Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 638 New Home

Chapter 638 New Home

After returning back to his own pavilion and informing his disciples about moving to the Seventh Star Peak, a few weeks passed by before officially moving from the Flying Sword Sect to the Star Shattering Sect on top of the Seventh Star Peak.

“This… Is larger than I expected…”

However, upon arriving at the place where they were supposed to stay from now on, Xuan Hao could not help frowning upon discovering what could only be described as a small, yet majestic palace appeared in front of him.

Remembering how he had asked a few of the elders to help him get the construction done, while making sure to include a few things his disciples had requested for, like an alchemy room for Qing Yi or a room for forging artifacts in Bai Ning’s case, Xuan Hao did not know how to react after discovering that the elders of the sect had ended up making a palace for him instead of the small manor or pavilion he had expected for them to make…

“So majestic, this is where we will be living from now on?!”

“Such a large room for forging artifacts, it’s at least five times larger than the one I used at the Blacksmithing Hall before!”

“There is even a small garden for growing spiritual herbs…”

Compared to Xuan Hao who had no idea how to react after discovering that the elders had made a palace for him to stay in, his three disciples excitedly entered the palace before exploring the place together.

“To think I would be able to stay in a place like this, will I be able to keep this place clean by myself…?” Zhi Ruo who would also be living in the place was similarly shocked, but also showed a worried expression after realizing she would be the only servant present to make sure that the palace in front of her was kept clean.

Even if she had managed to increase her strength and break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm over the past year after she immersed herself in the art of tea brewing, it would still be hard for her to keep such a large place clean all by herself…

“In the future, feel free to recruit a few more servants if you need to.”

“Thank you, Elder Xuan!”

Seeing the worried expression on Zhi Ruo’s face after seeing the palace, Xuan Hao understood what she was thinking, as he allowed her to recruit more servants if needed, something Zhi Ruo happily accepted before she also entered the palace to explore her new home together with the rest of his disciples.


Seeing that everyone was excited about the palace that they would be staying in, Xuan Hao decided not to think about it too much, as he decided to similarly explore his new home together with his disciples and Zhi Ruo.

Not a long after having explored the small palace, Xuan Hao, his disciples and Zhi Ruo fully settled into their new home beside the lake that was only filled by a few centimeters at the centre of the Seventh Star Peak.

Following Xuan Hao settling into his new home together with his disciples, time slowly started passing.

On the outside, the Star Shattering Sect’s name began spreading among the kingdoms and powerful sects located close to what had once been the Heavenly Sky Kingdom.

The news of a sect with more than one Domain Lord Realm appearing was more than enough to scare all of these kingdoms and sects bordering the territory of the brand-new sect called the Star Shattering Sect.

All of them understood very clearly that a powerful sect like the Star Shattering Sect would start expanding at some point in the future after consolidating their strength. At that point in time, they would inevitably have to fight with the Star Shattering Sect if they wanted to keep the territory they controlled, something that was easier said than done in an area where a Domain Lord Realm Expert was considered an existence only spoken of in legends…

For this reason, the sects and kingdoms located close to the Star Shattering Sect decided to either take everything precious they had with them before escaping to a different area to rebuild in a place far away from the Star Shattering Sect.

The weaker sects and kingdoms that did not have confidence in doing something like this tried to join the Star Shattering Sect before they started expanding. After all, in the world that they were living in, it was not a bad thing to be under someone powerful. Especially if that someone was a powerful sect with more than one Domain Lord!

“Are you really sure that we should try and join the Star Shattering Sect? Even if they have more than one Domain Lord, our grand master is also close to breaking through to the Domain Lord Realm. At that point in time, even if the Star Shattering Sect wants to expand, they would still have to avoid us!”

“Hm… Indeed, we will wait and see if the grand master can break through before deciding. Not to mention, the strength of the Star Shattering Sect might be embellished!”

However, in the end, the Star Shattering Sect was far too unknown for the more powerful kingdoms and sects. Most of them only knowing about the Heavenly Sky Kingdom that had collapsed not too long ago and the fact that it had a few powerful sects under it.

Not to mention the fact that most of the kingdoms and sects had never even seen anyone from the Star Shattering Sect, it was obvious that they would not just concede their territory just because of a few rumours that it was a sect with more than a single Domain Lord in it.

Even if the rumours were true, most of these powerful kingdoms and sects already had elders who were Half a Step into the Domain Lord Realm.

After the news of the powerful Star Shattering Sect, all of these powerful elders had entered secluded cultivation to try and break through to the Domain Lord Realm.

As long as their elder managed to reach the Domain Lord Realm, they would not have to worry about the Star Shattering Sect. This was the thought passing through many of these powerful kingdoms, sects, and ancient family clans close to the Star Shattering Sect.

Of course, the Star Shattering Sect did not care about all the things that was taking place in the outside world at the moment, as something far more important had been taking place inside the Star Shattering Sect over the past few months following Xuan Hao and his disciple moving to the Seventh Star Peak.

The thing in question was… The integration of the Half Spirit Race into the sect!

A few months earlier, after Xuan Hao had informed Elder Song about the Half Spirit Race and his conversation with the Grand Elder of the Half Spirit Race about them joining the Star Shattering Sect, Elder Song had rushed towards the Shattered Star Peak to meet the Grand Elder of the Half Spirit Race and talk about this.

“This is the Eighth Star Peak…?”

Seeing the massive mountain towering above the clouds in the distance, Elder Song could not help marvelling at the sheer size of the mountains inside the Shattered Star Peaks. Each and every one of them were simply massive, like a territory the size of a small kingdom had been forcefully pulled from the ground by an all-powerful god.

The size of the Star Peaks was far beyond any mountain Elder Song had ever seen before in his life! Even if he had been to the Shattered Star Peaks before, he still felt the same amazement whenever he laid his eyes upon the massive mountains that made up the Shattered Star Peaks.

“The Half Spirit Race mentioned by Elder Xuan should be hidden inside a valley that is located inside the Eighth Star Peak. According to him, the entrance of the valley should be located at the top of the Eighth Star Peak…” Muttering this to himself, Elder Song could not help glancing up the Eighth Star Peak.

Although the Eighth Star Peak had its peak destroyed according to legend like the rest of the Star Peaks, even with his strength at the Nascent Soul Realm, Elder Song did still not manage to see the top of the mountain in front of him.

“Looks like this will be a long journey. At least the formation Elder Xuan set up removed the chaotic qi that would have prevented me from making this journey in the past… Hah… I have no idea if I should thank Elder Xuan or curse him for doing this…” Saying this to himself as he glanced up the mountain that seemingly pierced through the heavens above, Elder Song felt a bit regretful that he had not asked Elder Xuan to help get him up the mountain.

After all, Elder Xuan could just fly up the mountain, while he would still have to walk up the mountain… Even if he was a Nascent Soul Realm Expert, this would still take quite some time to accomplish…

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