Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 649: Chun Hua

Chapter 649: Chun Hua

“How interesting…” Watching the girl below acting like any normal First Stage Foundation Establishment Realm genius, Xuan Hao could not help smiling. Feeling even more curious about who the young girl was and where he had met her before.

At the same time, he also wondered what the reason was for such a talented young Nascent Soul Realm cultivator to risk her life and try to sneak into the Star Shattering Sect that was already acknowledged as a powerful sect with more than one Domain Lord Realm Expert watching over it.

“Could it perhaps be related to the Second Star Peak and the Main Star Peak…?” Remembering the blue divine energy present at these two mountain peaks along with the many mysteries he had yet to explore on the Main Star Peak, Xuan Hao could not help guessing that the girl might have gained some information on the things hidden on one of these two peaks.

However, with her talent, she should be able to reach the Domain Lord Realm without too much trouble. Risking her life for an opportunity before she had even reached the Domain Lord Realm seemed stupid in his point of view.

Then again, in the end, he had no idea if this was really the reason why she had decided to try and secretly enter the Star Shattering Sect.

At the same time Xuan Hao had found out about the fact that a Nascent Soul Realm Expert had somehow managed to sneak her way inside the disciple selection, the person in question was carefully making her way through the most dangerous demon beast forest. Displaying a strength at the First Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm and making sure not to make any mistakes when it came to fighting the demon beasts that showed up from time to time.

From start to finish, she displayed enough strength to be considered a genius at the Foundation Establishment Realm. However, the strength she displayed was far from enough to place her among the ones at the top of the assessment. Only barely allowing her to be placed between the top 10 and top 15 in the combat assessment.

Although this was still more than enough to catch the eye of the sect elders, it was still far out shadowed compared to the ones fighting for first place in the combat assessment!

The main reason behind this, was that the top five in the combat assessment had all at least reached the Third Stage of the Foundation Establishment and were all showing a strength that far exceeded their cultivation realm. Not something that someone barely displaying a cultivation at the First Stage of the Foundation Establishment with the strength to fight equally with a demon beast at the Second Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm could compare to.

“I didn’t expect so many people in the Nascent Soul Realm to watch this selection of new disciples… If not for my special constitution, I would have no way to hide my true cultivation realm from them!” Muttering this to herself as she continued hunting down different demon beasts, the girl who had disguised herself as someone in the First Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm to enter the Star Shattering Sect felt a shiver run down her spine.

If she revealed her true cultivation level, it was easy for her to imagine her fate with so many Nascent Soul Realm Expert around.

Not to mention the fact that the Star Shattering Sect was a sect with more than one Domain Lord Realm Expert watching over it!

But… If I want to enter that place, I will have to enter the Star Shattering Sect. After all, the formation set up around the Shattered Star Peaks is far too powerful for me to sneak inside. If the formation manages to see through my cover… Ah! Get yourself together Chun Hua! You can’t give up now that you are already here!

Thinking this to herself as she managed to kill of a demon beast in the Second Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm. The young girl hiding her true cultivation realm narrowed her eyes before making her way towards another demon beast in the distance. Not daring to show any abnormalities that might make the Nascent Soul Realm Experts watching the assessment through their divine sense pay more attention to her.

“Hah…. Hah… Finally, it ended…” Leaving the demon beast forest after the time limit was up, Chun Hua made sure that she gave of the impression of someone who had been fighting on the brink of collapse for the three hours that the first part of the combat assessment lasted.


To make it even more believable, she even made sure to lay down on the ground to recover her ‘exhausted’ energy reserves.


As Chun Hua laid on the ground while pretending to be focused on recovering from the fierce battles she had just gone through. More and more young people showed up from the demon beast forest behind.

Given that it was the strongest demon beast forest among the three. Only people at the Peak of the Qi Condensation Realm close to reaching the Foundation Establishment Realm and those who had already reached the Foundation Establishment Realm were there. For this reason, the number of people who came out of the demon beast forest ended up being no more than some fifty odd people.

“Ah! I actually managed to make it through without dying!”

“Haha! Dying? I’m sure the elders of the Star Shattering Sect were watching over us during the test to make sure something like that didn’t happen!”

“Are you sure about that? I got cut up by a fierce demon beast and almost lost both my legs!”

“Wow… This must have hurt a lot…”

“Of course, it did! My leg is only barely hanging in there at this point in time! I have no idea how I will participate in the next part of the combat assessment like this! Ah! For a Foundation Establishment Realm genius like me to get eliminated like this! What a tragedy!”

Listening to the young people similarly collapsing on the ground after leaving the demon beast forest before starting to talk with each other about what they had experienced, Chun Hua could not help rolling her eyes upon hearing one of the participants start complaining loudly about what she could only describe as a few bloody scratches on one of his legs.

It was rather obvious that this young man had never experienced a true life and death battle in his life. Even if he had already reached the Third Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm, Chun Hua had a feeling that someone like him would not be able to accomplish much in the future…


As most of the participants were busy talking with each other and recovering from their earlier battles, a tall elderly man dressed in a robe with the symbol of the Star Shattering Sect etched into it, showed up.

“It’s great to see that all of you managed to pass the first part of the combat assessment! Now, follow me and we will head towards the place where the second part of the combat assessment will take place!”

Not giving the young participants any time to respond to what he said, the elderly man started leaving, it was clear that he wouldn’t wait for them to recover…

This man… He is at the Nascent Soul Realm!

Instantly seeing through the elderly man’s strength, Chun Hua could not help becoming even more cautious. The only elders that had guided her and the other participants so far, were at the Peak of the Core Formation Realm.

Now, a Nascent Soul Realm Expert was the one guiding them!

Even if she knew how good she was at hiding herself, Chun Hua could not help feeling nervous being so close to someone at the same realm as herself.

The reason for this, was that it was far harder to hide herself when she was so close. Not to mention, her cultivation realm was not a major above the other party. Making it far harder for her to hide herself!

Hm? The aura of this elder is rather unstable… Perhaps… Someone who just recently broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm!?

Slowly calming herself down as she and the other participants followed behind the tall elder from the Star Shattering Sect, Chun Hua managed to notice that the elder guiding them had a somewhat unstable aura. Indicating that the elder had only just broken through to the First Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

At least the elder is only someone who just recently broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm. If it was someone above the Third Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, I might not have been able to hide myself in such close proximity!

Thinking this to herself as she secretly let out a sigh of relief after realizing that the elder guiding her and the other participants was only someone what had just recently reached the Nascent Soul Realm, Chun Hua felt a wave of relief wash over her, as she followed behind the elder with the rest of the participants without any worry.

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