hao turned towards an open space located just next to the path leading up the Ninth Star Peak.

“What is-“


“Ahahaha, that is… Don’t worry about it, Elder Xuan. Are you going to show us the formation you set up to keep out the chaotic qi?” Noticing where Xuan Hao was looking, Zu Fei showed a slightly embarrassed expression as she jumped in front of Xuan Hao to block his view while saying this.


You do know what a divine sense is… Right? Doing this won’t stop me from seeing whatever is behind you…

Not knowing what to say upon seeing Zu Fei like this, Xuan Hao rolled his eyes before using his divine sense to see the open space behind Zu Fei.


However, as his divine sense swept over the open space behind Zu Fei, Xuan Hao could not help frowning.

“Did a massacre take place here?”

Wait… Is this perhaps the unruly people who wanted to go back up the Ninth Star Peak? Didn’t Zu Fei say she didn’t kill anyone…?

“Ah- It hurts!”

“W-why did this happen? My cultivation I cultivated for the past decade… All gone!”

“P-please end it…!”

“N-no more, I-I-I-I will listen, I won’t go up the mountain!”

It was only at this moment that Xuan Hao realized that none of the people laying on the ground all bloody were actually dead… Instead, it looked more like someone had violently beaten them, so they were at the brink of death, it didn’t look like they had been simply ‘beaten up’ like Zu Fei had said…

“Zu Fei…”

“I-I accidently hit them a bit too hard…”


How do you accidently hit them just hard to not kill them, but still enough for them to be bedridden for at least a few years…

Of all the people in the open space behind Zu Fei, most of them had been injured to the degree that they would need at least a few years to recover, while a small group of them had their cultivation directly crippled by Zu Fei. Not only that, but those people also had a certain part of their body destroyed.

For some reason, Xuan Hao had an idea what the reason for their circumstances being so much worse than the rest of the people was…

“Ah, looks like Feng Chen is here!”

Wanting to turn the conversation away from the bloody massacre she had created, Zu Fei suddenly pointed into the air where a flying demon beast had appeared with Feng Chen on top of it.


Knowing that the people beaten up by Zu Fei would not die and would only be bedridden for some time, Xuan Hao, and Shu Yao both turned to look towards Feng Chen approaching.

“Hm? What in the world happened down there…?” Sitting on a flying demon beast only a short distance away from where he could see Zu Fei, Shu Yao and Xuan Hao waiting for him, Feng Chen could not help frowning upon seeing the bloody massacre that seemed to have taken place just a short distance away from the three.


Wanting to know what had happened, Feng Chen quickly landed the flying demon beast before jumping off and letting it return to the Flying Sword Sect by itself.

“What happened here? Did someone perhaps launch an attack on out branch or something?”

“Never mind that, let’s get going!”

Brushing Feng Chen’s question aside almost instantly, Zu Fei grabbed hold of him before dragging him up the path leading towards the peak of the Ninth Star Peak. Not intending to say anything about how she was the one responsible for what had happened to the group of people squirming in pain just beside the path leading up the Ninth Star Peak.


Xuan Hao and Shu Yao didn’t say anything either, as both of them didn’t want to waste any time explaining how Zu Fei had beaten up a group of people that had wanted to go back up the Ninth Star Peak.


Knowing that nobody was going to explain the bloody situation next to the path leading up the Ninth Star Peak to him, Feng Chen just let out a sigh before looking away from the bloody situation below.

From the way Zu Fei acted, he had already guessed that she should be behind it… And given the fact Xuan Hao and Shu Yao didn’t say anything, he could guess that both of them already understood why those people had ended up like that.

As the group of four were making their way up the Ninth Star Peak, Shu Yao standing in the back together with Xuan Hao gently waved her hand towards the bloody group of people below.


The wave made by Shu Yao soon caused a gentle green light to engulf the bloody people below as they began recovering rapidly. Everyone excluding the few people who had their cultivation crippled and a certain body part similarly crippled by Zu Fei…

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