Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 633 Content of the Ancient Scroll...

Chapter 633 Content of the Ancient Scroll…

“Time to check out the Ancient Scroll…” Having left the Main Star Peak and come to a stop around the base of the mountain, Xuan Hao found a place to sit down before taking out the ancient scroll he had gotten from the small temple.

Opening the ancient scroll, Xuan Hao expected not to be able to understand anything that was written inside of it like the other ancient scroll and books he had gotten his hands on from the small temples around the ancient temple.

However, this was not the case, as the ancient scroll was not written in the same ancient language and was instead written in a language that seemed to be the fusion between the current language used across the Ewaria Continent and the ancient language that was used in the ancient texts, scrolls and books he had just managed to get his hands on.

“So, this is why that existence on top of the ancient temple didn’t want me to get my hands on this scroll…” Muttering this to himself as he understood why the existence on top of the ancient temple had tried so hard to prevent him from getting his hands on the ancient scroll, Xuan Hao could not help smiling to himself before starting to read through the ancient scroll.

In the end, the information inside the ancient scroll was not anything too important and was just an ancient letter written by an ancient powerhouse addressed to someone similarly powerful from the ancient temple.

The letter itself talked about a great calamity and was sent by someone asking for assistance. Unfortunately, it seemed like the letter had been damaged to some extent, causing both the name of the ancient temple and the one responsible for sending the letter to be unreadable.

The damage to the letter was not caused by the earlier attack that the letter in the shape of a scroll had to endure, but instead because of something different…

Even just holding the scroll in his hands, Xuan Hao could clearly feel the terrifying power of the person who had once written the scroll in his hands.

Having already tried probing the scroll with his strength, Xuan Hao understood that the remnant power alone left in the scroll was more than enough to fully resist his full strength without any problem!

The existence on top of the ancient temple also knew that there was no way to destroy the ancient scroll and therefore only tried taking it away before he noticed anything…

From this alone, it was obvious that the person who had written the scroll in front of him was far more powerful than the Domain Lord Realm… Maybe even some ancient powerhouse from the past that had surpassed the Soul Ascension Realm!

Thinking this, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a shiver run down his spine as he remembered the calamity mentioned by the person in the letter.

Given that an existence that had highly likely surpassed the Soul Ascension Realm had asked for assistance, it could easily be imagined just how terrifying this calamity was. Not to mention, for him to ask the ancient temple for assistance, it meant that the ancient temple likely also had someone who had surpassed the Soul Ascension Realm in the past.

Maybe all of this was even related to the reason why the Shattered Star Peaks had eneded up in their current situation!

Not thinking too long about this as his strength was far too low to try and find out about such things for now, Xuan Hao finished reading through the ancient scroll.

Although several parts of it were unreadable due to damage or due to the fact that it was far too close to the ancient language for him to understand, Xuan Hao could still read a majority of the letter without any problems.

Through it, he discovered that other than the calamity mentioned towards the start, the scroll also mentioned several unknown factions and sects Xuan Hao had never heard about before. All gathering together to defend against the calamity.

Nothing more of importance was left in the ancient scroll, as the rest was just a continues stream of words stating how important it was for the ancient temple to send help and how the ancient temple would not survive if the calamity was not stopped.

“Although all of this is rather useless to me at the moment… The fact that the scrolls language seems to be a fusion between the language of the current day and the one used in the past is extremely useful.

The reason why the existence on top of the ancient temple wanted to stop me is likely because it knows that it won’t take someone with my cultivation realm more than a few years of dedicated study to decipher and understand the ancient language with this ancient scroll as a reference point…”

Smiling to himself even after knowing that he would at least have to use a year or more to gain anything useful from the ancient scroll, Xuan Hao was not unhappy in the slightest, as he understood full well how useful it would be for him to understand the ancient language used in the past.

Be it for understand ancient texts when exploring ancient ruins and secret realms, the use of the learning the ancient language did not stop there!

Just imagining getting his hand on some ancient cultivation technique or powerful qi technique, yet not have the ability to understand it, was more than enough motivation for Xuan Hao when it came to learning the ancient language.

Not to mention, he really wanted to learn more about the ancient temple from the ancient books he had taken with him, as it was something related to the main quest from the system.

After reading the letter, Xuan Hao understood that entering the ancient temple might be far more dangerous than he first expected and learning more about the temple was something he had to do if he wanted to enter without having to worry about getting caught in a trap of some sort the moment, he stepped foot inside.

“Increasing my comprehension of the Dao of Space and learning the ancient language… Even if I’m fast, it should at least take me two years to do…” Muttering this to himself as he realized that he would not be able to complete the main quest for the next two years, Xuan Hao could not help looking up towards the Main Star Peak with a wry smile on his face.

Xuan Hao had hoped he would be able to complete the main quest faster than the last time around… But from the looks of it, it would take him even longer than before.

At least, by that point in time, both the Flying Sword Sect and the Spring Flower Sect should have finished moving into the Seventh Star Peak and have fully merged together into a single sect.

Not only that, but he his sect quest for increasing the strength of the sect should also be completed at that point in time as long as he helped Feng Chen break through to the Domain Lord Realm, as the winged lion was not counted as part of the sect and was instead only considered as his pet in the eyes of the system.

“Hah…” Shaking his head as he thought about the winged lion, Xuan Hao soon turned his attention back towards the ancient scroll before starting compare the current language of the present with the one used in the past.

At the same time Xuan Hao was doing his first ever attempt at trying to decipher the ancient language, a large group of elders had gathered together at the Seventh Star Peak as they were talking with each other.

“So… The name of the sect will be the Star Shattering Sect?”


The subject of these elders’ conversation was the new name of the sect!

“Why… Didn’t we decide on the Shattering Star Sect a few days ago… Why the sudden change!?”

“Elder Playing Ghost, we didn’t do this for no reason, it was just that a few of the elders thought that the name sounded a little weak…

Calling the sect, the Shattered Star Sect, is a bit like naming it the Broken Star Sect. Shattered gives the impression of a glass constitution. Fragile and prone to breakage.”

“Yeah, we just thought that it was more fitting and ended up deciding on it… Not to mention we almost kept it the name the same!”

“You guys…”

Feeling like he had been betrayed, Elder Playing Ghost looked around at the other elders with a feeling of disbelief.

He had been gone for a few days as he entered secluded cultivation to prepare for his breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Realm, yet these elders had gone and changed the name of the sect that they had decided on during his absence!

No matter what, Elder Playing Ghost felt his face darken when staring at these old fossils from both the Flying Sword Sect and the Spring Flower Sect.

“I will be entering secluded cultivation to enter the Nascent Soul Realm! Don’t bother looking for me in the future!”


Before any of the elders had a chance to say anything, Elder Playing Ghost headed back into his own courtyard before shutting the door tightly.

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